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Posts posted by ThirstyTraveler

  1. I don't know if you are supposed to do this on this forum but I have my Spring Forest Qigong, Healing Tao DVDs for sale on ebay:





    I totally understand if one of the admin deletes this email. I don't care about the money I just want them to go to someone that will use them. I do a different form of Qigong now and never use these. They have been sitting around my place unused for years.

  2. Hagar,


    All my life I have been trying to avoid or fix my emotions. Now I am just falling into them and discovering that there is a richness and an inherent dignity to being a human being full on. It is touching to be in such a vulnerable space...sensitive like a child...I can be hurt easily. For me they seem to be the key to feeling fully alive and a natural part of the human experience.


    I heard a teacher once say that the emotional body will stretch your capacity to allow the present moment. It is like it prepares you for the unpredictability of the infinite (where anything can arise).

  3. My body feels really good after reading the posts of peoples experiences at the Lama Dorje course. The cells in my legs feel happy.


    I have a really sensitive nervous system because of a lot of medical trauma as a child. Qigong used to be such a relief. But now any qigong I try feels too strong for my system at this point (somewhat retraumatizing if you will).


    I was wondering if this kunlun practice would be too much for my system. I guess nobody can answer that unless someone in a similar position has done the practices. I will get the book and see.

  4. The message is the same..cultivate the peace and love within yourself.


    If the outer world supports that or not is secondary. There are always some enlightened people around.


    Obviously it would be cool to have some kind of mass awakening but Ime not holding my breath!


    I think there is a mass awakening occuring right now. There is a book called the "The Translucent Revolution: How People Just Like You are Waking Up and Changing the World" that talks about that.


    Interesting about the walk-in thing you were talking about. I have read somewhere that some believe that Eckhart Tolle himself is a walk-in replacing Ulrich Tolle.

  5. It's kind of hard to put my question into words, but I'll try.


    Is it a worthy aim to merge with the void?... in the sense that the void is everything and nothing in one go and you merging with it would mean no you, no void, no one observing the void - what Paul and Aiwei generally seem to point to.


    My feeling is that this is not what I'm looking for. Not that I'm drawn to be separate from the void... more like being individuated, but of the void.


    words fail me, but might be interesting to explore...


    Freeform, you might want to explore the Waking Down work. I read one of your past posts talking about a NLP teacher (JS) that you like. He woke up using the waking down transmission. It is a "both/and" awakening (you are still a limited human being while paradoxically being unlimited). You wake up to consciousness but remain your individuated self (no need to kill the ego or perfect yourself...although it starts to harmonize after you awaken which is said to be quite challenging). It is a totally embodied form of awakening (it makes for a challenging life to be a deeply open and feeling person unable to disassociate or buffer yourself from the inevitable suffering in the world).


    Many of the teachers previously had advaitic awakenings before finding themselves in this work and say this is deeper.


    I have not awakened using this method so I can't personally vouch for it.

  6. IF we can become just a complete human-being, a realized spirit having a total human experience, that really would be something! This in itself is an incredible and glorious adventure. All of this trying to get somewhere else and be something else and attain imortality and such is running away from the real treasures of being here/now...



    That is what the Waking Down form of awakening claims to be all about.

  7. One of my regrets is not having any type of body work done while at Tao Mountain. The staff is filled with esoteric energy workers, it would have been an ideal opportunity either time.





    I may have overdone it on body work. The day before the retreat I had the treatment from Robert Peng. I then proceeded to have 4 chi nei tsang/4 dimensional body work treatments from Karin Sorvik during a 3 week stay at Tao Mountain. Cool things were happening like waking up from 1 to 3 in the morning while my liver was going wild. Pains in the lungs followed by huge releases of grief and sadness.


    My goal was to open up the tightness in my solar plexus and chest. I did that...what followed was a month of panic attacks (perhaps the resistence was there for a reason). My inner smile got a workout as I allowed these powerful energies to pass through me...there was nothing else I could do but allow. In the end a great deal of energy was liberated but it was extreme. Feeling wide open and ungrounded is unsettling. Interestingly enough I feel extremely grounded currently.

  8. I had a treatment from him last year before heading off to Tao Mountain (I was curious what electric shock chi felt like).


    First he did some Tuina to relax me. He then had me put my hands in a prayer position and he touched each of my fingers for a while. It felt like pulsing electric shocks (like an electrical muscle stimulator). He told me that my kidneys had a good amount of energy but it was dispersed so he condensed it. He also said that I was easy to work on because I practice qigong.


    I felt much better after the session.


    He did operate out of a swanky New York studio and was wearing a Hugo Boss shirt. I figure if the other doctors in the building deserve to have an upscale lifestyle why not him as well.

  9. I took that test and came out with the similar results as Freeform.


    type score type behavior motivation

    5 60 I must be knowledgable and independent to be happy.

    9 50 I must be peaceful and easy to get along with to be happy.

    6 48 I must be secure and safe to be happy.

    4 46 I must avoid painful feelings to be happy.

