
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by rene

  1. Universal Basic Income is not Socialism

    just fyi - your link worked, but an ad to subscribe quickly popped up, blocking the article. couldnt read it.
  2. Not my place.

    It is absolutely not my place to make this statement; therefore I choose to anyway, out of affection for TDB. There was a recent post that a member is "under review for making disparaging, insulting and belittling comments to members and staff in multiple topics..." Of course I couldn't know what may have been said to staff or members in PM - but I read all of the member's posts, starting back in April, in multiple topics. In some posts he was disparaging, insulting and belittling, yes; but no more so than what others were to him, and actually the others began down that insulting path first - as his opinions are very contrary to theirs. I have no knowledge of the subject matter at hand (either side of it, nor do I care to ever read in those threads again) and that's totally beside my point and concern. Please take care in deciding who's opinions are welcome here and who's are not. If there are clear violations of the TOS, do what you must, swiftly and without hesitation. But when a call may be more subjective - to protect this or that (idea or member) - kindly pause to consider if what you feel needs protection in the first place - actually does. Ruling the country is like cooking a small fish... No reply necessary; but any are welcome. That's all, thanks for reading. (-:
  3. Universal Basic Income is not Socialism

    Of course it is. It's taking working people's money to give to someone who didn't have to work for it.
  4. Not my place.

    This thread is still going?? LOL Have fun - I'm off swimming with the porpoises.
  5. Light and Dark

    Primarily a verb. An action verb - as zerostao says. Dynamic, always in motion; in balance with that which is always still. Such is the way.
  6. Light and Dark

    Jeff, for those who need words - you are absolutely right!
  7. Light and Dark

    LimA, friend, There is little reason for you to ever read the Tao Te Ching. The original creator of the taiji symbol understood the dynamics of life... and the elaborate and very beautiful symbols you've shown us above are merely embellishments of that original essence and idea; the purity is all dressed up in party clothes! In the same manner, the limited and beautiful words in the Tao Te Ching are nothing more than embellishments of the same dynamics of life. There is nothing new in the TTC that you do not already perceive; the words for you would merely be more pretty images that contain only a resemblance, a reflection; nothing more. And you already know the essence. Your posts reveal this. Have a wonderful day!
  8. Light and Dark

    A lot will for you now.
  9. Light and Dark

  10. Light and Dark

    Sun would be Yin-ish while it is naturally diminishing over time - Moon would be Yang-ish to the little asteroids crashing into it!
  11. Light and Dark

    Nice visual for how 'grey' is both at the same time; and perceived as one or the other, depending on context.
  12. Light and Dark

    Precisely, gentlemen, and kinda puts a new light on all the needless debates. Also LiT - the Ta Chuan you have is wonderful. I had it years ago (no longer do) and much comes through it in the same way much comes through the TTC. Just sayin.
  13. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    In the not too distant future, YouTube, Twitter & FaceBook will merge to form one giant, idiotic, super-sized, time-wasting, non-productive, time-stealing, mind-dumbing, do-not-need-to-know website called YouTwitFace
  14. Mair 18:4

    Too bad the skull didn't figure out 'both' while alive...coulda gone back & enjoyed it all again
  15. Ohhhh...don't bet your stake you'd be so lost without it...
  16. Money

    Hi Mig - it might be that its not a case of 'less money is better' promoted in daoist texts - but more about one's relationship to material things. And, imo, all religious organizations would do well to look at their own relationship to wealth. I'm hard pressed to find favor with, for example, the Catholic Church preaching against poverty - with billions in it's own pockets.
  17. Mair 18:4

    Ahhh the perpetual dichotomy of being in the world vs the non-dual (only) state. (Insert 15yrs worth of rambling on "Both, same time" here, lol)
  18. Especially if something's not lost in the first place - and you've been repeatedly told it's somewhere else! Old tao joke. Never mind. Carry on.
  19. what I wrote came from my own sense of things, confirmed by Laozi. haven't come across any other writings that have such crazy ideas.
  20. lol dunno. some might just parrot with what they read somewhere
  21. Not sure about flowers tails and donkeys but, to me, 'turning the light around' reflects the returning nature of tao... which also enables us to do exactly that.
  22. The dao bums is a cia experiment.

    Content? Likely. Members? Yes.
  23. (-:

    Hi ~ I was gone for a while, now I'm back. Hope life is well for everyone! Warmest regards, rene
  24. (-:

    Thanks, LimA Sometimes breathing is easy, sometimes breathing is hard. Would you really have it any other way? Not me. (-:
  25. Regret, guilt and shame

    My true wish for you, friend, is that you never find yourself in a position where you know what needs to be done, and you ache to do it, but you cannot do it because of your own inability. May you never have to endure the angst, whenever memories of that past event bubble up, of: I should have found a way... Forgiving others is easy; forgiving one's self is a different matter. Especially when I should have found a way.