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Everything posted by Reactivateme

  1. The Awakening

    Reading my old post on here was quite an awaking. Wow! It needed to be deleted so the real me can type. Looking back on the history of events since the day I signed up here has been truly fascinating. Coming from a space of what I thought was darkness was actually just the light I was looking for. The lessons were all there in front of me but so hard to see when caught up in the story in my head. What I thought was a world crumbling because my marriage ended actually turned out to be the greatest blessing. I am creating my destiny with the most loving woman by my side, the greatest son, and the most supportive family and friends. Having been in the energy healing business for 10 years now, my work has taken me on a truly amazing journey. I help others everyday get rid of their aches and pains. It really can't be called work when I absolutely love helping my clients heal or teaching all of the Reactivation interns who have the desire to learn. I look forward to each day, living in the moment, and being aware of my true self. I thoroughly enjoy the process of building my chi with my meditation and yi chuan practice. I now laugh and smile at all the head voices that have controlled me for as long as I can remember. I am back to just enjoying the journey and keeping my heart full of love! Andy