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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Bad Ovary?

    Everything Goldisheavy said especially sunlight (vitamin D), and: It sounds like you've got PCOS. PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) can be complicated, and there are many different reasons for it... Are you overwheight? Losing hair? Do you have trouble having a period? Acne? Excess facial hair? Easy muscle gain? Usually though it comes down to some kind of combination of insulin resistance, hormonal imbalance, and maybe hypoglycemia. There are thousands of others. Insulin resistance can be combated with cinnamon (1-2 grams daily), and then getting your hormones in balance with something like dong quai, Chasteberry, Peony, VITAMIN C (can surprisingly cure a lot with more vitamin c as it increases iron uptake, which is part of the problem of hypoglycemia). John
  2. Stillness-Movement Neigong Review

    Where is the next workshop?
  3. Stillness-Movement Neigong Review

    This resonates so strongly with me. Here to make a difference. And in dieing, proud that I have lived well, worked hard, and done my best. John
  4. Master Yang

  5. This 6.66 dimension... I would like to go there.
  6. Master Yang

  7. Stillness-Movement Neigong Review

    Awesome review. More points to me getting up there and taking a seminar. John
  8. Gynecomastia

    DHT cream is extremely helpful. You can get it here: DHT is converted from testosterone to dht, and is the hormone that makes you masculine. IE dick growth, hair on your chest and back, balding, etc. Qigong will help regardless though. And of course cutting fat, working out, etc.
  9. How do you approach the Tao Te Ching...?

    Experience it through practice... Hate dogma, and those that study to be 'superior'. John
  10. Master Yang

    This guy sounds like the real deal... Reminds me of John Chang style stuff. John
  11. Master Yang

    Woa. Paranoid much? I see no info on a franchise. Sounds awesome to me... and I'd love to learn more about this. John
  12. She wants me to cum

    When you c*m, you're giving her too much's weird to say but that's how it is. Too much love She needs to learn to get used to this formality. There's sex, but just no ejac. I've been having sex with my wife for 4 years, without ejac, and it's...awesome. it's just completely natural, there's never an awkward moment... No such thing as too much love. Only barriers and insecurities getting in the way of love. Which are formalities. But you can love and not cum. John
  13. Master Yang

    No experience, but sounds cool. He seems so happy. John
  14. Financial Enlightenment? - this guys site is great. Simple, not quick fix, but helps to challenge your beliefs and ideas that hold you back. John
  15. Spirtual Neigong Systems

    Lomax also speaks to authentic lineages in his book before the qigong calisthenic explosion. One being Chun yi lin's teacher. I've heard starjumpers's lineage is authentic too - John
  16. Permission,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=711da0863f755a&biw=1280&bih=845 There has been a lot written on this actually.
  17. Michael Lomax

    Great story. And if there is a seminar in Hilton Head, I would definitely go. I live in Charleston, SC. John
  18. Looking for guidance in a difficult space

    A quote comes to mind that... you know how enlightened you are based on how your relations with your family are.. or something like that. The point being that in the world there is more work to be done, while if your away from it it is easy... because there are no triggers, no psych to dig through, no boundaries to examine within yourself. I think all this stuff is just more opportunity for you to get clear and dig deeper within yourself. Good luck man. John
  19. Kunlun Neigong Roundup

    I learned yi gong from the kunlun book, but it is definitely my mainstay practice. I never went to a seminar with Max, nor will I ever. I only practice the yi gong. In that respect though, it's been very powerful for me, and I've moved into deeper and deeper awareness about conciousness, connection with self, and just in general developed a ton of awareness. Like that the thoughts are just a by product of the emotion, let go of the emotion, and the questions and issues clear. That all suffering is by choice. To be more present at all times. That knowledge is great, but doesn't matter so much as your connection to your self, like it's just something to placate your self so you feel comfy in doing what your about to, wisdom being the key, etc etc. And when I hold it my eyes naturally look to that inner spot in the mind or whatever... the pineal gland I guess. Like all those things the meditators talk about I've come to through the practice of it. It seems like vipasssana super powered. Regardless, if I'm hurting emotionally, or hung up about stuff emotionally, I practice and it clears up. I like it a lot. John
  20. Qi and charisma

    I know that when I get stuck in situations like that... it's usually that I have a lesson to learn. Once I learn and accept where I'm at(ie, stop resisting) I start to enjoy where I'm at, or I make a change that has me enjoy it. Afterwards though everyone wants to be around me and the like... because people want to be around people that are happy.. it feels good. Ie, once you are happy alone and living your OWN life then you can be happy adding others and with others. But not until. Everybody else is bonus... John
  21. Qi and charisma

    You can get a shaktipat from shakti mama, or Vajrisatva, or the KAP courses are good too. And Phore gives shaktipats for donations. And he's from the KAP group. I've received one from him. Quite literally had one from him, and my girlfriend got upset because girls would hit on me and not talk to her . She's my love though, so had to do some soothing. ...not that you should be getting shaktipats so people will want to be around you haha. But interesting nonetheless. I've been doing ZZ for about 2 years or so now, and when I first started I would practice, and at times suddenly feel exhausted. Like drop down take a nap exhausted. It seems to me that I was healing when that happened(chakras/organs?). I would wake up and feel great afterwards. I generally did it around the heart, belly, and then the outward facing one at eye level. When I do it around the belly I usually become really creative, and get lower dantien sensations and bliss. I would also just jump straight into holding the ball and go for an hour. Sometimes while watching a movie or something. John