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Posts posted by JohnC

  1. On 6/6/2023 at 7:53 AM, Iri said:

    Hi all,

    I wonder if SFQ Small Universe meditation is compatible to practice along the other qigong styles (particularly Pangu)? Active exercises of SFQ don't quite resonate, so I wouldn't consider sticking to SFQ alone.


    Master Lin would likely recommend that you dedicate yourself to a lineage and teacher rather than mix and match, because you are developing according to the intent of the lineage and mixing can delay your growth because the different development intentions don't always align.


    Once you have developed far enough, you can pick whatever you have a lot more flexibility in practice, but till then to maximize your growth pick one.

    • Like 2

  2. On 7/17/2022 at 8:03 PM, Nuralshamal said:

    The main difference in teaching style is that Master Wu is always focusing on the lower dan tien. He never really mentions the middle or upper dan tien, only if pressed in a theoretical Q&A session, but never in practice. However, master Zhang mentioned the third eye and upper dan tien from the very beginning, and we used it in our very first meditation. That is definitely a striking difference!


    I've generally heard that norther schools focus on the upper dantien, and southern lower, although don't have anything to support that.


    It does seem like spiritual schools focus quickly on the upper dantien, examples being Yan Xin, Chun Yi Lin, Yuan Ming Zhang.

    • Like 1

  3. On 7/14/2022 at 8:31 PM, Nuralshamal said:

    1) can you either prove or disprove the idea that both Master Wu and Chunyi Lin copied Yuanming Zhang? Or share some stories related to these reports.


    Master Lin was trained by Master Zhang. He has talked about it in his book, and in some of his videos.


    I'd be surprised to hear any copying or plagiarism, as the karmic impact would be dire.


    Master Zhang seems to me to be a VERY qualified master.

    • Like 1

  4. I'm surprised to hear you all have had little to no effect with Zhineng.

    I had some very powerful effects and found it to be an amazing and high quality practice.


    It was the first qigong I've ever practiced and had some blockage openings and very strong qi sensations practicing.

    Was one of the first eye opening experiences that all this was very cool.


    Speculatively, it seems like they lean on the group to strengthen the qi field to support results.


    On 6/10/2021 at 10:56 AM, Vajra Fist said:

    * spring forest is also something I've done on and off over the years. While there's a lot of qi sensation in the hands through the active exercises, the core of the system is really the small universe guided meditation. This is a really visualisation-dependant qigong, which to me at least is mentally exhausting. I also found while it develops qi, the mental work makes it too stagnant to circulate.

    It was visually difficult for me at the beginning as well, and as well felt mentally exhausting.
    As I've developed in the practice, it is now energizing.... and feels great.



    Hope you all find practices that align with and are effective for you.


    • Like 2

  5. On 5/13/2021 at 5:33 PM, Vajra Fist said:


    I wouldn't advise children to practice any sort of qigong. Their energy systems are still developing. 


    To share a different opinion, Master Lin of SFQG says qigong is great for kids, and because they are young and still developing. Also if they have accumulated any blockages they work them out very quickly.

    He also said, they tend to develop very quickly because of those points as well.

  6. On 3/24/2021 at 8:00 AM, Iliketurtles said:

    It has been my experience that serious seekers usually remain silent and lurk to avoid conflict with the most egoic and vocal members of the community that want to control the narrative on every topic. 


    Look dude, if you want input you are going to have to ask your questions, and hope you get some quality answers.


    There are serious seekers here, but they are only going to waste their time so much with someone who wants them to jump through your hoop.

  7. 17 hours ago, dmattwads said:

    This seems to be a lot more involved than what I learned in Dr. Yang's book. In his book you just focus on the Dan Tien and breathe. If I do this a while I usually feel tingling in the area. I didn't realize there was more involved.

      Developing the Dan Tien has a stabilizing effect on the emotions doesn't it?

    It is both.


    Complicated and not.


    Some lineages are VERY specific in the things they do and the steps for progress.

    While I've been a part of a lineage, that you kick off the practice and let things go and it takes care of everything.


    I think the lineage, and practice matter more.

    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, apdo said:

    My mind 🤯🤯 so what I should do there is no teacher around as I said and that seemed best thing method of viod I thought it was only method and legit one from old times and got a bit upgrade now I find out again there is deferent stuff vvvvv

    My recommendations for you:

    • Nathan Brine
    • Damo Mitchell
    • Chun Yi lin


    All are online, although at some point you will want to visit them.


    What is it that you think restoring yuan qi will get you?


    I would most recommend that you find a lineage because restoring yuan qi and other things will be taken care of as you progress in a long lineage.


    Good luck.

    • Like 1

  9. 1 hour ago, Master Logray said:


    He is talking about learning, not getting distance healing. 

