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Posts posted by ZenStatic

  1. LOL!!!!!! Oh man, that video was hilarious and, unfortunately, for the most part very true for many ordinary couples.


    I'm open to a woman in life, but it has very specific clauses attached to it. like for one, no marriage -- ever. secondly, she cannot prevent me from seeking truth otherwise it's over.


    Yeah, it's not going to be easy finding a person like this but quite frankly i'm not really looking. If it happens, it happens but most important is enlightenment. nothing will stand in the way of that, hence, no children either.


    Ah, but how do you know if enlightenment might be found in marriage and children? The sheer level of innocence in a little child can teach us many things.

  2. On the other hand, when someone comes in spouting something bordering on delusion (not to say lacking in wisdom), what I am going to show that someone is my honest opinion. I don't aim to disrespect, but I am not going to sugar-coat or offer unnecessary bows or flowery arrangements of language just to pay dues to titles and social position.


    Nice to see you can completely contradict yourself in 2 sentences. Most people at least add some filler between. There is an old saying to keep in mind, "It's not what you say, but how you say it." When you say "bordering on delusion", you don't show honest opinion, you show disrespect. There are many other ways you could have said the same thing without stooping to a personal attack.

  3. Nobody is disagreeing with his experiences or info. Most of what he says is really cool and interesting, it's only his attitude of "I am a REAL taoist and you are not." that we are reacting to. There is a superiority and an attitude of comparison. And it sounds just like born again christians.

    If he were only here to share, we would love it. But when he starts telling everyone that they are not real taoists and he is, he comes off very egotistical.

    And by the way, Lao tzu rips into religious know-it-alls pretty good. He tore Confucius a new Ahole for the same type of attitude this guy gives. Read his posts again you will find the quotes... "A real taoist has a master, a real taoist is initiated. you can't get tao from books, blah, blah, blah. I never got my Tao from books, I got mine from real masters, I know for a fact this guy does not know some of the stuff I know. But I certainly wouldn't say he's not a taoist. Take that ego crap out of his posts and we would all love what he says and ask him more.


    Well, you really do have to remember that we are taking a part of a religion and calling it our own. It's like if we went to Christianity and said "Ok, we like this this and this. We are taking Matthew and John, you can have all the rest. But we are still calling ourselves Christians." And really, who knows what we may be missing because we automatically dismiss all the religious aspects out of hand. There may be some rituals that would help in cultivation that we will never know.


    And, he may have gone about it the wrong way, but he has a decent point regarding books. It's great we read the books, but still for the most part the meaning can be very hard to grasp. Otherwise we wouldn't come here and discuss various topics. I don't have the energy to search it down, but there is a whole lot of times that people let new seekers know that taoism is more to be experienced than read about. And when it comes to cultivation, I believe everyone here that ever mentioned learning qigong, taiji, etc from a dvd or book, was recommended to find a teacher, because even small mistakes in posture etc can really ruin energy flow and such.


    Sometimes we need to just learn to ignore the parts of something we don't like and take the good out of it. Or if we are going to point out the negative, do it in a much more productive way. Some things, like conartists, deserve our ire, others do not.

  4. Wow, I don't know where some of the people that I have seen posting lately came from, but some of you have major attitude issues. I personally don't agree with a dogmatic approach to Taoism either, but that is no reason for you people to be disrepectful assholes to someone that is trying to share what they know. Not too forget, that some of what you are posting is bullshit anyway.


    Taoism is also an energetic science.


    Since when? I know taijiquan, qigong, etc all are energy cultivation. But that is NOT taoism. Taoism is very much a philosophy, and/or lifestyle. I have never seen energy practices taught in the TTC, Zhuang Zhu<sp?>, etc. There are cultivation practices based on taoist principles, but that is again, not taoism istelf.


    "The Tao that can be named, is not the Tao"So anyone telling you how to approach it, how to see it, is at best saying how they try to see it, as if they knew, they would know it was not possible to say


    So then Lao Tzu knew nothing as well, right? Which leads to a paradox, since he is the one telling you that to begin with. Whether any of us like it or not, religious taoism made it possible for us westerners to become exposed to theses texts, because they kept them alive.


    I was in a meditation class and I asked the teacher a question. He talked for 25 minutes about the sun, the moon, the stars and countless things that had nothing to do with the question and when done he asked if I answered the question and I said not yet, then in one sentence he answered the question directly.


