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Everything posted by Mak_Tin_Si

  1. The use of FU is about energy, when the famous immortal Mr. Jiang Tai Gong passed down his knowledge of FU, it was treasured till now, because they saved many lifes and prevent many people from being infected by many unknown viruses. If you are in a situation that is surrounded by all these dangerous virus, having a Fu is not a bad idea!
  2. salt baths

    In taoism, we use the Bath cleansing FU to bath cleanse yourself which provide you very deep cleansing of the body, aura and many things. You can also clean out black magic and stuff by using different FU. There are just too many FU to use for bathings which all provide different effects. When one request for help, we will customize the FU for them as well.
  3. Improving eye sight

    I have done mine using taoism methods. From very badly born weak eye sight that cannot even see airplanes flying in the sky or even reading the road signs. Now I can see the stars and read road signs and much better! This is done by doing taoism practise and using FU for curing eye sight problem. If you need any help you can PM me, things can get improved by using FU too.
  4. The answers are at already long time ago, I have explained many of these already, just check it out yourself over at the forum.
  5. Help me removing a ghost

    No the FU expiry dates are talking about how long you can still use the FU. Not how long the FU will work. For example. The spraying FU is effective for 49days, which means you can use it to clean and purify your space for 49days, you can use it as much as you want in 49days. But when things are clean, they are cleansed. Nothing will come back. Think about it this way, when you eat food, the package say exp after 7days. You eat it.. then you ate it! How can you say after 7days you did not eat the food? Once things are consumed, they are consumed, whick takes effect already for you!
  6. Help me removing a ghost

    Who say buddhist don't use FU? Look into the tibet buddhism system, they have tons of FU and mantras and mudras, just like how taoism is. Also in other branches of buddhism, they have FU too. If you know about karma, you shall already know about if FU work for her or you anyway. Why ask? Your "maybe" preception maybe too "not sure" if you know about karma or not? Reply to the above... -- I can only talk about "taoist master" because I am in taoism only. If you want to know about buddhism or christians, then you must consult them on your own. I cannot make any comments about them since I am not in their system or any practise. But I can give you alot of info about taoism stuff if you need.
  7. Help me removing a ghost

    This is not harsh, I am telling you the truth actually. If you really know "ALL" about karma, you should know the answer to the question already. FU is also about karma too. How to use FU is about karma too. If you know ALL about karma, why ask me the question anyway? You should know already!
  8. Help me removing a ghost

    If you think you know "all" the "karma thing" then you must know the use of the FU already. Why ask?
  9. Help me removing a ghost

    The Tai Sheung Lo Gwun House Protection FU (the big piece with 72 FU(s) in one?) Or you are talking about the one FU? Any house protection FU can give "protection" to a house which repel negative entitles to invade the house. But if you have ghosts ALREADY, of course you cannot just tape up a FU and expect to get rid of the ghosts. You must first get the ghost OUT first and then lock the house up with a protection FU. How can you close the door and expect the "beings" to leave when the door is locked up? **one more example of why you should get a PRO to do it for you or teach you. One little mistakes can lead to many problems to follow up....If you lock the house up first and try to do exorcism, and get the ghosts out, you might end up harming the ghosts and generated super bad karma which may lead to a revenge from the ghost's side and lead you to many many years of problems, illness, and bad luck!
  10. Help me removing a ghost

    Normal masters who are qualified, they are able to deal with these high level demons and ghosts too, just harder because of the level of energy used. But it still work. (Taoism masters) What I mean by give up yuor life is that when one try to deal with demonsd and ghosts who are higher than their own level alot and they cannot take the battle, they die at the end. Most thailand magcian (Gong Tau masters) do these battles for people to fight off black magic Gong Tau for people with a LOT of money required because they may die in the next second right away when they failed the mission. No I did not go to Yoda's house. The FU is not "do-it-yourself", they are all blessed and empowered, so when one is using it with respect, they are being protect and guided fully by deities and the temple. FU that are made by us are all custom made and empowered with special celestial energy which ensure you a smooth a clean job to be done. That is what makes it different to request a FU from a celestial master and a normal master. Of course you cannot just DO IT YOURSELF for exorcism!
  11. Help me removing a ghost

    No that is not true. For professional taoist, it is not hard to remove non-human ghosts or devils too. In our temple, we have fought down fox demons, wolves demons and ghost immortals who went evil, thailand gongtau magic, flying head tamed-head magic, etc,... Celestial Master means the master gained direct communication to the heaven which allow the master to gain access to special power to fight off any evil in this world for saving the lives of people who are in dangered. It is 100% not recommended for beginner taoist to do exorcism to remove these high level demons or ghosts because if their power is not high enough to fight them off totally, what happen is you gave up your own life at the end.
  12. Help me removing a ghost

    Yes, FU is something that is designed also to help the outsider of taoism, it is like magic. When you use FU, you do not need to know about anything in Taoism nor even practise anything. They are just sacred gift from the deities. Treasures!
  13. Help me removing a ghost

    Thanks for pointing this out, it just clears the whole thing up! I am sure some people would like to hear HOW YOU USE THE FU or how it is done just to clear up the thing. It is something new to the west maybe to use a FU, so it would be great it you can explain how this is done in the whole process from start to ending so people who like to get a FU can know what they are looking at now?
  14. Taoism Exorcism - using FU

