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Everything posted by mYTHmAKER

  1. Immortality Poll

    David Bowie - The Man Who Fell To Earth
  2. Happy B-day, DaoWaDiddy !

    Charlie As an immortal to be you are getting younger. Happy Birthday
  3. On eating meat, again

    I was told slitting send one into a peaceful dream state but I'll take your word for it. Oh yes it's true Oh no it's not is not is not Too much of something - their diets were not balanced. The fiction is they think they were doing something correctly when actually they were not.
  4. On eating meat, again

    Koshering meat - draining the blood from the body - removes impurities that are carried in the blood. Also it's supposed to be a peaceful death - somewhat like slitting your wrists - so the animal does not project all the energetic fear of death. As to the fruitarians who can't deal with other peoples anger could be they have too much sugar in their system or their diet isn't balanced. the other possibility is that they are more sensitive and can more readily detect emotions such as anger. Even when I was eating meat I didn't like hanging out with angry people. Interesting site. However it's written by people who didn't follow their diet properly. It is based on fiction not fact.
  5. On eating meat, again

    Yes one can decide to stop eating meat and they will not get messed up. There are studies that indicate that one can eat up to 12 ounces of meat per week and will be just as healthy as someone who eats no meat. After 12 ounces disease kicks in. Good to eat when you're hungry but some discrimination should be involved in food choices.
  6. Fasting?

    I did a ten day water fast many many years ago. About 2-3 years ago I did 14 days and mYTHISmaker did 10 days. September or so of this year we did 4 days and two weeks ago we did 3 days. Over the years I've done a few days here and there. It's also a good thing to do if you are sick with a cold. We hope to do 3-4 days every month or so. The long fasts were supervised. We don't eat heavy before to fortify ourselves . We are vegetarians and eat fairly well in general. We drink about 8 - 10 glasses of water a day while fasting. Sipping not drinking a lot at once. Breaking the fast we have a piece of fruit or maybe some steamed zucchini. We eat a little every few hours. The next day we don't eat anything heavy such as nuts. We have a fruit salad, blended greens, steamed veggies. On the supervised fasts we broke them with a few ounces of grape juice on one and a little steamed zucchini on the other. We are not overweight and as a result get weak by the third day.The first two days I can usually do light exercise. I also lose weight pretty fast and can drop 5 - 6 pounds in 3 days. On longer fasts the weight loss will eventually slow to about 1/2 pound or less per day. Luckily I gain it back in about a week or so.
  7. Paul Grilley

    These are very interesting clips
  8. Taoist Evangelists?

    Have you asked your teacher
  9. Raw for 30 days

    Good health comes from what you are no longer eating.
  10. heat versus ice

    I once went to a physical thherapist who alternated heat with ice. The idea was to get circulation onto the area
  11. Raw for 30 days

    Excellent video. However the same results can be achieved eating 80 - 90% raw.
  12. Sounds good to me. It makes things simplier. Especially since you pointed out the "View New Posts"
  13. Order of personal practice bits

    It would be easier if the latest post was at the top. One wouldn't have to scan down through all the forums.
  14. what magazines do you read?

    The New Yorker T'ai Chi Magazine
  15. Conflict in the Tao

    If you really want to learn tai chi you need a live teacher. It is difficult to learn from a tape or DVD. Unless you are the exception, most people have no idea of proper alignment and movement and lack awareness of their bodies. Tai chi can be very subtle and there are many nuances. It's not easy to see unless you have prior training. As far as martial arts and tai chi chuan - it is a martial art. The chuan is the fisted. You don't have to learn it for fighting but it helps to have an understanding of the meaning of the forms. It makes it easier to do them. Short forms are for the twentieth century man in a hurry. Repeating a short form over and over is not the same as doing a long form. There should be no hurry - it is the journey in learning that counts not rushing to the end. Take the time to visit classes where you live and see which form appeals to you and whether or not you like the teacher.
  16. Conflict in the Tao

    Tai chi will help you out of your head and into your body. A warrior and free spirit are not necessarily in conflict.
  17. Three Day Water Fast

    mYTHSTER mYTHISmAKER are planning a three day water fast. We will begin Tuesesday October 17th after dinner and break the fast either friday night or saturday morning October 21st. The four day fast last month left us a bit too weak. Recovery time was too long. Although each time is different. Not enough vegetables on the bones. So we will try three this time. Anyone care to join us.
  18. Lets Bat It Around Again-what Is Enlightenment

    That is the paradox. If and when one is in a state of enlightenment the mind is unaware of the state. As soon as you think you are in a state of enlightenment your mind has kicked in and you're out. Remember to focus on the space between the breath and slow down your mind.
  19. Wasn't the idea for these hitters stolen from the christian practice of self flaggalation
  20. Happy Birthday Ian!

    Happy Birthday Ian and many many more. Re birthdays I am reminded of what one of my teachers used to say. "Why are you celebrating my birthday? It is only a reminder of my being one year closer to death." This was meant as a wakeup call. Not to waste any precious time and live as though each moment could be our last.
  21. Volatile Organic Chemicals, Arsenic, Etc.

    The shower filter I use costs $ 69 They have an 800 number. You can ask about arsnic. They also carry distillers.
  22. The Elixir Pellet Is Bought With Gold

    Here is a book which I highly recommend. It helped me I hope it does the same for you.
  23. Volatile Organic Chemicals, Arsenic, Etc.

    Depends who your talking to. Distilling removes inorganic minerals. That's the stuff that's white and hard that gathers on your flower pots from watering. My distiller pot has a thick coating of brown hard stuff which is removed from the water The pot has to be cleaned every four weeks or so.
  24. Volatile Organic Chemicals, Arsenic, Etc.

    I don't believe in acceptable amounts of anything. Zero is always best. I have a distiller with a pre filter for the big stuff and a carbon post filter. Bought water has to be checked carefully. It is not a constant. We use a Showerwise filter - supposed to reduce chlorine, bacteria, algae,fungi, dirt and sediment. Filtering water is a priority over a shower filter. Put most of your money there. Some people are fans of reverse osmosis - don't know much about it. And no the distiller does not leach mineral from your body.