    1 40 I must be perfect and good to be happy.

    8 29 I must be strong and in control to be happy.

    2 28 I must be helpful and caring to be happy.

    7 17 I must be high and entertained to be happy.

    3 16 I must be impressive and attractive to be happy.


    I wonder what the experience of life would be like being a different type?

  10. Maybe my fear was useful because it helped me approach my path with temperance. And so far so good. I have really bad days and even weeks that I attribute to overdoing my practices, but in general I feel much healthier and happier every month. I think we are probably always bound to have dark nights though. They break open our egos, reveal our true strengths and nurture genuine compassion.


    This is my mentality with these processes. It seems that some people are more motivated by exploration whereas I am motivated more by the pain I feel in my solar plexus, chest, and heart. I have had a tremendous year of growth and I don't mind dark nights...that is a part of the process of integration and growth.


    I was just curious what others think about the potential of the big one where your mind has to let go of its supposed control.

  11. The only reason I am sensitive to this is one of my teachers went through a major crisis in which he had to have people constantly watching him so he wouldn't harm himself. He described it like the infinite was jealous of the finite because it was the one thing it couldn't be (the infinite can't be finite). Those forces were expecting him to be the bridge and he wasn't grounded enough to handle it.


    Michael Winn helped him out. Michael told him that he doesn't teach individually but he would make an exception for him because he had a dream about him.


    The Waking Down guys helped him out with their transmissions and he had his Second Birth (a waking down term to describe when you know beyond a doubt that you are consciousness yourself). They talk about being embodied and rotting into your emotions. I think that was the point when he got his trust back.



    As for me...I love the Healing Tao stuff. I took the fundamentals 1-4 course last year and I am going for 3 weeks this year. The earth's energy is so nurturing and it has helped me to feel my emotions deeply and feel stronger. I am highly kinesthetic so feeling the different flavors of energy is not difficult at all.


    I tried a few phone calls with a waking down guy named Krishna Gauci last year and I have never vibrated at a rate like that in my life...all from gazing at a picture I emailed him. For 2 weeks the energy wouldn't stop churning up emotions...occasionally I would feel something shift but there was no break. In the end it kind of freaked me out so I stopped.


    Now I am much more grounded but I find the Fusion methods to be a lot more gentle. I guess that is the reason I am cautious with spirituality.

  12. Has anybody gone through a major spiritual crisis? You know the kind where a person falls completely apart and is unable to function in society for a prolonged period of time.


    I am hoping that the Taoist methods of embodiment with a strong earth center make the growth process smoother. I guess that every spiritual practice is inherently dangerous.


    I don't know why I worry about such things (given the goal thread that was recently posted I may be unconsciously asking for this sort of thing to happen to me).


    Sometimes when things get really cooking it can get a little scary. Nevertheless, I wonder what other people think about this?

  13. On my Microcosmic orbit audio CDs Michael Winn talks about the guy that taught him the Wudang orbit method. He said this guy was trained on how to let lightening pass through him. Everytime there is an electrical storm he hangs out on the roof of his building where he has lightening rods set up. Michael said that the key was to stay neutral when getting struck. I don't know if this is true or not but it was interesting.


    The only other thing Michael mentioned was that the lightening dude was a white guy that grew up in Hong Kong. When he was a child he had a babysitter that was a Taoist from Wudang Mountain. Appartently the Taoist taught him the secrets of the snake tribe.

  14. Hi all, I came across the posting below on the internet and wonder what people think of it. Why would you want to have a new soul for your organs. Are we not supposed to resolve our issues with the Shen we have?


    Posting Below:



    Dr. Zhi Gang Sha, author of the best selling book, Power Healing" is now

    offering one of his most powerful forms of healing to the public.


    From Dr. Sha's web site:



    By divine order, Master Zhi Gang Sha is honored to offer Soul

    Transplant, a new divine healing service.



    A Soul Transplant is the replacement of the soul of any organ, system or

    part of the body with a new divine soul. The new divine soul of the

    organ or system carries divine frequency and vibration which is a divine

    treasure for healing and blessing.



    Sickness is due to energy blockages and spiritual or soul blockages. A

    human being consists of soul, mind and body. Every organ, every system

    consists of soul, mind and body. Soul directs the mind. Mind directs the

    body. Heal the soul first, then healing of the mind and body will follow.



    Transplanting a new divine soul to an organ or system is the highest

    form of soul healing. In a Soul Transplant, the transformation of the

    soul of the organ or system occurs instantly. This may lead to instant

    improvement, healing and transformation of the mind and body of the

    organ or system. Energy blockages or deficiencies can be transformed

    because the root cause of disease, suffering and pain, can be

    transformed to light.



    Soul Transplants can benefit anyone who is suffering from disease or

    sickness, by addressing any organ or system that is not functioning

    properly or needs to be strengthened.



    For more information see Dr. Sha's web site. From the home page, click

    on the link for "Soul Transplant" (flashing in red).



    Also see the results that others have had with this new healing service: