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Everything posted by mYTHmAKER

  1. The Tao of Weight Loss - ThreadBook

    one of the ways to lose spiritual weight is to meditate
  2. Love this clip.

    what fight?
  3. Tarot as a System of Metaphysical Philosophy

    The Sola Busca Tarot is a bit pricey. Does anyone know where to purchase at a reasonable price. mYTHISmAKER would love to have one
  4. Photogenic loss

    If you shared any of your photos others may still have them
  5. Stop Deleting Your Posts!

  6. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    And yet you offer no explanations or insights of your own so we can understand and grow. I was under the impression that Dao bums was a place to share and exchange ideas and information. BTW you never did say why taiji is done slowly.
  7. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    If that is you in the website you know more than I do and if that is the case why not tell us why Taiji should be practiced slowly - if you have the knowledge please share- I am always open to learning.
  8. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    I may be wrong but you sound argumentative - of course it is easy to misinterpret on the internet. by becoming one withTaijiquan one embraces the Dao. take note I never said it was the best or the only way. Doing and practicing slowly is a good way to learn in general. My guess is you have no or very little experience of taiji. I can tell you all about water but until you put your hand in it will all be conceptual.
  9. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    when you are learning you begin by doing it slowly. When one does something slowly they have to pay attention to every nuance, of every connection, of being aware of the flow, of having continuous even relaxed movement. When one moves fast one tends to skip and be sloppy and can't feel where there are disconnects. After one becomes one with taijiquan one can move fast maintaining center, flow, being soft, relaxed etc
  10. Why Does Tai Ji Starts with Slow Motion?

    Taiji comes from a place of no motion - stasis - Earlier Heaven. It begins with motion - Later Heaven At this point one creates their universe
  11. Questioning a supposed "master"

    Couldn't have said it better myself. He should be reported to the authorities There are others he has deceived Google his name and see what comes up
  12. mystical poetry thread

    Yes it’s true. I’ve heard whispers, and there’s always room for rumors. You say I write a good game, all this holy crap; you’ve seen me in action, and I don’t always do as I should, and you heard about..... Do you know how this makes me feel? God knows I try. Please remember I’m only a poet saint in training.
  13. spelled backwards still a boob
  14. mystical poetry thread

    Everyone knows a cloud can never attach itself to the earth no matter how hard it tries, and a mountain can never float in the sea or the heavens for all it’s desire. So why do we insist on pissing into the wind when we can reach God by simply turning around?
  15. I Ching Paintings
  16. I Ching Paintings

    Bagua Dragon Series based on the eight trigrams of yin and yang
  17. Turning vegetarian - need advice

    Make sure all soy is organic and non GMO Hemp powder and milk is good I have said this before in other vegetarian topics Check out Dr Joel Fuhrman. There is a lot free info on his website His books have a wealth of information
  18. How to become more honest with oneself?

    Do you not say hello out of fear of rejection or some other reason. Before you even approach a girl - as soon as she sees you she has determined at some level - consciously / unconsciously whether or not she likes you. In a sense it has nothing to do with what you say or how you look unless of course you say or do something gross. Be in the present moment and say hello. With repetition it gets easier. Amazon has a book Qi Gong for Picking Up Girls LOL Seriously meditation will help - doesn't matter which kind.
  19. Should I Go Buddhist?

    Could someone set up a poll Buddhist Taoist Little bit of both Heathen none of the above etc also leave space for write a in
  20. Should I Go Buddhist?

    Why not use both - take what you like from each discard what you don't You will evolve naturally Problem with religions / philosophies is that we get stuck. They place you in a box. The only criteria is what you chose is accepting of others beliefs You will know in your heart what is right for you, what works for you. Why ask others? However, my path is the best one LOL
  21. mystical poetry thread

    There’s more to me than meets the eye. I am all that is, was, and ever will be; the observer, and the observed. I am everywhere; invisible, silent, veiled, as light in day, dark in night, blue in sky, green in grass. Intellects with machines of science, think they can possess me, make me perceptible, perceivable, explainable, containable, document me on tape. Scientists merely appear, to peel away layers, to catch my secret. I accommodate all theories; for some I am only in special places, for others I don’t exist. To find me, go within your heart; meditate and know I am everywhere.