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Posts posted by coyote

  1. I just got the Qinway DVD for beginning level after i visited her webstie and felt a strong energy coming through when i looked at the dvd page and at the figurine of the Quan Yin. These are consecrated objects. I have not felt anything that strong since i got objects consecrated by Sadhguru Jaggi Vesudev. 


    Qinway came to my attention after reading breatharianism / bigu, and which is related to sungazing. I don't understand why more systems don't include sungazing.


    I'd like to hear other people's experiences with Qinway.

  2. Kunlun and Jenny Lamb's Yi Gong are not the same thing. Yi Gong or spontaneous adjustment yi gong lets the upper body and waist move freely. Both start in the same position but Kunlun stays rigid.


    Yi gong is a full system of moves.

    Kunlun is half of the sitting practice, plus other things like Red Pheonix which is very advanced and not everyone can tolerate it.

    Max made up a story about how Kunlun was created that his teacher denies.


    Nevertheless, going to one of Max's workshops is worth it since the energy transmission you get might be necessary to feel the practice. People get better results after practicing with either of them then on their own.


    One thing neither teachas part of those parts of their systems is a meditation and breathing. I have not been to Jenny's workshop so maybe she does. I went to Max's and he teaches one breath, but not a full routine i am looking for.


    Overall, i say the seated yi gong is a great technique, even if done Max's way.

  3. I am looking for a good approach to breath and all the factors that affect it. I am interested in increasing my parasympathetic nervous system to help with sleep especially. I want to know how to coordiate the diaphram with other muscles of the core and pelvis, which need a lot of work anyway. I would like to improve all these areas in a coordinated way, but am not against hearing about separate techniques if they are great. I want to strengthen all the muscles for good posture to support breathing while moving, sitting, standing, etc.


    I also discovered a connection to the cranium. When i suck my tongue against my upper palate and push out i induce the most relaxed and deepest breathing i have ever known. The breath reaches down almost to my pelvic floor. I bring it down all the way with some pelvic tilts lying on my back and then i can't get any more relaxed and don't feel like doing anything. It feels like my parasympathetic nervous system is then dominant for resting. The tongue pushes the palate out making room for the sphenoid bone at the base of the skull and top of the spine, which helps align the whole body. I have had the sphenoid adjusted before to his affect, but it doesn't hold because my palate needs to be expanded through orthodontic work. My tongue is starting to do that orthodontic work. You might not feel such a strong result if you try this if your palate is a healthy size.


    A similar kind of tongue movement is taught in orofacial myology which uses for orthodontics and neurlogical therapy.

  4. Has anyone done the Human Design system? It combines the I Ching, Astrology, chakras, and Kaballa to identify your personality type and your strategy for life to be in harmony. It is extremely elaborate and takes time to study, but anyone can begin by going to a website and putting in your birthday, time, and location and get a profile immediately. One insight is that 92% of people need to follow a more yin path and wait to respond to others or accept an invitation. Only 8% can Manifest directly from their will and initiate--this more yang.

    I think the addresses are


  5. I'd like to know who the healers are and how to contact them. I know of John of God in Brazil, i'd like to know about a Phillipino. Thanks.


    I just saw a long utube of shamanic healers, i think it was a link from this site....i can't remember.



    I respect your viewpoint.


    But allow me to tell the story of two friends.


    One friend, Darcy, who was in his early 30s at the time, had bad back trouble after a car accident. He'd had surgery, physiotherapy, the whole modern-Western bit. Yet he was still in discomfort and often in pain. He got the problem cured in one session by a South American spiritual healer.


    Another person I knew a little (actually the mother of a close friend of mine) had emphysema - a result of many years of cigarette smoking. But she got this condition cured in a single session by a Philippine "psychic surgeon." The cure was confirmed in the X-rays and general exams her doctors made when she returned to Canada.


    Now, yes, she had tempted fate via her many years of smoking, her lack of exercise, and I believe also her diet. And that was sad, I'd say, and not very self-responsible. However, the experience of the cure convinced her of the power of the spirit. It convinced her that intangible realities and higher orders of reality are a fact.


    Because I knew these people personally, I felt inclined to take their stories pretty seriously. I say this even though I've never myself had the experience of providing healing at the level I've just described.


    Okay, now the woman (mother of my friend) was middle-aged. But with the young guy, I'd say that his cure enabled his positive destiny... I can't see that it harmed his destiny. He'd have continued to try to get relief, but he found relief through the means he found it.

  6. Has anybody read Jon Peniel's book, The Children of the Law of One and the Lost Teachings of Atlantis? This is an astonishing book. The story is that he spent time in the fabled Shangri-La hidden valley in Tibet where the descendants of Atlantis lived. He became enlightened through their energy work, practicing humility, unselfish love, and sexual tantra. There are so many insights in this book that it gives the story credibility. There is also a complete program provided.

    There have been some communities of the Children but it hard to locate anyone to talk to about this.

    BTW, there is another Children of the Law of One lineage but it is not associated with this one.

