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Everything posted by rene

  1. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    She need not be caught to be ridden. (-:
  2. Haiku Chain

    Single tear, on cheek falls, joins eternal sorrow. River floods its banks.
  3. Is your Method really working?

    TzuJanLi, hi Thanks for the reply (-: My mind doesn't chatter except when too much wine so I'm not sure which way is my natural state LOL Have you tried yet to deal with specific issues from within the interval of no mind-talk? It might be that the quality of results grows exponentially when the chatter is not there to muddle things. warm regards
  4. Is your Method really working?

    Hagar, hi (-: I understand your words. Using your lingo and combining your ideas, my take is that the underlying source is always within - and manifests through forms; or rather forms and methods can be a creative expression of the source. Rather than something that brings the source to the party, methods and forms are tools that can reveal what is already within. Rather than forms bringing a healing aspect, forms can release the healing aspect we all already have. Oh, it makes a lot of sense to me. Very well put and this warrants repeating: They are "symbolic" only revealing or embodying the code or true nature through form or symbol. In this sense, your form is a prayer, a tribute, a sign of gratitude, and even grace. This in my own opinion, is also the most potent way to utilize form. It is static and not dynamic. Its information does not cease to function as there really is no objective beyond the expression of grace or silence. I find that this particular static resides within the dynamic of all things, unboundaried and unencumbered, always available. Methods and forms bring this deligtfully to the fore! Obviously I'm an Ornamental-method kinda girl. LOL Thoughts?
  5. Is your Method really working?

    I like your categories; they line up with my take on things. Agree wholeheartedly. AND if part of this method is to suck others into believing that they are lacking (thereby reinforcing their own sense of higher purpose), well, that preying is about as ugly as it gets. thanks for replying (-:
  6. A Subforum for the Tao Teh Ching

    MarbleHEAD, hi Which choice do you think would be better, sub-topic or out here? Maybe you have the better perspective on this as you did something similar with your teachings. Personally, I think a TTC subforum wouldn't detract taoist input away from the general discussion area - but more importantly perhaps, the subforum would keep the (eventual) 81 topics grouped for ongoing discussions. I'd vote in favor of an open subforum - up there with the BookClub, HealingCircle and LendingLibrary. It would be kinda nice to see a little nod towards the Laozi in TaoBums. (-:
  7. Haiku Chain

    the hillside in sun the valley in cool shadow running like a child
  8. Is your Method really working?

    It might be that it gets a person to a place where there is nothing lacking within. Can you begin to imagine what that is like? That depends on the person, yes? If he is already stuffed full with ideas that something more is 'required' then you are right and there is nothing that he could hear or think that there would be any room for. Rather than being a concept or method or approach - for me this is only a small observation. I observe that I have ten fingers. I observe that I am not seperate from Tao. What more is it that you feel I could need? Is attaining enlightenment something that you cling to? It might be the last step in your own path is to let go of even the need for that. And sometimes a banana is just a banana. I like that we each have our own ways, and I wish you well on your path. (-: Thanks for your reply!
  9. A Subforum for the Tao Teh Ching

    Agree. Maybe a Buddhist subforum, then? I read the enlightenment guaranteed thread but got only a headache instead. To each their own; I travel a simple path and to me nothing is simpler than tao and it's as natural as breathing. Maybe the TTC chapter discussions could start out here - and then if it gets too cluttersome those posts can be moved into a new sub-forum? Having the TTC chapter in the post title (unlike Marblebrain's numbering system) would make them easier to spot, reply to, or move later if need be.
  10. A Subforum for the Tao Teh Ching

    Apech, I agree with your thinking on this. That said - if Twinner has in mind what he's done elsewhere and given how fast topics sink off the front list page - well, it might be a good idea to give the TTC it's own corner. Especially if debates over which translation is better start up here... Then again, if the philosophy folks mostly hang in the TTC corner, all you'll be left with out here is rest of ya to keep the e-sanghaites company! hey. wasn't that helpful. LOL
  11. Just thought I would say hi.

    Hey I remember you from Ken's old forum! Hope you have been well. warm regards
  12. Why are you here?

    Mike - welcome, btw :-) Like you, I enjoy a harmonious community. I also enjoy a boiling-chaotic community... so whatever comes is Okay.
  13. Is your Method really working?

    Ryan, hi Sure there is, are, but the gist of the difference is the approach, the 'for what?' If you meditate to "become one with Tao" or practice to "find Tao" then you might be actually reinforcing the idea that "Tao" is something separate. I saw the Krishnamurti series a long time ago; enjoyed them very much. I doubt he felt the general audience he was speaking to was able to understand the subtle difference at that level. But it could be patronizing, sure, depending on why he practiced mediation and yoga. Do you think Krishnamurti thought methods were a direct path to understanding these things? If they were, then by now we'd be hip-deep in buddhas, all things would have taken their course and gentle rain would fall. (-:
  14. Modern Life

    Ryan & Songs - damn i wish i could remember the name of the book, sorry, few years ago - but it told of the neural mechanics of 'inspiration'. It spoke of thinking, concentrating, focusing on a problem for a long time - and then forgetting about it & going off to take a nap or some mindless thing - and the answer just seems to 'come out of nowhere'. What was in fact happening, was a kind of creating a conducive neural 'environment' for a solution to slide into. Of course, the solution didn't manifest outta thin air but was already scattered data in the brain, waiting to fall into place, like pieces of a puzzle. LOL well, there's a helluva off-topic post. Maybe someone will recognize the concept and can fill my synaptic gaps with the title of that book.
  15. Were the Sages Martial Artists?

    I'll disagree with any statement that says what was or wasn't Lao Tzu's intent. (Even if I happen to agree with it, which in this case I dont.) Interesting ideas presented here... "using Lao Tzu name" seems to abound.
  16. Haiku Chain

    Hey why the long face? Faced the long why or why not. Let go of this, that.
  17. Modern Life

    Here I sit, in the moving stillness of nature, watching the snow fall in big flakes outside the window. Now here comes the owner/caretaker of this place with his new 2011 4x4 giant pickup with a blade out front. Okay, now he just plowed a snow-swath off the drive and kept going off the edge and scraped the sod up with it and kept pushing until he tore up his elderly mother's garden. Soon, I'll hear her yelling from here. Even with the door closed. It's all good. (-:
  18. Haiku Chain

    Race past you horse face. Why do you just sit there, kid? Your horse stands waiting.
  19. Haiku Chain

    Hangdog look on face?? Aw.. c'mere taoist puppy It will be okay.
  20. Haiku Chain

    Life of Tao Virtue?? Gimme a fuckin break, dawg Tao's beyond Virtue.
  21. Haiku Chain

    Sucked into the Void? Not possible to be sucked to where you still are.
  22. Free Speech and Moderator Action

    Heh, Taomeow's energy can be recognized in two of her sentences. Well, it can by those who see anyway - which suggests you really either are the newbie your join date implies or an oldtimer who's kept yer eyes closed. Either way, best of luck. (-:
  23. Haiku Chain

    Could really use them, she whispered over the rail, watching gloves float past.
  24. Haiku Chain

    Danny Devito! Milk squirts out my nose again, crayon in my ear.