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Everything posted by Mak_Tin_Si

  1. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    Stingward, Not a problem. You can put this on-hold or use it for someone who needed the fundings if you want. It's a piece of "good heart" accumulated by long period of time. I am more than happy to help out whoever that use this fundings later on too.
  2. Looking for first hand perceptions

    From my experience, Most people "feel" ghosts or the spirits before they "see" it with their eye. By the time anyone "see" them around, it is very serious thing going on already. First thing you feel is "temporature changes" as describe in the "ghost post". Next thing you will realize is "feeling of exsistent" Then what comes is you feel drained out of energy, tired, and want to sleep or lack of energy, moody, grumpy and get frustrated easily. Sometimes even get the idea of wanting to die, feeling you are a looser, etc,. negative feelings comes from negative energy (yin energy). If this last a long time, then you maybe able to see them. (but already very bad luck and bad health) *Some people who are born with the ability to see "ghosts" around is because they have trained the wrong path last live, this is the side-effect they got after rebirth.
  3. not a problem. Grey hair takes longer time to heal, but for sure if you do have some kidney weakness, it can give you a boost. (plus it works super good if you drink the FU before the lineage poem training, it is a super boost)
  4. ghosts

    Thank you, glad to talk with peace again. Talking about energy or chi or anything in the world, yin=cold, yang=hot for sure. So it depends how cold to determine how "yin" and it depends how hot to know how "yang" somethings is. An interesting thing here to share - one time I have a patient over who is annoyed by some ghosts (dead human spirit) at home. The kids keep on seeing people (ghosts) around the house. They turned the heat on to 45 degree and they all felt freezing at home no matter what they do. They all got on their winter coats and walk around this SUPER HEATED place. Yes, the temporature on the scale is 45 degree, but whoever go into teh house say it is FREEZING. So after we do the ghost busting for the house to get them back to the yin-dimension, the house was SUPER HOT and it's like in a sona room. All the people took off their coat and sweat like crazy. HOT again. As you can see, energy changes when different "beings" are around. - as my experience is.
  5. faster punch

    about this topic, just one thing to share.. While with my years of experience with kungfu, specially Gwongzhau Wingchun, I can say that nothing can make your punch "FAST" and "POWERFUL" except for hard trainings from days to days, non-stop. First stage is to DO IT RIGHT instead of DO IT FAST. Do your punching slowly, watch for correct posture and do not be lazy. After 1 year, then move on to #2. #2 stage is to DO IT FASTER. Speed up a little bit by bit, but make sure have your sifu to check if your punch is going correct with postures even you are doing it faster. No lazy punches! #3 FASTER trianing - now go for faster speed. Have a paper hang in front of you with a string, now stand in front and keep punching, until a point that the paper is not even leaving your hand from punch to punch, and the paper shall swing directly back at you in a straight line. #4 CHI punch - now stand in front of a candle and punch about 10cm distance, if the candle can be extinguish, stand abit furthur and do it again. If you can do it for 30cm, now go back to 10cm and light 2 candles in a row. If you can do 1 punch and extinguish 3 candles in a line, you are great on your way.
  6. ghosts

    how nice this topic is going so far~ one point to add for all to think about here. (especailly those who have experience dead friends or ancestors around you before) Winter have longer dark periods, less sun light, - colder -yin side Summer have longer sunlight and daytime - warmer -yang side If you feel "cold" or "chill" or "bliss" or "freezing" when these dead beings around you, that is telling you that they are "yin" in energy-wise. Which proven that we human are "yang" in energy wise because we are warm.
  7. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    Thanks alot for your kind support too. You do have a good heart and you do have alot of "yuen fun" (fate) with taoism too, which is why you did donate to this project. But maybe just that Gossammer do not have the FUK (fortune) in him to intake all the goo heart from you, so that is why this arise now. But it's all Gosammer's luck and fate. Infinite of good karma already generated by your good heart. All the best!
  8. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    From my experience, healing for someone is never harmful if you choose the right thing to do. Just that for some cases, if we are doing it at their back, we can do something more gentle, which will not be harmful at all. Example, if someone is starving, instead of stucking some food into their mouth, we can all cook a dish and send it to him. It's then his choice to recieve it or not. But we can make the dishes very attractive to attract him to eat it at the end so he do not die from starving. We will just do our best. With my professional skills, I will for sure design something for him that will provide him the most benefit with the limited amount of budget and unlimited, infinite of good hearts accumulated.
  9. Will do your fu later! maybe that would be nice of you to share some feed back later too. great.
  10. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    We are just doing our best to help Gossamer in this case. It is not a gift for Gossammer. It is a kind of "good karma" to do to send energy for people who need help. Just like when we know there is a disaster like earthquake in china, we taoist all open the channel and do rituals for the dead to help them all move on for many many days. It's a kind of "kindness" to do. Mo Leung Tin juen
  11. Hi all~ Next wednesday (march 11. 2009) is LaoZi's b-day anniversary~! We call it Tai Sheung Lo Gwun Anniversary! During this day, we will be doing a b-day anniversary celebration ceremony for Tai Sheung Lo Gwun (who is one of the second highest level deities in taoism). To thanks Tai sheung Lo Gwun for passing down all the great knowledge of taoism to us from generations to generations! For all the people who are interested in joining this, (even online) you can donate for this anniversary to contribue your share in this ceremony to show and pay your respect to Tai sheung Lo Gwun (laozi the deity) as a taoist student! In return, he will bless you back with luck in training taoism and also more "FAAT" to you in your taoism training! Tai sheung Lo Gwun is also the one who pass down the knowledge of FU and mantras too! So if you are having the heart and passion to learn these knowledge in the future, you can also contribute to this to increase your chance of success in learning these arts later on too!! Mak Tin Si *this is a post from the temple of Chi in Nature*
  12. march 11. 2009 - LaoZi's b-day anniversary!