  7. I find some of Hsi Lai's statements objectionable concerning how to green dragons are used for semen and sexual energy. Where's the love? I think his tone is more a product of his beliefs.


    The White Tigresses do show concern for the health of Green Dragons and do not want to deplete them.

    He does talk about the white tigresses being based in compassion, but he doesn't illustrate this very well. He talks about compassion being something inherent in her, but not something she does toward men. That is, he does not present men as worthy of compassion. He understands compassion in the Western way of esstentialism, as something inherent in some people, versus relationally as something people do to others. Relational thinking is more common in Asia--see Nisbett's book, Geography of Thought.


    He could, for example, present tigresses as missionaries serving a sexually starved male population, which is how i think of it. Now that's compassion! One woman sex columnist wrote that when men get blow-jobs the sounds they make are like it is the best thing anyone has ever done for them. That would be correct. ;)


    Hsi Lai's heavy-handed tone comes from his own feminist bias. He wants to make clear tigresses are not exploited but are sort of doing the reverse to get back at patriarchy. He does not put these practices in the context of men and women getting along more harmoniously as i would expect from the the idea of sex as "yin-yang harmony play." But he has too much shame about being male to show much compassion for men.

    He is one the many new-age feminist guys who are ashamed to be male. like the guys in this forum that posture about how they down with the "yin." If they really cared about women they would not bring that negative energy to women but instead own their masculine sexuality and give it to them good!


    Hsi Lai is best when he quotes Madame Lin in her critique of feminism. I give him great credit for presenting this and getting past American feminism biases that he, nevertheless, seems to still partly share. Lin said that men suffer as much as women and that women are their own worst enemies. Her statements are backed by many books thoroughly refuting the theory of patriarchy, most notable Warren Farrell's, The Myth of Male Power, which shows that by most things we can measure men are actually worse off than women (like the suicide rates being 4x as high for men in the US.) Most of my fellow liberals refuse to open their minds to these facts.


    So i would still defend the white tigresses but object to some of Hsi Lai's writing and question how faithfully he has represented the tigress.



  8. What's wrong, not that everything is wrong, with the new age movement:


    Taking ideas out of context:

    specializing, particularizing, universalizing, rather than seeing the web of connections as a system of practices.


    Following a logic of separation instead of a logic of connection.

    The Dao, and yin and yang is about connection. Good and evil is about separation.


    Competitive and self-righteous attitude

    Ego attachment to ideas


    Living in one's head while ignoring applications and feedback from the body and other people.

    Vegetarianism and other food ideologies that ignore results and alternatives

    Feminism: ignoring the facts and other points of view, while cultivating hatred toward men--that is no hyperbole.


    And one more thing: if you disagree, just remember that my lineage is longer than your lineage, there for i'm right. ;)

  9. I'd like to hear what people recommend for skin care, especially the face. I am only interested in natural or hypoallergenic things: creams, supplements, foods, massages, etc.


    My skin type is dry. I'm a man, if it makes any difference, but would like to hear what is good for women, too, since i help people all the time.

  10. "Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition," 2009, by Ramiel Nagel.


    This book explains how teeth can be repaired through nutrients delivered to the teeth through the saliva. The calcium to phosphorus ration is important, with the latter being just as important. In addition, vitamins A, D, E, and K are necessary. He uses examples of foods from native diets.


    He did not mention silica. I recommend BioSil which can be bought in stores.

  11. The "rumor" is based on Max's volunteering the information. He said they studied him. He has pictures of his brain scans to show for it. I've seen them. They are far out, but then, what about Max isn't? :lol:


    Do you know why and what they were studying?

  12. I don't have a problem with him having served in the military, especially as a medic. My concern is only based on a comment i heard that might be no more than rumor, that he has recently worked with military intelligence, but i don't know the details at all. I am mostly concerned with any possible affiliation with the policies of the recent administration with its widespread corruption that serves nobody's interests and principles, including conservatives. I'm only curious, not making any accusations. I am looking for info here. I hope Max is a man of peace, i would assume he is until proven otherwise.



    I think he said he was a Navy corpsman (medic)...sometimes they get attached to Marine units...sometimes SEAL units...maybe. He also said he got kicked out for not saying "sir". :lol:


    I don't see the worry over him having served in the US military. Does that make someone a part of the illuminati or something? :lol:

  13. My friend's mother practices Tian Gong Qigong and she loves it. That's all I know. I've considered checking it out myself.


    I went to a meditation to heal the earth and it felt good with some lasting effect. The people were really great, i got a good feeling about them. They have an office in a building with lots of Buddhists, in Berkeley.


    They have a comprehensive philosophy and set of practices. We did "celestial voices" which is spontaneous talking in tongues. I was surprised that i could do it when someone spoke to me. They consider it fun. They have a nice attitude about stuff.


    The reason i never looked into it before is that in his picture on the ad the master was not smiling. He looked serious and boring. But then i saw an ad in Common Ground with the cute master Ting who runs the center in Berlin but will be visiting Berkeley.


    I think i will try this and put Kunlun on hold for awhile. They have a weekend seminar to strengthen kidneys energy, soon.