    1st off, that's not a chinese thing, but is done by teachers in most of the asian religions. The point is to get you thinking to where you find the answer yourself. But the majority of westerners, myself included, don't have the patience to learn things for ourselves most times. We want the answer when we want it, which is 5 minutes ago.


    My entire point here is that there are a few people that need to calm down. It's one thing to disagree with someone, and entirely another to treat them like trash. Just because you say "I don't mean to be offensive" or some such, doesn't give you the right to do just that.

  5. My first taijiquan teacher had me following the lunar dietary rules. Thanks for the reminder. :)


    That was the question that came to mind for me. I'm sure it's not really the first and 15th, is there a way to find a calendar to get the actual right dates for this? I know the western calendar is crap and has all kinds of things screwy.

  6. Should we have limitless tolerance? Obviously our case in study revealed that at least I have my own limits on what I am willing to tolerate. If I was to fully embody tolerance with no limit at all then theoretically I would be prepared to tolerate someone cursing me, spitting in my face, rubbing faeces up my nose, and kicking my kids to the ground.


    But would that really fall under tolerance? It is 1 thing to tolerate someones attitudes and speech, and entirely different to be completely non-defensive when real harm is happening. I know that I do my best to be tolerant, because people all think in different ways, but touch my kids, and I'll kill you.

  7. However I will not apologize for making a stance for decency, respect, and purity.


    What you should apologize for, is insulting all the other members of this forum. Because you are trying to push YOUR ideas of decency, respect and purity on everyone else. Your most common saying throughout your posts is I. It's not all about you, or do you not get that part yet?


    I wholeheartedly agree with you Mat. Couldn't say it better.


    Patrick you are using one snippet of Taoist philosophy (i.e. "We all have a nature that is our own") to justify your arrogance and poor behaviour. You pluck one hair from the horses hide and use it as a banner for self-indulgence.


    Heh. Pot meet kettle. Except you are using your own sanctimonius attitude to try and justify your arrogance and poor behavior. I'm willing to bet that this forum software has a censoring capability to it, that many forums use to keep bad words out. Such is not in use here, now is it? And I am sure that is by design. So then maybe you also have an underlying issue with the way Sean runs the forums. The point I am trying to make is that if the profanity being used by a grown man bothers you so much, then maybe HE isn't the problem. Think on that. But then, if you just want to brush off what I have to say again, fuck off :)

  8. I come here to learn and be inspired by other folks on the Way, not to have my mind and energy sullied by the few who insist on using derogatory language and low character.


    As a polite request could we please keep posts clean, respectful and free of unnecessary expletives.


    Thank you







    As respectfully as I can I would like to say that your manner in this forum is unacceptable. It would seem that you gain a immense personal satisfaction from depositing your "derogatory language and low character" in every thread you can.


    For everyone's benefit, including yours, I am asking you to desist and refrain from such behaviour. There are plenty of other forums around that accept and even applaud such vulgarity but this is not one of them.


    So, quite simply and directly, I suggest you either cultivate some decency or leave and never come back.


    I appreciate your words ... there was however no 'bluff' intended at all. It is merely an obvious fact that if I don't agree with the environment or the company I am in then I will first politely request an adjustment of the behaviour I don't agree with (which I have done), and then as I said, if the consensus is that such behaviour is acceptable to the community at large then it is obviously not where I am meant to be. It is a fairly straight and simple choice.


    Patrick was suspended a month ago for exactly the same behaviour as he is exhibiting now. What makes it unacceptable a month ago and acceptable now? He obviously has not bothered to be considerate of the previous consensus.



    See, now I have to say that I find your entire demeanor throughout this thread, truly piss poor and offensive.


    First, you blame others for problems with your own cultivation. If seeing a few swear words ruins your mind and energy, then wouldn't that mean that you have them too fragile to begin with?