    In Taoism, there are many ways to do exorcism. But maybe many of you do not know that Taoism is famous for doing exorcism in the past as well !!! The first celestial master Jeung Dao Ling (220BC) was the one famous for fight off ghosts and demons for the people in China, that is what he got famous for too! Okay, enough of that.. let's get to the point~! For all people who are not PRO, we do not expect them to go and do an exorcism ceremony or start doing mantra and stuff when they encounter a haunted place with ghosts. In fact, we require them to first tell us what is the main "cause" of the issue. If it is just some place they went to and will not go back again, then forget about it and just clean up yourself then you will be okay. 1) Clean up yourself When you go to these haunted place and did see ghosts, you are polluted and affected already, so your health, luck and everything will go down very fast because you are attached to them. To fix the problem, you can request the "bathing FU" and do a cleansing bath, then get a "spray cleansing FU" to spray clean your whole house and of course wash the clothings that you worn to this place with the FU-water mixed in the laundry! This is the very basic step to get rid of minor problems like "see ghosts" by accident. to be continued...
  15. killed a bug

    Just to share, In Taoism training, depending on how high level you go, when you reach a high level, you will be very sensitive to anything that pass-away --- for example, if a squirrel was just dead on the street within 3days., and you drove by.. right after you see it, the squirrel spirit will try to find you and ask you for help. So as a taoist who have ability to help them will then do their daily evening rites chanting to help them move on to the other world (yin diemnsion). This is part of our daily homework also, so which a form of doing good deeds. In chinese called "Chiu Dao" 超渡
  16. Help me removing a ghost

    I think if you guys want to know how we use FU to help remove ghosts, you can look at Yoda's personal practise section instead. He have already posted how he have used our FU and removed ghosts and bad energy from his life and home. His daughter was the one who prooved it because she saw them. SOLID PROOF. *by the way, to the above post -- to remove a ghosts, you do not really need to do a mantra or something because your job is not to do to the exorcism. When you request FU, you are just a user of the FU, so you are all protected and guided by deities of taoism already. Very safe and no chance of backfiring.
  17. Help me removing a ghost

    Spray-Cleansing FU is a very mild exorcism FU used in taoism. It's initial usage was to purify and clean the energy of a place and bring the lively vital energy to the environment creating a more pleasent, positive and energetic environment for people. So for some ghost who wonder around but not meaning to do you any harm or so will leave the place after you use this because the place is not good for them to stay anymore. For more aggressive ghosts and ghosts that are staying for a special reason, we do have much more "special" custom made Fu for these cases. The Spraying FU is just a start off point for those who got some spiritual problems for a long time. Which I suggest if you try this and it did not cure the whole problem, then you have to really consult me and we have to discuss about what to do next. For example to use a different and speciallize FU for the special kind of ghosts you have got in your house. (ie. : ghosts that die from hanging themselves are not easy to remove with just a spraying Fu, you need a special FU for that) Exorcism is one of the famous profession of Taoism. There are just TONs of things that can be done and there are actually we can say NO things that we cannot fix in the field of exorcism. Which also makes Taoism a very strong religion that lasted for 5000+yrs!
  18. Taming the Mind

    do you mean in another word that you want to get rid of your heart devil? (heart devil is a term used in taoism)
  19. How do you prepare your tea?

    One more favorite to share, -- the hong kong style MILK TEA. You guys tried it ? You can use red tea bags from lipton or something.. typical ones.. pour hot water over and make a cup of tea first, add 2 tsp of sugar (white) and mix some evaorated milk or coffee creme (10%), give it some mixing and try !~! one of hong kong's favorite stuff~
  20. What's this acupressure(?) mudra for?

    Mudra are not about pressure points, it is about how the lineage or system sealed the mudra (hand sign) into the system for a special usage, usually comes with a spell (mantra) and a symbol (fu) and sometimes even a special unique practise to activate the mudra for it to take real effect.
  21. How do you prepare your tea?

    Just for some extra talk.. some western tea are good with some white sugar or honey too, haha! (teabags)
  22. When Best to Practice Chikung?

    For chi gung that improve "health" for human, which means to generate "yang" energy, we usually do the practice during daytime, earliest is from 4am and on... avoid 11-1pm because the yang energy is too extreme, can cause you to have a hot headed temper. Then you can still practise and not after 5pm. After 5pm, yin energy increases, so not so good for health. Of course, there are exceptionals for different schools.
  23. How do you prepare your tea?

    Oh... microwave the tea is no good, it will affect the chem. of the tealeaf just like putting a cup of milk to the microwave and heat it up will loose all it's good stuff. For easy normal drinking - prepare a kettle, boil water and then put a teabag in the cup, and put hot water in the cup... let stand for 10mins and then leave the teabag inside but you can then start to enjoy the cup! Chinese tea are very complicated and technical sometimes when talking about "cups". For some tea you use the brownish wears, for some case you use glass.. some use ceramic.. depends on what kind of tea you drink. But normall we just drink it like water.. haha! Don't drink tea that are over 1-2hr made, the tea-leaf will generate a kind of "oil" or something on top which is no good for the body. In chinese called "tea-soap" on the top. Tea are best to drink "HOT".
  24. Belief of soul-stealing through photo-taking

    Yes there is a FU for everything because everything is in tao, the nature. Once one can connect to nature, they can get a FU for anything in nature. or the universe. For sealing FU, it is to seal up the object or things by burning the FU in front and giving the object a permanent seal and a shield of protection which allow itself to repel from negatives stuff. such as ghosts, black magic, or evil beings.
  25. Karma in real life

    The topic seems to be abit "odd" for me. HOW CAN KARMA BE "NOT" IN REAL LIFE? Just a curious question...........