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Everything posted by coyote

  1. Why Taoism is different

    I think the first concept of Daoism is Yin and Yang, understood within the context of an original unity. The I Ching elaborates on Yin and Yang and the Lao Tze and others talk about this. Jing-qi-shen are derived from yin and yang and involve the path from the worldly splitting of unity into yin and yang traveling back to the original unity. To understand yin and yang one has to contrast that with the idea of good and evil. Daoism sees duality in relatedness with tension and relative harmony, whereas good and evil is separateness at war. Daoism is iabout duality while good and evil is a dichotomy. Duality is relatedness with each side defining each other in contrast with autonomy and respect remaining. Dichotomy is separation with each with each side being defined by itself categorically, essentially, and absolutely. You will immediately see the problem with dichotomies if you have read any modern philosophy, literary criticism or social science critiques. The differences between duality and dichotomy have been described in books contrast east and west like Nisbett's Geographies of Thought that is about the more relational view of the world in the east. Nonaka's book on the Knowledge Creating Company (about business) is also about philosophy. He identifies the problems in organizations in the west come from the dichotomies of nature-humanity, mind-mody, self-other. In my own work as a sociologist i have explained the difference between paradigms based on dichtomies versus contextual reasoning. Dichotomies are defined by assumptions of universal reality, objective truth, rationalist deduction from the mind alone, and fragmented empiricism in which details are handled in a very narrow way. Contextual reasoning uses synthesis to create a systmes theory, iteration to put ideas into practice, interpretation to consider multiple points of view and reflect on one's on bias, and recombination to create new ideas from existing ones drawing on everything that exists as the vast abundrance of the universe. My model of contextual reasoning is consistant with Daoism in all of its manifestation. Daoism is a systems theory because it looks at the connections between all things. The chi meridains are a great example of systems theory. Daoism is also unique in the way it puts general ideas into practice in meticulous detail. Daoism acknowledges that there are different points of view that may have something to contribute, and that contending from one point of view alone is futile, not just beause of the ego attachment, but because things can be seen a different way. Recombination of existing things as source of transformation recognizes looking inside the person for transformation, of balancing and transforming energy, rather than attacking evil things that are assumed to come from the outside (eg germs) which are then attacked from the outside (eg, doctors using drugs. The original concept of duality in Daoism can be used as a foundation for contextual reasoning and systems thinging. Nisbett has argued that this relational way of thinking that is stronger in Asia is more compatible with scientific reasoning. One has to consider something in context to observe its effects and causes. I see dichotomies creeping back into spiritual thinking all the time so it is important to make the basic contrast with Daoism.
  2. Posture improvement

    I am looking for ways to improve my posture. I have some limited range of motion and pain so i can't jump into a regular yoga class. I just leared about Dao Yin for posture and looked it up threads on here. I am also trying something called Reposturing which is stretching adapted from yoga were the therapist stretches you out more than you can yourself and then you go home to stretch on your own. I am in the san francisco bay area.
  3. Posture improvement

    Hi Smile, I can't find a product called Freedom by Degree. Do you mean Flow Fit? Coyote
  4. Posture improvement

    I have the ZHealth intro and R level (1st) dvd and have seen a coach. This is for people with serious problems and it works great to reduce pain and give a deep level of well-being as it reconditions the nervous system away from fear based permanent stress mobilization. However, you have to be careful not to over-do it, and of course, i did and am in pain again and have to cut back and get some passive physical therapies. I also got Sonnen's Ageless Mobility: Pain-Free Wellness for Longevity dvd because it seemed to be the simplest intro to what i think is basically Intuflow, i don't know because no one explained any of this to me. It is very advanced and not for people with serious pain and mobility problems. I still haven't found a got non-toxic pain relief medicine. German pancreatic enzyme, forgot the name, have talc which is aluminum. Traumeel has pertroleum. Others have parabens, gababens, known to cause cancer. Biofreeze: chemical soup. All of these work. Anrica is not so good. Also Tropicana or something like that is not that good.
  5. Posture improvement

    I learned that ZHealth has a way to balance and expand the cranium, which is very important for neurological balance everywhere in the body. It is taught to level 4 practitioners and i am going to experience next week if all goes well. They also work with the visual system. My pt told a story of a client of his, a high school track runner who dropped his 3/4 mile time suddenly by 90 seconds and broke the school record. That's like going from a 6:30 mile to 4:30, from being a complete non-contender to being a star. The kid had done the beginning R-phase for 9 months on his own and then after 2 one on one sessions in a week he dropped his time. It was a visual exercise that did it, after laying some important ground-work. Sonnen seems to have two beginer dvds: IntuFlow and Ageless Mobility, which is half the price.
  6. Posture improvement