    no cake, he is not western !!! We did a set of SAAM SUNG for him (a piece of pork, a whole chicken and a big fish) and also aloooot of offerings for all the deities also! Today the altar was ended up pretty full of food! haha! Great day today! thanks to all who contributed! good karma generated for all!
  13. Lao Tzu's birthday inconsistancy

    huh? what do you mean?
  14. No, that is not "symbolic" it is all defined and explained in theories of taoism, just that it is to long and complex to explain each little details in the forumla, so I just tell you the linkage instead. Of course kidney have alot of stuff linked to it, what do you want to know?
  15. ghosts

    When one person die, their 3 souls (hun) departs and assemble again, so you do not have a body but another form living with only the souls (hun). When you have 2 hun stick together, that is what we called "gwai wun" which is ghost-souls. The reason for using the word "ghost" is because it is yin, hidden, unseen. You can also say one have a ghost heart - saying that the person think evil at the back all the time or a ghost eye - saying that you see and look at evil stuff at people's back all the time Ghost do not only mean dead people in chinese and taoism.
  16. ghosts

    The idea of "ghost" you have here is people or animal who died.. which we call a ghost spirit. Gwai Wun. You cannot give birth to ghost, when their are "born" they are human or living beings already. Ghost is composed of 2 wun (hun) and human have 3.
  17. what do you mean by "deep meaning" of kidney? Kidney is an organ, but of course there are linkage of organs to many things, as you can link it to health, luck and many other things if you want to know.
  18. Lao Tzu's birthday inconsistancy

    LaoZi bday is on the lunar calendar 2nd month 15th day all the time. Never changed. You can just go and buy a chinese calendar (old style) and find this date, they all marked it as LaoZi birthday, very very common. maybe you mix up the calendar system...
  19. by the way, yin yang water is half cold bottled water and half boiled bottled water.
  20. march 11. 2009 - LaoZi's b-day anniversary!

    For the LaoZi anniversary, you can do the anniversary donation and also look into this "Lao Zi House Protection FU" if you want. This is a house protection fu from LaoZi (Tai sheung Lo Gwun). It draws in the taoism energy into the house to bring you luck and repel negatives !!
  21. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    I mean that I will "design" his meal later when the donations are recieved.
  22. ghosts

    Cat, that's very good of you. You do have alot of respect for your ancestors which is a kind of "duck" (virtue) in taoism that lead to wealth and fortune too! Great karma generated by you!
  23. march 11. 2009 - LaoZi's b-day anniversary!

    To all the bums who have contribute to the ceremony - thanks and infinite of good karma generated by you ! All the best with your taoism path!!!
  24. Corrupt a Wish.

    spont. means spontaneous... they know.
  25. march 11. 2009 - LaoZi's b-day anniversary!

    Happy birthday for LaoZi !!!!! (it's now 3:30am and I am going to leave to the temple around 4am to host the ceremony for LaoZi anniversary celebration!) To all people who have donated to the ceremony - blessings to you all and wish you all the best with your taoism trianings and learnings! Smooth and easy going! All the best in luck~! (anyone who want to donate for this anniversary ceremony can also do it via the website of )