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Everything posted by rene

  1. A Science of Wu Wei?

    And that ^^^ is the core of WuWei. (-:
  2. A Science of Wu Wei?

    The idea of WuWei is a human phenomenom... all other things manifest just are & do it. Ziran. TzuJan. Self-so-ing. Studying, investigating, cultivating WuWei is like staying drunk to avoid drinking.
  3. Dark Night of the Soul

    @Spotless Hello old friend (-: For me - DNOTS has come as a sideways step from bottomless depression. Not like a rescue ladder - but rather the lateral move taken without intent or even the desire to do so: the crumb trail followed when nothing of old Self remains...including any connection to the situation that got me there in the first place. Hope that made sense; sometimes I cant tell, just like I never know where the crumb trail will lead; only that breathing is easier...and where could I go that would not be okay? lol Nice thread (-:
  4. The Spirit of the Dao Bums

    @dawei Your #3 is my way, lol. I like that others have something they enjoy! It also makes my fav place less crowded, heh.
  5. The Spirit of the Dao Bums

    Some folks need a 'safe space'. Nothing wrong with that. Quickly providing them one can create unintended outcomes.. Gotta learn how to get through the authentic hard times. Quit coddling or they wont. TDB isnt bubble-wrap. Neither is Life. Or Tao. JMO
  6. The Spirit of the Dao Bums

    I'm just gonna follow you around like a puppy. That okay? (-:
  7. Tzujan is a good place to land as self-so'ing is the Way.
  8. It might be that Tao is not the Way; but rather that the Way is how Tao manifests.
  9. Thanks for that Apech, lovely read and describes well that which cannot be.
  10. Like all ideas, nouns and verbs are part of the manifest; Tao abides unboundaried with both - providing the eternal that arises naturally within the temporal. Or so it seems to me.
  11. This is the real question, isn't it? Some traditions reinforce "either/or" thinking more than others.
  12. You asked us to look, I looked and told you what I found. Nothing there to be aware of, including awareness.
  13. Taoist lessons from nature

    Wonderful article! Thanks for sharing
  14. What Happened? Nothing!

    yeah....that cognitive dissonance always has been a bugger.. 🌲🦋🌲
  15. A Passing

    Stopped what I was doing, Michael, to watch that. Thank you.
  16. What Happened? Nothing!

    How would it know without phenomena to compare to?
  17. What Happened? Nothing!

    If there were no phenomena for awareness to be aware of - wouldn't awareness be undefined?
  18. A Passing

    Just watched the vid of her singing the national anthem 2005 super bowl. RIP ma'am. You're already missed.
  19. The uncarved block?

    Follow the Tao of Pooh, do you?
  20. The uncarved block?

    The take-away is... what is the common thread between them? P'u is the moment of manifestation, when potential is at its fullest...and then whatever is to come, begins.
  21. [TTC Study] Chapter 71 of the Tao Teh Ching

    We're on the same page. I chose the term 'mystery' for Marblehead - who often refers to wu and you in Ch1 as the mystery and manifest.
  22. Barefoot bums

    and one more barefoot step.... The Peace of Wild Things When despair grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting for their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. ~Wendel Berry
  23. Psychic Attack

    Cool vid. Too bad the principle applies only when the danger is just in the mind.