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Posts posted by Buddy

  1. denty,

    I read it years ago. I remain unconvinced.


    Pero, please site your source re: Buddha or Laotze's parlor tricks.


    To everyone else who wants to believe it, why do you want to believe it? Even it were true how does it help your spiritual development? What possible benefit is there to moving empty cardboard boxes? Why are you so willing to suspend rational belief for this nonsense?


    These sort of alleged skills first appeared in martial art circles and were all proven to be bullshit. Martial artists are far less gullible than supposed "spiritual" types.

  2. The problem with everything mentioned is that they are well within the laws of physics. This obvious fakery is not. People USED to believe in unicorns and fairies, shall we still count their potential existence, as well? Why are you all interested in this Dragonball Z bullshit? Is it for spiritual attainment? You supposed the Buddha or Laotze bothered with these parlor tricks?



    "it's not that people need to believe it, they want to!"



  3. Please note that I am not dismissing such an idea. But often here there is an immediate acceptance of such phenomena. If we start with how does it work instead of is it real we wouldn't end up with all these moving someone without touching nonsense videos.

  4. Haha. I leave to pursue capitalism and you bitches are at each throats. Here's the REAL skinny. None of you have ANY claim to this site but Sean. He pays the bills. Don't like it? tough titty. He's a good enough bloke not to tell Pedro and his cohort to piss up a rope. Pietro is a self serving know it all wanna be. If we ever meet I'm going to see if he'd like to repeat some of his comments in person. I think not.


    Sean could shut the lights off tomorrow and then where will you whiners be? Winn's or Stumpjumper's cults? You should thank your stars for every day Sean keeps this joint afloat.

  5. I must say I find all these answers to be very irresponsible.


    Chris, go to a doctor. Get chemo or whatever they suggest. I had lymphatic cancer 20 years ago and am cured because of chemotherapy. My best friend had testicular cancer and had radiation and was cured will very little side effect.


    If you have not survived cancer by the methods you've all suggested, please don't prescribe for someone else. Literally their life depends on it.



  6. Because it was my "Way.' A combination of influences led me to this particular "ism" to find the "way."

    But it can be anything that leads you to this. Correction, everything that is your way can lead you to this. Maybe it's the Dao of digging ditches, or fishing or carpentry, or study. I don't think we needn't put a restriction or label on it. But I'm no sage.

  7. "Or, when time slows down during a car accident (for only the people in the car)."


    I'm supposing my feelings about this are predictable. You'll excuse me for not taking your word for it. But time doesn't "slow down", we only perceive it as slower. If it did we could avoid the accident.