    I'm talking about learning.


    99% of the lineages I've listed provide distance learning. I've had personal experience of dream training with some of them.


    As you develop, devote yourself and tune into the master and lineage you will receive the transmission of the lineage if it is quality.


    At some point you will want to see them in person, and a lot(maybe all) can be done at a distance.

    I say maybe, because the internet and telecommunication is a recent invention, and a lot of the masters are experimenting with what they can do over distance, that was traditionally an in person only affair.

  10. 36 minutes ago, Master Logray said:

    If human Sifu is required, instead of online courses, there is usually not many to choose from, taking into account the distance, affordability, timing etc.   It is better to provide the names of those Sifu/lineages and asks for opinion from the internet, not the other way round.

    For a high quality lineage they can transmit from afar.

    You don't need to be in person, although it can help.


    For more martial lineages, being in person is more valuable as they can physically manipulate you.

  11. 50 minutes ago, arthur said:

    Thanks for the list. Did you forget to include Mo pai or was it intentionally left out.

    I would never include mo pai as a lineage to practice, for new comers or otherwise.


    It is a closed school to westerners and I've heard of more people having issues practicing, or attempting to practice that lineage than all the other lineages combined.


    The results of mopai seem to be very specific, and most of what people are looking for are available in other lineages. Not to mention that the physical requirements are far beyond most people.


    For the vast vast majority of students, I recommend reaching a degree of proficiency in an open ended lineage like SFQG, where you can then go on and train in a lineage you feel drawn to, with capacity to understand deeper layers.


    Ultimately, I have a high respect for the lineage, and they've asked to be left alone.

    • Like 2

  12. What is interesting for me, is that I find a tremendous amount of overlap the deeper I get in these respective lineages.

    Emei Qigong from the Emei mountains is also called Linji(rinzai) Emei Qigong, and is a system of Chan qigong.



    Emei Qigong is an original and comprehensive system of Chan (Zen) Qigong practiced for the purpose of generating vital energy and attaining higher levels of mental and spiritual clarity. Emei teaches you how to easily and safely build your Qi reserves without taking Qi from other living things or the universe.


    I'm not sure about the differences of the end goal, but the accomplishment along the way seems very similar, although their Chan orientation seems to hold a high preference towards heart cleansing.

  13. What I would recommend is that you get clear on what you are looking for, then pick a lineage that provides that. Whether that is healing, spiritual development, martial skill, etc.


    Building a ldt, and then clearing channels, is a developmental component for almost all lineages. The question to steer you from me would be, what then?


    You can tell the results of a lineage by looking at the senior students, and what they have accomplished, as well as the teacher.


    Not all lineages are for everyone! Ideally explore each one for at least a month, then move on if you want to.

    And have fun!


    Quality medical/spiritual lineages that I am familiar with:

    NeiDan lineage:

    Lineages I know of (but don't know well):

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 3

  14. 15 hours ago, Scholar said:

    I dont care about englithment or anything like that, I seek power and dominance over those around me. Im gonna get every single secret of the most powerful daoist practices so I can get near my goal of power. Im summoning all daoist masters to teach me this art so I can flourish over my enemies and destroy(physically and/or mentally) those who DARE to oppose me. 


    Ps: I cant pay so teach me for free. Thanks


    You can do it!

  15. On 12/12/2020 at 6:47 AM, freeform said:

    And I can tell you that the MCO is not nearly as simple as Chunyi Lin presents it either... But think of these as your first ever physics lesson - it's presented simply for a reason.

    I agree that your understanding does unfold as you develop in capacity and capability.


    I'm also saying that the practice he is presenting is the one that he practices. Which is what he says, and continues to reiterate when people come to him and ask for the secret hidden practices.


    There are additional supplementary practices, to bring in different energies of planets and such, but those are introduced as you are ready and need them. And you should always go back to the core practice.


    The practice he teaches publicly, is the core and engine of the lineage.

    No hiding.

  16. 1 hour ago, Taomeow said:

    2021, Yin Metal year. 


    Compared to the heavy, bulky Yang Metal of the Heavenly Stem of 2020 that put an oppressive, immobilizing weight over Earth, 2021 is going to operate in a more insidious manner.


    Yin Metal is associated with metal things that are fine and elegant -- like jewelry.  Things that are designed for appearances and meant to look delicate, finely crafted, and precious.   On a deeper level, at the heart of it, Yin Metal is cold and cruel, sneaky and brutal, hidden and deadly -- like a dagger.


    The year of the needle.


    Could you say more on this?

    It sounds negative, but could it be positive as well?


    Whatever thrust was happening of 2020, 2021 will cause it to be focused in impact?