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Posts posted by mYTHmAKER

  1. Here's a better resource for correct ZZ practice. Many training notes and tips.


    That teacher is a disciple of Chen Xiaowang's second son: Chen Yingjun. So it's the real deal.


    Enjoy! :)

    The weight distribution seems to be wrong in the diagram - should be 60% in the sitting leg and 40% in the straight leg. - usually this is 70 - 30

  2. I personally think high fat diet (health fats of course) is the best also, as it is what our ancestors used to live off before domestication of grains and the advent of agriculture. Also the brain is 75% fat.


    For me the best diet would be mainly seeds, nuts, vegetables, small amount of meat and fruits, then lots of healthy oil like organic extra virgin coconut/olive oil - essentially mainly fats and fiber, followed by protein then small amount of healthy carbs (no grains or cereals ideally, little to no white starchy carbs.


    That's what works best for me interms of feeling energised and not drained by eating, also what our digestion system is best geared for considering it hasn't changed in the last 40,000 years.


    Combined with "intermittent fasting" this is very close to how our ancestors would have naturally eaten.

    our ancestors did not have processed oils in their diet. It is too concentrated. Oils are best when contained in foods. IMHO

  3. I'm trying to meditate for a long period in a semi-lotus position without moving at all except to swallow and blink. After about half an hour my limbs start to feel painfull and then go completely numb. I've carried on past this mark for a fair amount of time, but then when I come out of the meditation my limbs are completely numb for awhile and I'm somewhat concerned about doing nerve damage... which I read is not likely but can happen.


    I'd much rather introduce a controlled element of pain where I don't have to worry about doing actual damage to my body.


    Thanks for the suggestions... I'll have to look into Tumo and Wim Holf Methods. As for the S&M, that would get way too expensive since I want to do this every day, lol. Self-flagellation is an option, but I want to try to not move if possible. I might give it a go though.

    Start with an easier position  - put pillows under your thighs. Do stretches to open the tight areas

  4. Self flagellation is fun, also sitting meditation on a board with nails like some yogis.

    I wonder what your religious background is/was.

    Is ego involved?

    It is difficult enough to sit in meditation to find inner peace and reach higher states without

    introducing pain into the equation.

    Overcoming pain is a way to train ones mind but not a way to a higher state. IMHO

  5. Our teacher is beyond good, he is the best.  But she has never shown him what she does when he is not around to watch.  And she is sweetness incarnate with him, shy, bashful, humble...  to tell him what she really does when he's not there might make one look as a sore loser -- I've seen her hurt huge muscular guys like that, people of twice her size and thrice her skill, and they never complained.  She does have the art of war down pat -- she just wages a wrong war.  A war she can never win because she has no idea who her real enemy is and attacks the stand-offs instead. 


    I've chosen de-escalation and avoidance as a temporary step, I'm by far not the only one who knows she breaks the rules constantly, I just don't want to take the lead in trying to expose or correct that.  Not my place.  I'll do what I can to improve my own skill, is all, until the next encounter.  I want to have the next encounter when I'm completely empty, so she falls into wuji when she touches me, the way I fell into wuji with a very very accomplished partner who was the first one to show me what real high level taiji sparring is like.  But he had forty years of top level taiji by then.  So I might not be ready in another year.  But that's the plan for now.   :)

    My teacher is better than yours LOL

    I would outright refuse to play with her and if anyone asks why I would tell it like it is.

    Refusing to be in a bad situation is a highly developed skill in itself. Wuji baby!

    • Like 2

  6. TM what was the woman's reaction when she hit you. Did she say anything?

    In the situation you described i would tell her what she did was not ethical/proper and explain why.

    She needs to know what she did so she can learn. Based on her response I would either

    tell her not to push with me again or push with her being on high alert until I was convinced she understood

    that the goal is not to hurt others.

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  7. I tried becoming a vegetarian in the past and I reverted back after a few months of that. This time I'm more careful and I've become an ovo-pescatarian. But my stopping eating meat is a result of my meeting my teacher. First time he initiated me, I spent a good 10 days or so in a daze...with recurring sudden meditations and absolute peace and love for the entire universe. I lost all interest in eating meat, drinking alcohol etc.  


    While the euphoria is now gone, I realized that I DO feel very strongly the pain of the animals that have been killed (during those 10 days, the very sight of meat would make me want to gag). It is a love based decision rather than one motivated by health concerns.  I think in retrospect, meditating on the pain of the animals being slaughtered will help making the vegetarian choice a more long term one.

    I personally would not meditate on pain.

    It is more "being aware" of or realizing


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  8. Oh, and the Japanese woman's eating style is not an "agenda" either.  More like comic relief, it was intended.  Too bad it didn't work.    

    That is the problem with internet - it is not always easy to understand what people are really saying.

    Can't hear voice inflection, can't see/read facial expression

    and so there are many disagreements when in person there would be none


    So yes it is funny when one understands it was meant to be funny

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