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Posts posted by Mak_Tin_Si

  1. We are just doing our best to help Gossamer in this case. It is not a gift for Gossammer. It is a kind of "good karma" to do to send energy for people who need help.


    Just like when we know there is a disaster like earthquake in china, we taoist all open the channel and do rituals for the dead to help them all move on for many many days. It's a kind of "kindness" to do.


    Mo Leung Tin juen

  2. When one person die, their 3 souls (hun) departs and assemble again, so you do not have a body but another form living with only the souls (hun). When you have 2 hun stick together, that is what we called "gwai wun" which is ghost-souls. The reason for using the word "ghost" is because it is yin, hidden, unseen.


    You can also say one have a ghost heart - saying that the person think evil at the back all the time


    or a ghost eye - saying that you see and look at evil stuff at people's back all the time


    Ghost do not only mean dead people in chinese and taoism.

  3. The idea of "ghost" you have here is people or animal who died.. which we call a ghost spirit. Gwai Wun. You cannot give birth to ghost, when their are "born" they are human or living beings already.


    Ghost is composed of 2 wun (hun) and human have 3.

  4. Cat, that's very good of you. You do have alot of respect for your ancestors which is a kind of "duck" (virtue) in taoism that lead to wealth and fortune too!


    Great karma generated by you!

  5. Happy birthday for LaoZi !!!!! (it's now 3:30am and I am going to leave to the temple around 4am to host the ceremony for LaoZi anniversary celebration!)


    To all people who have donated to the ceremony - blessings to you all and wish you all the best with your taoism trianings and learnings! Smooth and easy going! All the best in luck~!


    (anyone who want to donate for this anniversary ceremony can also do it via the website of )

  6. focus on some basic practise in taichi.


    In Yang's style taichi, I recommend you do a training on the 12 series spring kick (northern shaolin) for a boost for your base. It is a good way to do it for a short term boosting, you will scare and surprise all your other friends and training pals.


    Before that, you must master the 6 basic leg stretch and 5 major stance of course to build up that chi in your lower body.

  7. that's great.


    Yes true you have to do both the immediate and the Root cause.


    A zapper works well to keep blood clean of any free radicals & also bacteria etc.


    Also it works wonders on reducing cancers & Tumors.

    Its basically same concept as doing long times of Chi Kung to create "Electric" effect in chi & blood etc.

