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Posts posted by ZenStatic

  1. On another forum I belong to, someone made a post, and I would love to be able to give himan answer from the actual Chinese perspective.

    Why do the Chinese people allow their government to act like the Gestapo and brutally suppress everything? If the Chinese people really wanted to be free, couldn't they force the government to change?


    I know they brutally suppress uprisings, but if people turned out en masse like the human rights movement in the US, even the Chinese government couldn't possibly suppress everything.....


    I don't understand how a country that the entire Western world does business with can support a government like that.


    Somebody please explain!

    Please forgive the fact he is a bit ignorant.

  2. since you have so little money, you are probably better off buying a detailed how to book instead of this collectors item. I'm refrencing your previous thread where you made 40$ and want to buy a good instructional (what happened with that?).


    The missus saw this and thought she may get it for me as a gift. It just doesn't sit right for some reason.

  3. Sean, you make an excellent point. Considering there has been, so far, no corroboration of his claims, I am quite naturally wary. And let me show you exactly why.


    I think I am duty bound to promote the ancient Tao in the world not only for Chinese.


    Above, contradicts below.


    Yet I do not have enough time to introduce our school in English in detail. I am leading a group of Chinese cultivators now, and I have to work for them first.


    The following makes me wonder how much effort is really put into the english materials.

    Yet I do not have the time to introduce this system in detail in English


    The next makes me wonder if he should even be teaching at all then.

    I do have some videos demostrated by my teacher, but he disallow me to distribute them


    I have been engaged in this cultivation for a few years only



    E-books cost nothing after the first is made. So it would seem that the bulk of the price is for the membership. Shame the group is mostly in China, as is mentioned before.

    $49 is not only for an ebook, but also for the membership of our group


    So he felt his first course, $49, may have contained too much for beginners. So he makes a beginners course, to teach material in the original first course without getting too advanced. But that truncated beginners course costs the same as the original first course?

    Actually, now I feel my Internal Cultivation Course shows too much stuff for the beginners, and that is not necessary in the beginning. Therefore, I am working on a simple course now, it introduces Wuji Standing in detail. Wuji Standing is very simple and effective, even if one is a just beginner, and never has any experience in any practice, who can learn Wuji Standing correctly just follow the course without a present teacher.


    The full version of my new course - "Wuji Standing" is now available, it is in PDF format, English version, 4.07MB, 14 pages, $49.


    To compare to your analogies, this is like only getting the first paragraph of the stockbroking tip, telling you what you will need to trade stocks. And costing the same the entire document. Or of the old mechanic charging you $20k to tell you that he will use his little hammer to fix your boat.

  4. The full version of my new course - "Wuji Standing" is now available, it is in PDF format, English version, 4.07MB, 14 pages, $49.


    It introduces Wuji Standing dedicatedly, Wuji Standing is very simple and effective, even if one is a just beginner, and never has any experience in any practice, who can learn Wuji Standing correctly just follow the course without a present teacher. Tao is extremely simple, wouldn't it suggest Wuji Standing?


    Some secret skills are also published in this course, such as Wuxing (five elements) hidden strength, they never published in English before. Getting these secret skills, your cultivation will be much more efficient.


    To make an order, please contact me at [email protected], you may send the payment via Paypal, and I will send the file to you by email and invite you to join our group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cultivation/ as soon as I get your payment information.


    $3.50 a page for an e-book? And membership into a group that does very little good for those halfway across the world that can't physically be helped with things? How do you in any way have a good conscience with this? And that's not even the full course, just the beginning? I would love to hear from you how exactly you can justify the price of this course when you claim to be 'duty bound' to spread the Tao.

  5. After a lucky break doing some work, I actually have a little bit of disposable income. I have approx $40 to spend on some books, and need help as to what I should get. I have a had a great interest in taoism for a lot of years, but ever actually starting cultivation has eluded me. I'll give some details, and maybe people can help me find where I should go from here.


    I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was a kid, all the way back in 1983, so it wasn't part of this modern diagnosis kick. I did a lot of drugs after I left high school, and messed up my brain chemistry so bad they say that I am now Bipolar, and I tend to believe them. My concentration is crap, I tend to procrastinate alot, and I float from doing thing to thing on a constant basis. I have about 10 different 'projects' going at a time because of this, and have a hard time really finishing many. I try to fit things into my schedule around taking care of my kids, so I don't always have a long time to do things straight. Uh, thats about all I can think of that might be relevant right now. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.

  6. It's funny that you imply that the TTC speaks out against death and decay. In fact, you say that going with the flow of nature is not a taoist idea. Then how do you explain TTC16?

    Empty the self completely;

    Embrace perfect peace.