    Then, you have the unbelievable gall to talk like this is YOUR forum. YOUR standards are the not the standards everyone else in this world lives by. My next little point has just as much to do with cultivation as it does your attitude. Now, there is only 1 person on this forum that I have talked very much with 1 on 1, and I'm quite sure he would have no problem saying I have a huge ways to go in cultivation. But I honestly believe, in this instance, I have a little wisdom that I can impart to you. If you persist in running away from things that offend your sensibilities or may be stumbling blocks to your cultivation, then you're not really cultivating at all. The Tao isn't just for people that live in monasteries, where everything is kept as pure as possible, it is for everyone. If you find profanity affects you that much, then THAT should become a focus of your cultivation. Because I gotta tell you, Patrick isn't even that bad. I hear worse than anything he posts, just walking down the street here in Brooklyn. So would you avoid ever coming to Brooklyn, because so many people use profanity right on the streets? Perhaps I am wrong, and I'm sure I will be told so if I am, but a strong cultivator can adapt to any environment; they don't require the environment to adapt to them.

  9. Have you not seen my balls? I dont give a rats ass if you think I'm a christian or not....I'm leaving this arguement. I wish I could personally show you how ignorant I am...I wish....oh how I wish


    :lol: So now you want to try and slyly make threats? How amusing, from the one that was trying to pawn off ignorance on another. And just in case you don't know; don't ever confuse someones wish to be non-violent, as a form of weakness. Even peace loving hippies will lash out when needed. ;)

  10. Around where I live they use camphor in foods for the prison, university and college to reduce the sexual drive of prisoners and students.


    If you live in the United States, that most likely isn't true. Someone may have said that, but it is indeed illegal to drug inmates with anything, even if it is to reduce sex drive, without their consent or knowledge.

  11. There are christians on the forum. You wouldnt know that because youre fairly new here but there are. So what if he didnt die? Taught some good points either way. So what if he didnt exist? Whoever wrote it had some good points. Ignorance is a plague my ignorant friend


    Oh, let me count the ways. #1, learn to read, I have been here longer than you. #2, so what if there is xtians here? I don't mind, until they try to push the close minded xtian agenda. Whether there is xtians here or not in no way nullifies my point. You and the other guy are so up in arms about this movie and the things people have said, that your statements about *NOT* being xtians look pretty fishy. I'd rather someone have the actual balls to stand up for what they believe. #3, there is good lessons to be learned in virtually every "special religious text". Noone ever denied that either. Seems to me you're the one who's ignorance is shining through.

  12. you guys are crazy, you DO know that the majority of the wu tang clan have followed the tao....rza, gza, ghostface(whose one of my favorite) and o.d.b(pbuh) were the first then the rest of them...if you guys ever read the wu tang manual rza breaks down all the religions he has studied which are islam( he's a five percenter), buddhism, taoism, and christianity.


    Ok, so wait. This has to be asked. How are you trying to prop up a guy that thinks that he is a god because he is black, as someone that has been a good study of the Tao? You glorify a guy that is part of an extremist group, that is based from a different extremist group, whose main teachings are racism? I may not be the most knowledgeable guy about the Tao around here, but I am pretty sure racism isn't on the list of things that are good for your cultivation.

  13. I am most definitely insane...or maybe I have it backwards.


    Now let's say this. I'm not arguing that he is or isnt the Christ. I can however argue on the side of christianity and against christianity very well. You have no proof that Jesus was or wasnt the Christ. Even on the side of taoism, you have no proof that Jesus wasnt part of the tao.


    I can argue that Jesus was the Christ however and say that since he did die for the sins of the world that we were all damned to hell up until he died on the cross. Before Jesus came people used to sacrifice animals for their sins so all those that followed the Law right werent damned obviously. So, for all the people who died without sacrificing they laid in wait for hell. Now, hell was never ever defined in the beginning as a place of eternal punishment but on the contrary it was a place of torment for just a period of time that ended. Only until we made english translations and latin translations did we come up with a forever punishment. After Jesus died on the cross he fulfilled the sacrifice for all of man so that everybody can be saved. Now if you become a christian and believe he died for your sins then you become saved and you never suffer hell but if you dont then you must go for a period in hell, until you are cleansed. In a sense, it's a place to burn off your bad karma so that you are pure in the eyes of God. Had he not died then hell would in fact be eternal. Whether or not you believe will determine whether or not you go to hell.


    Now before you go all stupid on me, that is how christianity can be argued as far as him dying relates to your salvation.


