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Posts posted by rene

  1. OK, Rain, watch this :)

    Hey that's great you all had a good laugh about the energy vampirism thing. I'm laughing too. Ha ha.


    Answer this for yourself. Which would an energy vampire prefer, a room full of sixty young people shaking and generating lots of energy or a geriatrics ward? HAAAA haaa haaa. Hilarious isnt' it?


    In fact the situation created in the seminars would be a gold mine for any energy vampire, a dream come true. They couldn't come up with a better deal if they thought about it for years. Max could be siphoning 20% to 40% off the top and you naive little fellers would never know it.


    What a temptation, what a juicy opportunity! Even a fence sitter would be sorely tempted. The only thing keeping someone from stealing energy in a situation like that would be ethics, Te.


    But wait! Max doesn't have ethics, his website is so full of lies and boasting, all very unethical.


    So there you have it folks. Aint that funny? HAAAA haaa haaa haaa.


    Not only is there a real apparent lack of ethics, but the website is designed specific to attract the naive and inexperienced (younger) crowd which will produce the best results, vampire wise. No doubt he gives someone a little zap of energy now and then to impress them. Give a little, take a lot, a vampire's dream come true.


    Suckers!! HAAAA haaa haaa haaa.


    There's another type of manipulation going on with these things that is even deeper and more sinister.



    Hey joeblast - stop reading pointless threads. :rolleyes:



  2. I've read this thread a number of times and must admit I'm missing the point. Who's walking into your thread?


    I thought this was Ian's thread. What mess?


    I apologize for my uninfomed questions, but I would like to understand what's going on in this thread and there seems to be some kind of subtext.




    AugustLeo :)


    AugustLeo, hi - well, you could follow your signature and just let go, let go, let go...


    If not, from what I can tell it all started here: at the bottom of page 1, when Taomeow began ripping up BrianLKennedy for saying things about EvaWong. Then Procurator jumped on Taomeow, then all hell broke loose and it rolled around in three? maybe four? threads. Then, the next day, Starjumper7 (his own battle winding down) took up the Taomeow banner and charged. Some of this is all kind of disjointed though because there's been a lot of editing by a few of the people - and Starjumper7's continued revival of anti-Max blah blah blah keeps it stirred up into something even bigger than it was (wasn't). But opinions vary even on that. Maybe. And then Ian started this thread. There. Now you are all caught up.


    You sure you dont want to just let go, let go, let go ? ^_^

  3. Taomeow,


    I understand your being upset - especially if I was your thread to begin with. I find that when someone upsets me, it's best to just abandon the thread. Sometimes I'll even leave the forum for a while just to get back my own sense of calm and balance. Yes it's upsetting when someone violates your mental, physical or cyber space - but is it better to stay and fight, or just leave? Afterall - you can't fight with someone who won't fight back. Just my 2 cents.




    VeeCee, lots of value in that 2 cents. I must be missing something - the only thread I could find that was Taomeow's thread to begin with was this one:

    but I only went back 5 pages on the discussion topic list - so maybe this is all about something before I joined? No matter (to me) and it's time for me to move on to other TTB topics, so thanks Ian for starting such an annoyingly interesting thread. ^_^

  4. Thank you, trolling used to be a great pastime for me, I like to keep my hand in it. Yes, and the someone is Max, who has the most advanced spiritual practice in the world, where one hour of sitting equals a hundred years of any other practice. A practice where the teachers are kids, a bunch of friggin armatures who know the one and only real secret, yes folks, step right up, the circus is about to begin again.


    So much for prefering healing. <_<

  5. All I said was I knew how to do it. I think some people here are too busy reading too many posts.

    Seems most of this started with you calling someone a liar, a weenie, and something else... it was funny but it sure got people cranked up. I'm new here but was starting to think that's how this forum operated, since there was so much ugly namecalling and insults being hurled in several threads, um, mostly by you. <_<


    His screen name makes people think 'proctologee'.

    well since you give people cancer...your screen name should make people think "oncologee", no?

    Nope, wrong again, since proctologee means 'victim of proctologist'.

    Nor do I give people cancer, I only know how to do it. I prefer healing.


    Glad to hear that you now prefer healing. :)

  6. That's not how I understood what Pietro said, but in any event, those "pages eariler" are more malicious than anything I've ever seen online, and I've been around the block and seldom controversy-free, I'm sorry to confess. I hate the idea of PM complaints as a way out, so I'm just hoping and waiting for someone more sensible than eager to please "everybody" to remove that pile of abuse from the face of the forum. Like I said, it is not energetically sound to practice anything anywhere where there's sha' qi deliberately released. I would regret losing a good practice (even if "only" a keyboard practice) site -- but the I Ching tells me, "in dealing with weeds, firm resolve is necessary," and I believe her.


    Sometimes sha'qi is deliberately released by someone though the manipulation of others. The "who started it" can be obscure to those who can only see so far; reactions can vary greatly. I agree that environment is vital to good practice.

  7. ... Reread what you're talking about, please. You're going on the Mutilator's quote that was put together out of mutilated snippets of what I really said responding to him after he introduced the idea of cancer, ascribing to me the desire to give it to him, a desire I never had and never expressed.

    The idea was ascribed to Starjumper7. It stopped being about you pages earlier.


    xuesheng - great link, thanks. Not sure whether to laugh or cry because it was funny but it also described, in varying degrees, most of the people on every forum I've been to. :mellow: Maybe troll "behaviour" is an out-of-control expression of things we share in common, being human and all. I'm not sure that embracing a "save a Troll" stance would do any good, since it's attention being sought - and there's no stronger attention than " poor thing...let me help you become the right kind of interactor..."


    Maybe the best we can do is to not become trolls ourselves, recalling that the shield of anonyminity isn't license to hurl our own particular brand of sick on others shoes.

  9. You seem to be furter developing the Kirkland's bold idea about received DDJ being an artificial construct or a "simulacre" as they say. Good for you!

    Please dont give me credit for something that did not occur to me. I'm not familiar with Kirkland or bold ideas about anything.



    However as much as I simphatise with Kirkland this idea is a bit too far out and too simplistic. You are taking it even far out still - e.g renaming it? From what? Why? How the renaming increased marketability?

    The Daodejing was originally called The Laozi. My understanding is as the various bodies of thought syncreted (towards a more formalized practicing of Daoism) during the Han - the renaming of the DDJ to include "De" may or may not have added an importance not originally intended in The Laozi, but for sure it gave a nod towards the newly budding Confucian principals, which were also vying for position about then. Likely others here are far more knowledgable on this. My understanding is one formed only by passing through various places.

  10. As to the idea the "customer is always right"; that raises the interesting issue that the Daodejing is a minor industry! Most of the yo-yos doing the "pseudo-translations" are simply picking up a copy of Legge or Wing Tsit Chans version and rewriting it with some New Age gibberish then finding a publisher for it. It is too bad because it really shows a disrespect for the classics.


    take care,



    Very true. And it's a pattern of disrespect that might have begun 2500 years ago when it was "re-named" and "re-translated" into something more marketable and more palatable for Confucian purposes.