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Posts posted by tumoessence

  1. On 5/13/2013 at 3:01 PM, stefos said:

    Thank you sir...I assume...for your insights.


    Dr. Steiner, to me, spoke out of his experience which was real, not imagined.


    I'm not saying he was infallible but I deeply believe that he spoke the truth. I don't detect/perceive any nonsense with him.


    I've never heard ANYTHING bad about him either....anywhere. THIS is rare indeed.




    I really like Steiner. It is more a question of how to digest his info in a healthy manner and not turn it simply into another belief system unless you're content with being a believer. Also look deeply into the history of his movement and what happened after he died. Again I really respect his work, but those closest to him may not served his cause very well. I plan on reading selected of his written works quite a few times more than once, and work with it. I will be happy with that.


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  2. Master Han whose father was one of Wang Xiangzhai most long standing students (sorry pun intended) has also come to the insight that people need more movement and rather than stressing holding postures for long stretches puts emphasis on being able to stand holding the body's "natural state".  That if you stand while not being in the natural state it doesn't do much good.  The natural state is one of condensing and combing the upper and lower body into the dan tien area while also being aware and expanded from the center to the fingers.  It may be that someone can hold that state only for a few minutes so then one moves to the next of the eight postures and hold the state there and so on also trying to hold it in the movement. Having touched hands with Master Han and some of his advanced students I can attest to their very skilled level in expressing jin.

  3. Having recently turned sixty I can say that I feel healthy and energetic as I did in my thirties.  My hip joints are a little more sore but all in all I am happier and like OP suggests have spiritual thoughts more naturally.  I notice internal energy as energy free from the obsessions of youth.  I feel more complete in myself.  I am winding up of raising some kids.  I have been meditating since the age of 16 and tai chi and qi gong since 25. In spite of 30 years of construction work I am still feeling good.

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  4. <p>Much of my inspiration for the path that I take comes from seeing the beauty of Sacred geometry.  I use the word inspiration in the sense that it really gives me energy for practice after the fact.  However there is a dimension (excuse the the pun) of mathematics that exhilarates me and now I distinguish it from inspiration in a different way than traditional sacred geometry.  It is things like Pascals theorem and the work of Paul Lockhart that really have me excited these days.  I find the engagement with the specific topics in this approach are for me very much like meditative absorption. </p>

    <p><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal%27s_theorem">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal%27s_theorem</a></p>

    <p>Actually the part that I really like is more clearly explained here</p>

    <p><a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PascalsTheorem.html">http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PascalsTheorem.html</a></p>

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  5. You can use Homeopathic remedies which are often made of poisonous substances to give you the same effect. They call forth effects analogous to the poison but in a way that fosters your growth.  Takes some research to know which ones suit you and the strength that will work for you.

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  6. Cheya,

    After touching in with Niwan do you go down to the LDT then feet,back to LDT, up the back, then back to Niwan before going to the hands the first time?  Maybe spend more time on LDT on each leg of the round trip before going up to Niwan and hands.  Do you do standing Peng practice?  That's a kicker and also the new Taichi/ ai ki practice as shown in his video.  

    I find that my Niwan sensitivity really likes the slower surging pulse feeling and at some point takes on a slow blissful pulsing radiation on its own. I think lava lamp when I get the feel of it really well.

    I think the nine points aren't so important to focus on.  The Niwan is kind of a master point ruling them all. Just as the pituitary is a master gland balancing and activating the glandular system.   

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  7. I would say he is cooperating in that the one receiving the force is maintaining their frame so that the result of the energy applied can be seen for the sake of demonstration.  This would correlate I would think to those moments in a real situation where a skilled person would cause the attacker to lock into a frame for a brief moment to then execute internal power. Or if they're less of a skilled fighter they will always be in a frame into which internal power can work.

    Jinlian Pai why do you assume that internal power is always distance power?  Surely there are stages of internal power where touch is essential eventually leading up to distance power.  

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  8. having touched hands with Mr Han in an informal class on the martial aspect of this approach was beyond my expectations.  they have a very clear way of presenting the curriculum of the school through touching and testing movements and postures.

    He will be here through July but no schedule as of yet. 

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  9. Master Han is coming to Northern California in June and offering sessions in Yi Quan.  He will be here for three weeks.  I will post details as I receive them.  I have been working out with them for a couple of months and find the curriculum to be really great and the detail and style of teaching to be really clear and immediately applicable.  Classes are small and the instruction involves a lot of touching hands with the teacher so that everyone really gets it. 

  10. Well shoot.  I took a quick read and don't feel too qualified to share the goods accurately. But let's see. It's a very pithy book and gives background into the brain as the largest sexual organ, but for me the main focus is in using the breath or I should say how the breath's movements can target different areas of the lower dan tien or "earth center" to awaken an energetic erotic feel.  Starting with the abdominal breath that we all know and love, that pressure is directed to different parts of the lower abdomen to sensitize and awaken the energetic feeling. All this is brought to fruition in awakening the sacred spot and developing a calm seas orgasm or valley type of orgasm.  Then many details are given as to different circulations in the body to unlock the body's higher energetic potential.   I really am convinced of the healing potential of this type of work and as a way to create a foundation for higher energetic, spiritual practice. Not that it's necessarily directly related, but  I think when I can feel deep in my being that OK I got this, my sexual longing is completely fulfilled within myself, then I can be much more relaxed in my relationships and can simply let go to a greater extent to focus on whatever practices I seek to master.  

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  11. So to order from feedaread you need to create an account to get to a payment method page.  I did that I have since received the book which I think is really good.  It has had some techniques in it which are non visualization based which  I have intuited in the past and had incredible experiences with. But the book explains many more details to ones I intuited.  I think there is a lot of potential in this practice which goes beyond the hook that the word orgasm can create. I look forward to any material that might come out from this author.  (disclaimer) I have no connection to the author of the OP or of the book or to their school.

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