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Posts posted by ddilulo_06

  1. Thanks Trunk


    "(By the way, "semen retention" refers to when there's been aroused sexual activity, approaching orgasm, but no ejaculation. Saved aroused jing is more problematic than unaroused.)"


    Oh... I guess I don't want to do semen retention, but no masturbation at all. I actually am refusing sexual thoughts. I don't want to risk arousing myself.


    "This essay is not about solutions; it's about identifying areas of risk."


    Do you have any links to articles about how to go about this in the least risky way? I see that 90% stat and I'm somewhat spooked now.


    Have you gone 100 days?

  2. I am on day 3 of the Kunlun 100 days; however, I have no idea what the dangers are, if any. I did quite a bit of searching on here. Some say it can be dangerous, some say there's nothing to worry about.


    Can anyone who has done it give some advice? I'm not really interested in how to make it easier, as I got plenty of tips from other threads on here, but I didn't really find anything conclusive on the possible health risks.


    I just turned 20 on October 10.


    Edit: I'm doing celibacy, not semen retention. I think it will be easier that way.

  3. Revised mine:


    I earned all A's and B's this semester @ Sierra College


    I have chosen a whole new level of self-acceptance.


    Kunlun - I attended a Seminar, gave it my best effort, and completed 74 days of celibacy as if my life depended on it... because it does. (day 74 for me is Dec. 31)


    I have a great time serving and average 50$-60$ a night.

  4. So it just comes down to self-discipline and focus. I like this quote:


    "Procrastination is the thief of time"


    That puts a whole new perspective on things!


    You guys know what the irony is? While I was making this thread, I was procrastinating on my homework. :D


    I'm going to use this:




    Requirements for a red box for me:


    -woke up @ 7:09 or on another thought out schedule


    -keeping up with my kunlun practice - not being lazy

    - wise use of time


    So far, my record is 8 boxes. Hmmm... is this just more procrastinating? :lol:

  5. I only got drunk a few times... it was kinda nice to be able to let go a little, but it makes me feel like shit. I tried it again 6 months ago, and it still sucks. It wouldn't surprise me it it screws with one's energy system, but that's just a guess.


    The main reason I got into all of this was to be able to have a social life - I missed out on a lot growing up (I'm 20), but it led me here, so I'm grateful.


    Now, I find if much easier to just go to school and enjoy people. It's working quite nicely. I find myself having the intention to give + play more and more each day, rather than attempting to suck energy from others in the form of approval.

  6. I just got clear on what I wanted to do by January 1:


    1. I earned all A's and B's this semester @ Sierra College.


    2. Kunlun Practice - Met Max and received his transmission and I have kept making regular journal entries.


    3. I am serving @ work.


    4. I met 100 new people.


    So what are you guys up to?

  7. Are you giving advice that's not asked for? Are you being an ass kisser? Something seems off.


    Either way, unconditional love does not mean being a doormat.


    If you take out someone's trash, and they whack you with a bamboo stick, when you don't take out the trash for them again, it doesn't mean you don't feel compassion for them. You need to love yourself FIRST, while understanding they have issues that aren't about you. (assuming you have high self esteem)

  8. :D


    My opinion about McCain + Obama is...






























































    I don't have an opinion about McCain + Obama.

  9. I'm at college now (Sierra College in Rocklin for you locals) and this seems too gfood to be true...


    edit: yeah I was hungry while typing this... I'm leaving that typo. :lol:


    My social anxiety for what I consider to be above average levels of social freedom has vanished about 95%. :D:D:D


    I was going to post this after the first night of work, but I wanted to make sure it wasn't just me being overly excited about my new toy. Now, I 've done Kunlun I only 4 sessions for a total of 140 minutes including close down time and I can state with absolute certainty that I am a changed man.


    I had A LOT of trouble holding eye contact before the first session of Kunlun. After that one session, I wasn't the same. Now, it is amplifying/deepening to the point where I found myself walking around today with a subtle smile on my face for no apparent reason.


    I'm noticing people being pulled in by this energy. People are curious or something... that's the best way I can describe it.


    Don't get me wrong... it's not like I'm at the point where I could go do a Kunlun session out in the middle of Rocklin Road holding up traffic, naked, on national TV or anything. :lol: But this is a ridiculously effective way to let go of social anxiety.


    I'm all smiles now. :D:D:D:D:D

  10. :D


    All these good reports about Kunlun... I now see why so many are very skeptical in the beginning. I was skeptical as well, and then I did a couple practice sessions. :blink::lol: I can't wait till Max comes to San Francisco... that is, if they go through with it. _/\_


    Thanks for sharing.

  11. it is not alcohol or porn the delusion, but something else. Of which alcohol and porn are the results.



    IMO, these are the result of a lack of the natural love/bliss feeling. It's a hankering to feel fulfilled again. When one feels so peaceful, they don't need to escape and get high. I think when the old traumas, emotional baggage is purged, and the good ol' feeling of self acceptance and self love comes back, these addictions and unhealthy desires dissipate all on their own.

  12. http://www.amazon.com/How-Manage-Your-Dick...y/dp/1580083501


    there is a good collection of books listed under "Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought"


    I *THOROUGHLY* enjoyed that title + cover pic. :lol: Thank you.


    Let me share some links:












    I've been too busy (whacking) to fully read all those. (joking) Make of them what you will.


    Do you guys feel icky after wacking to porn... shame guilt? I do. I've also heard on this board somewhere by a respected member that porn really throws off your energy...

  13. Thanks for all the responses. "I think" :P I have gotten a glimpse before:


    I was severely depressed - contemplating suicide. At the time, life seemed like a struggle, like I was always working and never playing. I had let my capacity to enjoy life dwindle into self-pity and secretly (even to myself) enjoying being the victim.


    I had been reading David Hawkins stuff at the time (GOOD stuff!) and I had just set my intention to surrender to God. Everything. It was like a mantra, then it became an attitude, and then a feeling. This happened over 3 days. I did nothing else - I was unemployed and to emotionally distraught for college.


    I would say stuff like, "Lord, I surrender to you. Make me a flute of the divine song. Please, take me home..." etc etc. This is all I thought about for 3 days. My self-created pain allowed me to think about nothing else.


    After the first day, instead of me doing the surrendering, I began to perceive what "I" was doing as "I" was being surrendered... seemed to be happening spontaneously.


    Letting go more and more, it was like my consciousness floated up about a foot and a little behind my head and was there... just watching the body do it's thing. It was weird. "I" could "control" the body, or just let it do whatever. Really really weird but AMAZINGLY COOL! :lol: That's the best I can describe it.


    I didn't feel any bliss or funny feelings in my body, by my perception was like... not in my body, while in about a 2 foot radius around the body's head... :unsure:


    It was as obvious as looking at an apple and saying "The apple is red." No faith needed.


    I thought I was "home" but it was just temporary. It sure relieved suffering for the moment though!


    Does this sound like a glimpse, or something else? Whatever it was....WOW! Hella cool. :D