    I can't find a website for Scott Sonnen and i am confused by all the programs he has with different names. I found books and dvd's on amazon. I had a session with an advanced ZHealth trainer today and it was great. He is into dragondoor and kettle ball, too. But ZHealth is physical therapy for people ranging from the worst cases of pain and immobility to athletes.
  7. Posture improvement

    Thanks Smile. I have their intro dvd and the thoracic opener was really nice, it opened my chest and i don' t know how it did that. I like their systems approach that makes all the connections through movement: a problem in the foot could cause pain in the back, etc. What dvd's and levels have you done? I am considering seeing a therapist in my area.
  8. Posture improvement

    I forgot my favorite part: Chi Walking. This book give simple guidlines for right posture. If you don't put everything into practice when walking then what difference will it make? I find this easier to do barefoot or with thin flexible shoes. You put some movement into your hips again, shake it! I forgot my favorite part: Chi Walking. This book give simple guidlines for right posture. If you don't put everything into practice when walking then what difference will it make? I find this easier to do barefoot or with thin flexible shoes. You put some movement into your hips again, shake it!
  9. I Succcumbed

    NCR--Neurocranial Restructuring works by adjusting the sphenoid, a bone with more leverage over the spine and skull than any other bone. Other ways to adjust the sphenoid are Koren Specific Technique, KST. Biocranial Alphabiotics.
  10. Posture improvement

    Rolfing feels great but does nothing to help your retrain posture. Atlas adjusts one vertebrae. Rolfing is worth doing once because it feels so good, but rolfing and chiropractice are mostly a waste of time. Quantum touch is much better to get stabilized to better pursue some kind of physical therapy on your own. I am review all promising approaches now and have not reached firm conclusions on what is good for posture but here are a few foundational components. You have to see how everything works together as a system, like in Taoism, not as in reductionest Western medical thinking. Define good posture--many physical therapists, yogi's, and chi gong masters have no clue. Jean Couch's Balance Center and book with pictures mentioned there. Stretching: Tight muscles pull vertebrae out of place. Chiros treat symptoms. Chest and hips especially. See Reposturing. Strengthen the core adominal muscles. This determines hip placement which then affects everything else. Yoga for the Core, book. Pilates. Barefoot, Vivobarefoot shoes. Thin shoes like Puma's Saloh. Janda's foot therapy. Ergonomics: chairs, car seats, see Balance center, sit on the edge of the seat. Lumbar support is not good: midback and sacral is better: Zackback sitting,
  11. The Vibe Machine

    I've done the Vibe machine. It gave me energy boosts for awhile but eventually i felt nothing, like so many other things.
  12. Posture improvement

    The Vivo shoes look great, thanks! There is no where to try them on in the san fran bay area. I have done ecoscue and that didn't work Alexander is worth looking into. Why intuflow? What's special about it? To define good posture i suggest the Balance Center in Palo Alto and the book Ageless Spine that shows pictures of people around the world with good posture, except in the more advanced countries mainly due to chairs, also fashion. Reposturing is my favorite therapy so far. They are showing me how to stretch and give therapy where they stretch you out more than you could yourself. I have the typical problem: forward hips, sunken chest, forward shoulders and head. Basically, muscles on the front are pullng the structure down: The quads pull down the hip from the front and create hyper lordosis of the back. The pecs pull the shoulders forward, which pulls the neck and head forward. The back side is working too hard to compensate and that where the pain shows up, but as a rule you strecth the other side. The hams loosen automatically by stretching the quads on the other side. In addition, i have cranial problems that are releived with adjusting the sphenoid by various techniques by professionals. Also, orthodonitics is helping the jaw/TMJ and will expand the palate and skull. Dwight Jennings, DDS.
  13. Posture improvement

    Thanks for all the suggestions. Posture is usually a systemic problem, not just a part, and it is all parts for me. One thing i would like to know is how to stretch the chest. I put my elbows out and lean through a door way with my thumbs pointed back. That helps. I am looking for ways to so the reverse bridge used in yoga. Has anyone used bench? I have used cushions but it often hurts my neck. Some say that standing meditation or just chi flow improvement alone will work. Well I'll be doing all those things anyway, but i love to stretch, too.
  14. Master Mingtong Gu

    Does anyone know about master mingtong gu? He is coming to the san francisco new living expo in april.
  15. Hi Everyone, I would like to get opinins on Sufi James W. McNeil and his Little Nine Heaven training resort near palm springs. He has an impressive lineage and covers fighting, healing and loving. He has numerous books on amazon. He also teaches an extension of bone marrow washing / the 8 brocades called Shih Shui which is penis chi gong, as was mentioned on this site. I would also like to know if anyone has done this with any masters and with what benefit. Coyote
  16. Age differences in relationship

