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Posts posted by mianguo

  1. I have people who I consider good friends, on another Daoist forum, who are Philosophical Daoists.


    But the one thing that strikes me as unusual, is that most Philosophical Daoists are ATHEISTS.


    Perhaps because of my Christian upbringing, I need a "higher power", I'm not sure, but I find it disheartening that Phil. Daoist's DON'T believe in the supernatural.


    I'm a philosophical Daoist, but I'm not Atheist.


    How are those two so different that you could not be philosophical Daoist and believe in Dao?


    Lao Tzu was also a philosophical one and he believed in a higher power which he named "Dao". Religious Daoism came later, at the Han Dynasty.

  2. it depends a lot about those who practice martial arts.


    If someone practice just for sports and fun I could think they aren't able to become so good martial artists as those who practice martial arts for self-defence purposes because most likely they don't practice so strictly (more likely they are to skip lessons, because they aren't so interested in mastering the techniques).


    I myself practice a Korean martial art called Hoi Jeon Moo Sool. Really enjoy it. I do practice it for self-defence purposes. And I'm not going to tell it's the best martial art because there ain't no BEST martial art. The differences just are in those who practice martial arts.

  3. Another way to scare people.


    Impressive, yes; but do I believe in it? No. Probably because when I was a kid I was told to use my brains and think twice or more and then make decicions of what I believe in.

    Yeah, I've seen a program about doomsday. And that would happen 21 december 2012 and also have read about it from internet. Very impressive but I still think it's only a way to fool people.


    But still that planet Earth would be destroyed probably in 100 years is very possible taking into account wars and pollution etc.

  4. Welcome mianguo, find a seat, how do you like your tea?


    Thank you.


    Mostly with honey. Sometimes it's nice to have a little of coffeecream in it. Though now someone may saythat that's not tea, tea is supposed to be drinked without adding any stuff into it. ;D

  5. Hi everyone.


    I'm a new user here. I've been studying taoist philosophy for 2 years now.


    I also love martial arts very much.