    Again, for the record, you have no proof of any part of Jesus being mythological. However, there's not much in the way of proof of him existing either. What you've done is came in on the ass end of the conversation and not paid any attention to all of my posts on here. You've gone all gung ho and you have no arguement because if you've read my beginning posts then you'd know that I'm not a christian.


    Next time I'd advise reading all the posts before you go and put your two cents in.


    As far as your sensibility bullshit goes, most people on the forum dont degrade others when it comes to their personal religion and beliefs. I'm an asshole and I've yet to make fun of someone because of their beliefs so your stupid ass comment as to this place critizing christianity, you seem to be the only one doing it blatanly.


    Again, so you can get it through your thick skull since you didnt read my other posts, I'm not a christian.


    I just kicked a whole litter of puppies because of your stupid remarks....I may take up smoking


    Oh ffs, get over yourself. You get all long winded supporting xtianity and telling me to read, but ignore what the hell I was responding to.


    Why do you think he was great? Just out of curiosity. If you ignore the resurection theology and assume he was just a teacher what made him special to you?


    Love one another as I have loved you. His sacrifice. While there is no ignoring that in the gospels, there are some contradictory in them but there's no doubt in my mind that beneath all of that is the story of a real man. Although, I'm not exactly a christian. I do however love Jesus for what he has done and admire his teachings.


    That is the post I responded too. Thus the reason I asked 'what sacrifice?', because if you ignore the resurrection theology, he didn't make any sacrifice huh? Maybe you are the one that needs to pick up better reading skills.


    As far as my 'making fun of someones beliefs', how exactly am I doing that? You and the other guy both swear your not xtians. That's the entire point I was making. For people that say they aren't xtians, you sure got all riled up like you are, and make long posts stating things that sure makes you look xtian.

  14. Well, using the arguement that he died for the world then it doesnt matter if you believe or not because in the end, after punishment for your bad karma, we end up in the same place, back at the source, thereby making him the only way to salvation. Because of his death HE IS THE SALVATION. I'm not using that arguement but it could be argued that way. As for you smartass remark that wasnt directed at me at all, you can politely take and shove up your ass


    Are you insane?If you get away from the xtian mythology part of jesus, and just look at the man, where do you get that "HE IS THE SALVATION"? Salvation from what? You have a strange concept of samsara and karma.


    And as for my smartass comment, it's not being a smart ass. Just because it may offend your delicate sensibilities, makes it no less true.

  15. Love one another as I have loved you. His sacrifice. While there is no ignoring that in the gospels, there are some contradictory in them but there's no doubt in my mind that beneath all of that is the story of a real man. Although, I'm not exactly a christian. I do however love Jesus for what he has done and admire his teachings.


    What sacrifice? If you don't buy into the resurrection and/or don't believe that he was the Son of God, he didn't sacrifice anything, he just got 1 real shitty deal.


    Now then, this is the part of this thread that really gets a huge laugh out of me.


    Why does it seem as though you are assaulting a belief in Jesus? I mean youre trying to pick him apart and make him into nothing and say he's racist? I'm not a christian so dont think I'm asking because of that but I never really understood why anybody even makes an attempt at converting someone else into their own religion and it looks as though that's where youre going


    Then what the hell is with this vehemence here?


    You are absolutely 100% correct. I stand in belief now. This documentary is IRREFUTABLE evidence that Jesus was married. Touche Mantis, you have won this battle. Obviously this fatass Indiana Jones has infact brought the ENTIRE Christian community to it's knees. Wowsers. You know let's just throw out the fact that the tomb hasnt been excavated....or the fact that they DONT test the ink....Look up the Hitler's Diary Hoax for that one...so with that said obviously you can tell that this is a real documentary and the evidence is irrefutable.


    And as for the underlined part. Dude. Please use your brain. Is this Christianforums.com? Obviously not, its TheTaoBums.com. So how exactly could anyone try to force their religion or viewpoint on someone else, when it should easily be assumed that if you are a part of this community, you either share some of those beliefs, or have an interest in them. And really, you don't have a single friggin clue, as to whether or not this documentary is true. None of us do, or ever will. Because part of the success of the Abrahamic religions, is the fact that they cannot really be proven or disproven. Not only that, but all 3 claim to be the ONLY way to salvation, so obviously 2, or all, of them are full of shit. If you want some happy clappy kumbya shit where noone criticizes Xtianity, you are surely in the wrong spot.