    I think age differences can be very good in a relationship. When i was in my early 20's i dated women in their 30's, and now that i am older i have gone the other way and sometimes dated younger women. The combination of fresh energy and experience can be a great benefit to both. What you want to be wary of is an older woman being bitter, controling, superior, or too mother-like. So, for example, if the older woman thinks that she dates younger men for all the right reasons, but tends to think that younger men date older women becaues they are looking for a mommy, or that older men date younger women because they "invariably" are looking for a mommy, this shows that she tends to see men as emotionally incompetent, perhaps even as little boys who need a mother :-) She's likely to be a ballbuster. This kind of negativity is very common among American women, not all, but frequent enough to even pass as acceptable attitudes these days. Enjoy the experience and think about what you are most passionate about and what your standards are for being treated with respect.
  17. Hey Coyote, It's possible. My diet... hmm... lots of vegetables, small amounts of red meat, lots of poultry, moderate carbs, 3-4 cups of coffee a day and one or less alcoholic beverages a day. I'm starting the fish oil again per Yoda and Witche's advice. I'd done that and flax seed in the past mostly for cholesterol lowering, but it really didn't do anything. Probably good for overall health, though. I fell over laughing, though at your comment "increase hormones and libido". Gosh, Coyote, if my libido increases any more than it is now, I'll be a wreck! I like the constant hot feeling inside, the longing after my wife and frequent (though sometimes annoying) erections. But shoot, enough is enough! Stay cool, Coyote! Hi Pony, Hormones are made of cholesterol and cholesterol is good for you in general. You can d look up the research that confirms that and if you want to experiment, try eating raw butter and raw eggs and see if that makes a difference. Yes you will be hornier, but some things in life are just difficult and you have to face them, lol. I think you will be able to cum more often this way and get relief. That's my suggestion if you are up for an experiment. Peace, Coyote Hey Coyote, It's possible. My diet... hmm... lots of vegetables, small amounts of red meat, lots of poultry, moderate carbs, 3-4 cups of coffee a day and one or less alcoholic beverages a day. I'm starting the fish oil again per Yoda and Witche's advice. I'd done that and flax seed in the past mostly for cholesterol lowering, but it really didn't do anything. Probably good for overall health, though. I fell over laughing, though at your comment "increase hormones and libido". Gosh, Coyote, if my libido increases any more than it is now, I'll be a wreck! I like the constant hot feeling inside, the longing after my wife and frequent (though sometimes annoying) erections. But shoot, enough is enough! Stay cool, Coyote!
  18. Hi Pony, I am curious about whether diet has anything to do with being drained after ejaculation. Do you mind saying what you eat? Are you vegetarian or on a low-fat diet. In any case, i would suggest raw butter, cream, and meat because that is known to increase hormones and libido. Coyote
  19. New Member

    Hello everybody. I am glad i found this site! I have been dabbling in various aspects of Taoism: health, sexual practices and philosophy. I am most interested in health right now and would like to find a healer, if anyone can recommend one, i live in the San Francisco bay area. I'm interested in finding a teacher in my area and i don't have a list of who is here. I am on the primal diet which is the most similar to some things i have read about taoist nutrition: raw meat and no or low grains. I do some Hsin Tao, which is something like chi gong. I am interested in the sexual practices of Mantak Chia and the White Tigress lineage. The philosphy of Taoism in general is of great interest since i am a sociologist and interpret cultures and how people put ideas into practice in business, etc. I'm also interested in gender identity issues and read the topic on feminization of men. I've read a lot about that and i am interested in how specific taoist texts get on masculine and feminine. I'm going to try to leave my ego out of things and not "contend" unless it is productive. Taoists getting egotistical seems a bit like Christians preaching love and then burning people at the stake. Hey, do you know the difference between Christians and Buddhists? Christains burn other people and Buddhists burn themselves in protest. Coyote
  20. New Member

    As i would expect with taoists being more yin and water-like.
  21. Ideagasms

    Can you explain the source of your position about female squirting being energy draining? My understanding is that menstral flows are the loss of energy in women, but other flows of cum and saliva are good for youth. I have not heard about specifically about ejaculation. Stephane got his techniques from Stephen Piccus's White Tiger Tantra. Stephen P's dvd is much more detailed and apparently Stephane's is incomplete. I also thought that Stephane appeared emotionally imbalanced in the dvd, which is a perception reinforced in my personal dealing with him. I hate to be negative or gossipy, but his behavior and some of his statements in his newsletters call for a warning about this guy. He preaches compassion but then is rude, arrogant and puts other people down, including me in the context of a email communication problem, with no apology or rational response when i confronted him on it. In his newsletter on how to be a pick up artist, he said that if you see some guys not getting anywhere with girls go up to the group and say. ' isn't it cute that these guys are like little puppies humping your leg.' Then the guys are supposed to go away and you can stand there like the big man, according to his advice.
  22. Hi Matt, I am interested in the system you recommend. I am new here but not new to qigong and taoism. Thanks. Coyote