    The world will rise and move;

    Watch it return to rest.

    All the flourishing things

    Will return to their source.


    This return is peaceful;

    It is the flow of nature,

    An eternal decay and renewal.

    Accepting this brings enlightenment,

    Ignoring this brings misery.


    Who accepts nature's flow becomes all-cherishing;

    Being all-cherishing he becomes impartial;

    Being impartial he becomes magnanimous;

    Being magnanimous he becomes natural;

    Being natural he becomes one with the Way;

    Being one with the Way he becomes immortal:

    Though his body will decay, the Way will not.


    I think perhaps you need to re-examine things.

  7. Good enough for me! *signs up*

    Also of course I have been wearing the wuxing symbol in silver around my neck for over a year, so that's a good sign.


    I also feel like I should add something about this man's group. I have a messageboard where I answer questions from women. I don't restrict membership but I do expect that women who ask me questions have already read my book. Granted, my book only costs $11, but his first book is only $49--it's not like he's charging hundreds of dollars or anything. I think it makes a lot of sense, his time is worth something. It gets tiresome repeating oneself when the information is already easily obtained in a mass-produced form.


    "Only $49". That is dinner for my family for 3 days. While I agree his time is worth something, my point was made because I feel it shows a lot about his intent. He is asking people to believe that he has found "secret" & "ancient" Tao cultivation materials while never having met him. Then he invites people to join his group, which says that he wants you to have purchased his materials first. Then he says he thinks he is "duty bound to promote the ancient Tao in the world not only for Chinese." But that information is only available for purchase through a personal email address? And even then it doesn't state what kind of material it is.


    You can't see any reason here for someone to feel skeptical? I know for myself, my money has to go as far as possible. I very much cannot afford to invest in things that are a con.

  8. I knew this was going to come up.. hahaha Perfect question.


    Our bodies cannot be "one". Our mind is. Our mind doesn't get a headache, our body does. There is a sensation and because we feel it to be unpleasant, according to what we are told pain to be like, we call it unpleasant and thus..a pain in the head...lol


    Our body is subject to what we place in our mind. You place things in the mind, and the body experiences its process. Though body is of mind, what you do with it can not be felt by others only because it is experiencing what you particularly worked with.

    When I say "You", I just say so as a means to point to the conditions which make the "you".."you" and "others" perceive.


    Mind is characterized by the myriad conditions that are attached to with it, but mind is not mind. That too is an expedient to let go of itself.. haha to get that, cultivate and contemplate on it ^_^


    So, no, I can't feel your headache, but I can sympathize with you :P


    Peace and Blessings,



    So by this, do you, essentially, mean that we cause our own headaches? Because I know that in actuality, most people do, as most headaches come from stress rather than anything else.



    I've had my Jyotish (Hindu) chart done by several very gifted astrologers. I've also done my Chinese Four Pillars myself. My conclusion, based on looking at the combination of the two charts, my life, and the world in general--


    1. For an individual life, the combination of the two systems is almost deadly accurate. It's quite scary, and I'm not that easy to scare, usually.


    2. It falls apart to the degree that whatever good or bad thing that is happening to the individual is also happening to an entire group of people simultaneously. When 250,000 Chinese died in an earthquake, or a couple hundred thousand Indonesians in the 2004 tsunami, I don't think you could have found it in their charts.


    3. Face-reading and palmistry, combined with both systems of astrology, are usually pretty good at telling you who you're dealing with.


    4. Still, like I said, it's only accurate to the degree that it's not group karma.


    Plenty of things can help beat bad astrological situations. Good diet, qi gong, etc.


    Just my opinions.


    What exactly is the 4 pillars?

  9. tao is abouy change...

    saw an amazing dvd tonight from gnosticmedia.com

    the caduceus is a spiral of two snakes, one repping god/jesus/light and other darkness/devil/etc


    that is intense...

    realizing this is quite liberating?

    getting to the heart of stuff... spiritual evolution is going to happen if we adapt or not...might as well see where its all going and realize that path now - like speed up the evolution in which people see jesus/the devil within? and transcend all that and merge with higher consc...whoa its 510 am, goodnight now!


    Why is it that people are so stuck in this light=good dark=bad fallacy?

  10. I was born in Brooklyn, Boro Park, and lived in both Boropark and Bensonhurst. My father now lives in Staten Island where I will go to when it is time. I am actually looking for the proper environment for such cultivation center. It can be Brooklyn, it may be Queens, or even outside NY. But for starters, it will be somewhere in Queens.

    My Wing Chun Shifu lives in Brooklyn. Alan Goldberg, on Flatbush ave. between aves. k and L on Hubbard place.




    Nice, Im on the bushwick/ridgewood border. So Queens works well too.