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Posts posted by Dean

  1. It would probably help if you could make the personal practice section like the other forums, where the most recent topic comes to the top.

    Yes, that is true. I'm pretty new here and the only reason I went over in that area was for Mak's post. Sorry I don't mean to offend any of you all.

  2. Be careful,


    These women you are so compassionate towards often have really serious problems, IMO. I once had a girl friend that had similar problems and let me tell you as loving as she was it was not worth the drama. I'm saying this as I look back now by the way. We constantly had the ups and downs and of course cheating, etc. If your into that kind of thing go for it. I held her dear to my heart and got hurt big time. In my mind I would steer clear.


    All the Best,

  3. I know some of his ideas might seem very strange to some, but I think his heart is in the right place. As far as his received some enlightenment in front of the altar is concerned I wouldn't go around telling everybody. Some people with think your nuts. His name I believe is an honorific title. As far as a Korean scam is concerned I have never heard of such a thing. :)

  4. I think, Michael, said it best. Recently I've been finding myself spending entirely too much time on the internet. Entertaining as it is, I don't think it's a beneficial as one might think. Soon I too shall curb my internet appetite, but not completely. :lol:

  5. What is a master?


    1. A master is someone who has opened all 72,000 nadi's/channels.

    2. Reached all 22 levels

    3. Has his 3rd eye open all the time

    4. Union with the Source.

    5. Wears the Buddha Crown

    6. This person can travel to anywhere in the universe through thought alone.


    Do you think a True master will waste his time here on this forum? No

    one here is a True master. Everyone here is learning, at one level

    or another, but No one is a True master here.


    If you are a true master, you would not claim to be either. That is

    the humility of a True master. No one here has showed any

    sense of humility from what I can tell. They just defend their

    sect. This is called still learning.

    Wow dargonfire!


    I think "True Masters" still have to learn too. Though I have know of a few that decided to not partake in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we lead. They either chose to remove themselves from society or chose to die at a date and time of their own choosing.


    Anyhow, what made you came to think of the list above. IMO, there are some that have chosen not to give up, yet. They decide to live amongst us and leave their transmissions.

  6. Dear Mak Tin Si,


    I'm sorry you stepped on so many toes. As you probably already know a great deal of people in Western Culture choose to view dogs as part of the family. I myself do not currently have any dogs, but I was brought up with a number of them. By brought up I mean we had 21 dogs at any one time. So I can imagined in your mind this would be bad FU. Mak, Old China is dead, dog's today are viewed as food, etc. Anyhow, you never told me what part your from anyways. You know this stuff already.


    Anyways, I hope there is someway a Taoist can live in commune with nature. How about, drug sniffing dogs, Search and rescue, and dogs for handicappers.

  7. In the old china, we used to have a "MA tung" which is a toilet made with a big bucket thing. People have to go clean it up and stuff everyday. Which some "professional" will go to your house and pickup these dumps everyday. For those who are poor, there are also public "Ma Tung" around too. No big deal.



    Mak Tin Si, what do they do with the leavings? It was my understanding they would use them as fertilizer for food crops.

  8. I'm not going to read it all, but I have heard of a small group of so called elite members of society. This group is very wealthy and often meet in secret (like Switzerland) to discuss their plans. But if you ask me it sounds a lot like a conspiracy theory. According to what I've heard they decide on wars, economic events, governments, and etc.


    For me, I personally wouldn't worry about it. Yes, there are also theory's that the world as we know it is on the brink of disaster. Namely, the USA, in one report I heard of will disintegrate into a number of small states (countries) reminiscent of European States or the Chinese Warring States (from history).


    Anyways, I wouldn't give much merit to everything you read on the internet. Especially when it comes from an anonymous person as it's easy to convulet things. As troubling as events seem we must stayed centered and adapt to changing social and economical conditions, IMO.

  9. Welcome my friend, find a seat, how do you like your tea?



    Stigeward, how come you keep asking everyone how they like their tea? :D By the way welcome, Fletch!