  14. I have several concerns and i don't want to start a different thread for each, but it may be confusing to put them all together, i know.


    I have been to the seminar and had some good strong results for the past six weeks.

    I find Max to be sincere and approachable, although i don't know him well.

    I find much of the cynical commentary about him and is followers to be middle-school level gossip.


    A more substantial concern would be his possible affiliations with the US military or intelligence. He was a Marine in Beruit a long time ago, early 80's i assume. Does anyone know about his current relationship to them? I don't hear him talking saving the planet like some other Daoist masters, see Tian Gong.


    He does not talk that much about a philosophy of life. Someone said on another thread that he is married and something about man needing a woman, i have no idea what that means.


    One problem i am having now is that my legs got a little weaker, and i am not sure why. Could be other reasons or a nervous system detox which can temporary weaken things. Or maybe some imbalance from this practice.


    Some other practitioners of kunlun seem imbalanced, but i don't know them well enough to know if they have improved since doing kunlun. It's something i will be monitoring.



  15. But the Kunlun path doesn't talk about an ultimate reality. And it is not kundalini energy as well. Max is married and in his practise you need a girl to "open up". To me this does not seem as an ultimate reality like Yogani (divine love). So is Max enlightment to a lesser extent?


    Can you please explain the idea of needing a girl to open up?

  16. I have a new question.


    is it seriously contraindicated to do kunlun L1 more than once a day? I've been having a hard time staying in position for long, which I fear might be hindering the process. I've done it once already this morning. would it be too bad to do it again this evening?



    I do it up to five times a day. I lean back in the chair when my back or something hurts. This is formless nei gong, which means once the energy if flowing you can get in any position you want. At seminars people a lying down, flopping around, dancing, talking in tongues, whatever.


  17. I have an urgent question about kunlun practice so i am putting it here.

    What do you do if someone can't sleep after doing kunlun?

    I showed someone who has not been to the workshop how to do the Travelling Hands lying down, with a close of right over left hand. The sensations during the move where of uncomfortable ticklishness, which is typical for her while doing energy work.


    I tried to get on the Kunlun forum but am having trouble.



  18. Does anyone know about this school:

    It was founded by Le-Tian Da Shi from China, now in the san francisco area. They have a very active chapter in berkeley, also germany and spain.

  19. The chi machine is great. It's purpose is actually to move the lymph system without using muscle energy and loosen some joints and the spine without impact It is great for lower back pain. The only reason i don't use it now is that it throws-out my cranial adjustments. Before i was being adjusted, by cranial bones were jammed and the Chi Machine didn't matter matter. The EMF radiation from the machine don't seem to bother me, although some machines do. I have the Sun Ancona, but there are new, cheaper machines with speed adjustments.



  20. You obviously do not know what the counter arguments about AIDS are and have not bothered to look.


    A groups of nobel prize winning scientists took an ad out in the New York Times, (circa April 5, 1994) denouncing the AIDS hypothesis because there is no correlation between HIV and AIDS. There are HIV negative AIDS cases.


    The famous virologist Peter Duesberg has numerous books explaining the myths of AIDS that followed from the break-down of the scientific peer-review process and has been black-balled because his opponents can't win an argument in open debate.


    Gay activists groups like ACT-UP have denounced the HIV myth. See


    African health organizations have denounced the western explanation of AIDS driven by the academic- pharaceutical complex.


    The underlying paradigm of the war against nature (eg germs) needs to be questioned and we need to focus on the more common causes of modern diseases in toxicity and nutrition. This paradigm operates out dichotomies between good evil, humanity and nature, sexuality and morality, rather than the complementary dualities of the Dao. The good and evil culture operates out of fear and separation and engages in belligerent responses to the "other."


    Your equation of non-monogamous practices with pathology is pure folly and example of the irrational hysteria around sex. Your phrase "severely altering one's sexuality" assumes that there is one normal health sexuality, and that is just wrong. The burden is on you to prove that one form of sexuality is superior. Daoist tradition includes numerous types of relationships, including non-monogamous ones. Throwing around the word bullshit is just lazy. Most people cannot have a rational open-minded discusssion of sex. It seems un-Daoist to judge others like this.





    The system seems to be a combination of a few good techniques readily available from other sources mixed with a bit of kink, and a hefty dose of bull$#!t. However, we will likely have a better basis for judgment after White Tiger and Fire Dragon get personal experience with the methods. It should be kept in mind that by severely altering one's sexuality (ex. by encouraging and watching ones wife or lover with other men) it puts a type of "Stockholm syndrome" into play with respect to the practice/belief. This is one reason that so many cult leaders have slept with their most staunch followers wives.


    However, your reckless comment about HIV is something that cannot be allowed to pass. The tiny number of people who claim that HIV doesn't cause AIDS are the same type of people that claim that the Earth is flat and the moon landing was a set up by reptilians who work for Xenu. Anyone who has studied medicine, looked at the research and/or worked with those who suffer from AIDS can tell you how absurd this claim is.