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Posts posted by Mak_Tin_Si

  1. I think I can say ALL taoism sect do have the methods of establishing home altars with the ancestors plates to worship and offer incense and food.


    In Chi in Nature's lineage, it is not a must to setup any altars at home for the practitioners, but of coures you can always request this to be done for you anytime if you want too. There are some different ways to setup the ancestors altar too - with different effect and usage.


    Mak Tin Si

  2. The Ching Ming Festival is on APR 4th this year.


    During the day we are going to do a "Jade Ceremony" which is a huge ceremony that last one day long with 3 sessions. This ceremony is to help the ancestors who registered to move on to the next life or get healed by the taoism energy in the other dimension they are living in. Which also give them a chance to be blessed by the 36000 deities in Taoism. How nice, how good, how happy.

  3. Yes, reiki is very mild and the energy is abit passive. I have met a few reiki masters and reiki students in the temple before too. They all admit that the energy used in reiki is not as strong because their energy is used for slow healings only. So that is why most people who got healing from reiki all have to go thru a longer period of treatment instead of a one time fix treatment.


    In Taoism. we do treatment that is specially directly at certain illness or problems, so it is more direct and more powerful in that case. Taoism's energy is not only used for healing but for exorcism and even more other fields that require more powerful energy, that is the reason why taoism works faster than reiki in that case.


    Instead of getting a treatment, you can also decide to enroll into the lineage which also give you the blessings and protection and sometimes heal your past illness too because you get rid of some "negative" factors in your past that you may have not notice.


    Mak Tin Si

  4. Not a problem, good luck with your training too.


    Just avoid looking at the screens for 30mins afterward and you can also try some LongYan (the fruit in chinese supermarket that looks like brown balls) eat some and use them to make tea. They are good for the eyes.

  5. That is the main reason. The meditation you do maybe missing some parts. So if you do any of the practise, just relax and not look at screens or TV for about 30mins and then go back to them afterward. It is normal.


    If you practise some of the internal alchemy that we do in Taoism, it would be better because you are going to be training under supervision and also there would be a more "complete" system with each practise so you will not miss out anything too.

  6. A note to clarify, the above attachments I have attached is just something I have found online for an example. Not by my hand. Do not mix up.



    TheWhiteRabbit - maybe this post would be a good mirror for us all to see how to be calm? When did I insult you or offended you? I cannot find a trace? But curious about your drawings instead.



    **MaoShan does have many many off shoot, specially those who run evil magic and pass on "ghost babies methods". MaoShan Sheung Ching Sect is a good one. But if you know the history of White Lotus rebellions, you will know there are many many branchs of MaoShan which wern't from this origin and they call themselves MaoShan too, Worshipping "MaoShan Faat Jue" on their plate, which is NOT the real MaoShan founders. history is fact. No offend, just facts.


    But why so angry? you got mad?

  7. Ghost script - where does you term comes from?



    The knowledge of taoism is wise and massive, to understand the true meaning and real usage of each takes lots of "FUK credit" to accumulate. Not everybody can get to know the real thing in one life, but maybe the next. You are one step forward already. I wish you all the best in the future finding out the truth to the taoism knowledge.

  8. yin = moon, cold, dark, negative, sad, evil, chill, freeze,...etc,.

    yang = sun, hot, light, positive, happy, deities, warm, peace...etc,.


    Drinking water of "yin" energy accumulated by the moon is drinking yin energy into yourself.


    Think about this - are your body warm? Do you like to be happy and peaceful? Do you like to be positive?

  9. TheWhiteRabbit ,


    Your symbol is not the one for open the door of heave,...etc,. This one is a symbol of a lineage's energy. Which means this is a tripod symbol for a lineage's power. If you are not the member of the lineage, yes you can use it, but you do not have the full power of the lineage. You know what lineage? is well known by many sect of taoism for sure.


    The one you talked about is the letter of 罡. Which I have attacted in the previous reply.


    Mak Tin Si

  10. Sorry, that was a typo. Yes, Footer.


    This symbol is written at the bottom of the FU as an "ending symbol". It have a meaning to it and if you use it for the signature, it doens't make sense unless you are saying that your "post" here is the word of god or deities in Taoism. Which need to be "tradmarked" with this symbol.


    Just like writting a letter to your friend, and you work at a hospital (very high pose) and so you will not stamp your hospital stamp at the end of the letter when you are just gossiping right?


    I was just confused why WhiteRabbit used this symbol. But it is nice for him that he do know some taoism symbols which means he do have fate in taoism too. Congrad.


    Mak Tin Si, do you mean "footer" by any chance? Or do you mean "footage" as a movie recording of something?





