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Posts posted by rene

  1. both life and death, tao

    awaits all of us tao bums

    i honor my friends


    i honor my friends

    i honor my enemies

    no diff'rence to me





    {Satori - thanks, but I wasn't thinking me personally - just all the new folks. One of which I see is you. Unless you were here before under a different nick, I'm too new to recognize energies. ^_^}

  2. Live for the moment




    AugustLeo ? Is there a reason you skipped my haiku? There was enough time between posts, there was no simultaneous posting. So - is doing this to newcomers part of the hazing/shit that old TTB folks give new people?


    You guys must really think this forum is something special to make people work so hard to be accepted or to be shown a little courtesy. Guess what.


    Thanks Pietro for the heads up.

  3. so now you/we can change the lines to what we want them to be???


    yours mine makes no nevermind... :P


    why not? we are wild and crazy haikuers


    I guess so - hey - I'm just followin what others are doing here. You know, learning the non-rules. Like skipping over haikus you dont like. At least its better than that guy from Nantucket...




    I bet you or Sifu Stifu can get it going again. No harm, no foul.

    Want a big guy-hug ??




  4. Hey, are there any lawyers doing this Kunlun thing?


    Does Kunlun as a group, allow lawyers to join and practice with you?


    And if so, why !?


    You guys may need some damn lawyers if this thread keeps up and then you'r really in for it...!!!


    Talk about troubles -well there ya are...Avoid any biz that calls for lawyers to participate...


    They NEVER offer Bliss. they will lie to you ( and may be just like this guy Max if he is such a big liar)...




    That has not been astablished for me as yet - Ill probably be forced to ask a freaking lawyer to explain it to me... & then damn it all...


    well it is all just too much BS without the practice been tried...


    So what about this fellow Max I hear about here abouts... Is he a lawyer? If so, I know he is a liar and will believe evrything anyone ever tells me bad about this Kunlun...


    If he is not a lawyer I will perhaps trust him as a fellow seeker and searcher within this thing called life...


    his system may just be worth a try...



  5. I am sorry to have been so rude as to vent...on a thread about anger I figured it a great place to run with it...


    No worries. My post was showing how I deal with my anger. :lol: The multiple choice answers in the Poll didn't cover it.


    And I am sorry you've had such bad luck. Maybe things will be better for you soon.

  6. So now, its all good -'cept the lawyers need to die of course :) but that goes without saying. All lawyer jokes are actually kindnesses as that lot deserve no quarter or misguided empathy...I mean it! Humor offering them a modicum of humanization is just wrong. :huh: .... being rid of them all would be such a boon it is perhaps an acceptible proposition - a modest proposal as it drown them all in their own bile....


    Gee Patrick, you sure sound angry. Maybe it will help you to know that lawyers heard your vent! Let's see if we can make this even better for you, shall we? So as not to trouble you further, please put me on ignore, and I'll return the favor. Best of luck to you!





  7. I'll start a new thread and put a bunch of the kunlun lies all in one place in one concise post and then ask how people could accept such things. I think I know why. I think the post just above this one explains it pretty well.


    Good idea to keep this all in one thread. If you would, instead of just posting something and saying it's a lie, maybe you could state what it is in that statement that makes it a lie, i.e., what you are basing your reasoning on that informs you that it's a lie.


    That way, no energy will be wasted reading post after post of "because I said so" statements by you - and those who might respond could show the same courtesy, of stating what they base their ideas on, instead of just knee-jerk "you dont know anything, so shut up" statements.

  8. Oolong Rabbit, agree and well said.


    I apologize for engaging the amount that I did, especially as a newbie, and I'm very glad to learn that TTB is not usually like this...becaue along with the mud-slinging there is also a LOT of condescending "you're obviously inferior but don't worry, someday you will see the truth" being tossed about. That attitude, imo, will clear out a forum faster than the occasional cock-fight... as long as the fight isn't continuously fed, that is. Have you seen the view count for those two threads?? It's like driving slow past a bad accident, lookie lookie... :mellow:

  9. Well Lao Tzu said the sage appears to be 'muddy', and yet the sage has clarity.

    Not every muddy man is a sage, and not every clean man pretends to be one. Clarity includes not only seeing but understanding the reflection of ourself in all things and the results of our interactions and choices. If you choose something, fine, but understand exactly what your choice means.

  10. Maybe there are different types of healing that need to be looked at and a value judgment made. By healing do you prefer social harmony above truth or exposing the virus above social harmony? When faced with this, a forum which is becoming a kunlun forum, it's an uphill battle and politeness is too easily ignored by the overzealous. The in your face tactic can be the way to go and is sometimes preferred by Taoist wizards and Zen masters alike. :) .... and, it's my nature.


    To affect the cleansing you are speaking about requires you to first be clean. All I see so far is you wanting to exchange their crap for your crap. The result of crap-trading is that eventually the truth bubbles up, things become rather clear, and everyone's game of Let's Pretend shrivels in the light. Have you calculated the costs to the people here - that your pretend-battles are extracting? Likely not, and likely you can't see the cost to yourself. Talk to Taomeow about the costs of this. I think she has a pretty good handle on the price of admission.