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Everything posted by mYTHmAKER

  1. Buddhism v. Taoism

    Emptiness is the nature of the Buddha mind certainly not mine. So meditation, tai chi changes the nature of our everyday mind.
  2. Buddhism v. Taoism

    Tai Chi is all about letting go and it does change the nature of your mind.
  3. Buddhism v. Taoism

    One cannot become aware of being god without losing the self. We are god and there's nothing we can do to change that. Intellectually they may be somewhat different. Do the work on yourself which is beyond words. So as not to offend those who are offendable this is not a lecture and you all probably know more about this than I do
  4. There is no "Chinese mind"

    You gotta be kidding. Right? Please explain what Buddha being a jew has to do with todays mess and how is Mel Gibson right.
  5. Wu Ji

    ??? Question. Were you taught to practice and do you practice guiding a microcosmic or macrocosmic orbit or do you sit - stand and let it be. You may have already answered it in another discussion if so guide me to your answer.
  6. Body remodelling - knees?

    It's hard to explain without going into detail. It works all your joints and connective tissue from the neck down. Starts with simple more or less square movements - side to side - front to back Next level makes circles. Next level figure eights. Each level uses more whole body connection and flow than the previous one. Here is an explanation in Scotts words The written advertisement And last but not least someone doing it on youtube. He seems to be combining different levels and not doing everything as it takes about thirty minutes to complete.
  7. Body remodelling - knees?

    How long have you been doing intu- flow. What level.
  9. ...

    If it's near the eyelashes you might try washing the area with a gentle baby shampoo
  10. Body remodelling - knees?

    I can second that.
  11. Where there have been food shortages and people have been forced to eat less they were pretty healthy. When there were no longer shortages they stoped being as healthy. So there is a cut off point. However, I wouldn't go out of my way to restrict calories. A vegetarian or nearly vegetarian diet is good for life extension and if done properly should have a lower calorie content. Seventh Day Adventists live, on the average, seven years longer than the general population. Periodic fasting is supposed to extend life and is supposedly better for one's health. mYTHISmAKER and I just finished a three day water fast. Anyone read The Hunger Artist by Franz Kafka?
  12. Sonnon on Royal Court/Combat Cond.

    From my limited understanding the royal court and similiar exercises stress your body to the max. This is not the middle way. The way of Tao If one chooses to do these they had better be properly aligned. Animals tend not to over extend in their movement.
  13. Interesting page on Gua Sha

    Tom Cruise might have some left over
  14. T'ai Chi music?

    I really don't know why people play music when they play tai chi. You shouldn't need music to relax you while your playing. Tai chi is internal and plays to your own rhythm - not external music. When you go to a demonstration and there is music it is more for the audience so they don't get bored.
  15. Noni juice

    I know it's difficult. If you are the prime food gatherer, cook don't push your food on the others. Make what you want for yourself and make what the others want for them Hopefully they will see a difference in you and will want to change or try your food. This is a very important part of self cultivation. Body mind and spirit
  16. Noni juice

    This is nonsense. All animals eat a more or less specific diet which is natural for them. Why should humans be any different. Mad cow disease is caused by cows eating meat which is unnatural for them. We create disease in humans by eating unnaturally. Writing a diet book is a great way to make money. Got to have a new gimmick. People are always looking for shortcuts so they can eat whatever they want. as Karen said " Someone could be sick from living on Twinkies, and claim that a vegan diet cured them. Well, it might have been just getting off the Twinkies."
  17. Noni juice

    Maybe try a short fast
  18. What is the Most Important Thing?

    Most excellent. You should drink saki more often
  19. Taoists: Chicken-out !

    When I was in China KFC was the rage. The chinese are becoming overweight and suffering from diseases which were unusual before they fell in love with ourway of life.
  20. Go slow on Intuflow

    This really applies to any type of movement. Being focused on movement is of prime importance. Being focused is of prime importance. - vipassana Actually anything we do in this life. Intention
  21. Taoism and what happens after death?

    Think we could stretch this into schtzophrenia and multiple personalities in individuals
  22. Sifu Wong

    When you find your notes it would be appreciated if you shared them
  23. Sifu Wong

    You could go up on your toes while pushing your heels down. This would intensify the stretch.
  24. Real Meaning of Dao De Jing

    Path, schmath It doesn't matter what path one takes in life. It is one's attitude that counts. Everyone has an equal shot and what seems to be a handycap can help. For all we know maybe the race is fixed