    Just for your info. These above are the "FU footers" samples that is simular to the one above. This is used only for FU that require the footer. Each do have it's own meaning and channel.


    For example if you write a FU of LaoZi, then you use a footer that is linked to LaoZi. If you use a fu that is written with the name of "Wong Tai Sin" then you cannot use that same footer anymore because they do not link to the same place.

  11. Here is a question, what do you mean by "earth is alive".


    Earth as in mud? or Earth as in the planet?


    we must know that the planet itself is alive or not? batericas, people around.. they are all living things, with lives, but what about "earth the planet" itself if none of these exsist?


    Is it alive?


    In Taoism, we say that if 5 elements and yin yang exsist fully in a place, the place will have life growing. That is the reason why Mars do not have animals or human because they do not have "water". Some prooved that they have water there once upon a time (maybe) but then it doens't have any now. Therefore, it doesn't have living beings.

  12. Not to be negative, but do you know what this symbol means?


    It is from taoism, and it is used as the "footage" of each FU sometimes for a special reason. Do you know the meaning of this?


    Ah, so negative, and especially in response to a positive FU.

    Positive energies rock, especially when they come from heaven only.

  13. I have been practising kungfu for a long time, which I have also encounted this problem long long time ago. Then I fixed it already because I found out the problem.


    Now the problem shall be because the punching is not "controlled"


    When you punch, the fist shall be held in medium strength and when you reach the target end point, you must squeeze the fist and HOLD the whole hand, arm, fist all that and not let it "shake" or even "vibrate". After the short hold, relax immediately. This shall happen in a very short period, so you do not hold for longer than 1sec. "relax" means just to relax the fist, arm and elbow etc,. not to go down in the bed...!!!


    Try and see if this helps.


    If you are doing wingchun and get this problem, then it shall be because of the elbow shaking while you punch and hit. Which you need to really seek for a new teacher because the teacher must be doing it wrong.


    If you are doing other forms like shaolin, taichi, hung gar, etc,. then my above suggestions shall work out.

  14. The reason why one cannot be calm and peaceful is usually because of the energy that made you frustrated, violence, unsafe, nervous or even scared or depress..


    so when we do the practise in taoism (stage1), you will be drawing in the energy of the lineage which also help you dissolve the bad energy inside your body and convert your energy to a more "positive" stage which means you turn your black ink into white or even make your white ink even whiter.


    We say - turn your body more "yang" in energy and you will achieve peace when you are pure or purified.


    Mak Tin Si



    Btw, WhiteRabbit- why are you posting the FU-ending at our signature? Are you trying to tell me that this post is a FU you made which need the ending and lockage? um~

  15. Not to joke, but doing the basic internal trianing on stage 1 practise taught in Chi in Nature's lineage will really help you to gain that "calmness" and "peace". Easy to do, 10mins each day, no stress.


    "The main difference I feel before and after becoming a student in Chi in Nature (Stage 1) is belief in Taoism. Before I was skeptical about what it all involved. In some ways leery of what Taoism promised. After I felt peaceful, calm, less emotional as I began to see the power of Taoism reveal it self to me in many lessons learned." - a testimonial by "Tung Fu Ji" (a stage 2 student now) - original name Amanda Signh


    She is not chinese, but a local taoism student at my temple. Wish this can help you out.

  16. Since very small when I was 4, I got into Taosim because just love to burn incense and deal with the taoism stuff. If you know, the vampire movies are very famous in hong kong back then and taoist are using their wooden swords to bust the vampires and stuff, it was what attracted me to go on the path!

  17. It is very common. You usually get it when you are low in energy - which means when you are sick, ill, tired, or almost dying, etc,..


    Yeh, working in hospital is not that good if you do not know how to pump back your energy level up. Too many dying people and sick people around which pass their energy to you.


    Try getting the sunshine of 11-1pm everyday by going out to the open areas for walk. It helps alot too. This will allow you to raise your yang qi back and get rid of this problem.


    Avoid sleeping too late!

  18. There are many type of ghosts, one kind is like this - they do not know they are dead.


    These ghosts maybe dead because of some special reason such as they die from shock, die from some sudden stuff.


    The only way out is not talk to them so they do not have "hope" to communicate with you. Next thing to do is that we will do a ceremony for them so this will lead them to the temple, and then they will have the deities to tell them what happen and lead them the way down where they are suppose to go. During this ceremony, we can also see them bow and bow and bow to pay super huge respect to get help from the deities and move on. Even more peace and joy for them.


    If you talk to them, you make them hope more about getting to chat with more people like you, etc,. So they won't really move on anyway.... wasting their time and making them stay in a place they are not suppose to stay at.