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Posts posted by ddilulo_06

  1. According to David R. Hawkins, and other spiritual teachers, everything happens spontaneously. Control is an illusion. Something happens, then our minds take credit for it and say "I did that."


    Let me ask you something. Where do your thoughts come from? Did you choose to have your last thought just a moment ago, or did it happen of its own accord?


    I believe everything happens spontaneously from the one will, but I'm not 100% sure. Intuition says yes. I've heard this is self evident in the enlightened state. Supposedly, there is only one will - God's will.


    I have also heard that we have free will as well.


    How can this be? Can we have both? Is this paradox from two different levels of awareness in conflict with one another?

  2. Like Dildeo says


    :angry: WTF DUDE... ARE YOU ATTACKING ME NOW!?!? FUCK... IT'S PRONOUNCED "Dee-loo-low" Dilulo


    PRICK. :rolleyes:










































    I am joking. We're cool Ape Man. :P

  3. Didn't you see the link I posted for you...? :(




    It's a really great discussion about it. I had a lot of questions from a lot of conflicting sources and all the different opinions, but this thread really helped me in coming to where I am now. A lot of people tell you to not worry about it and just do your thing... but I couldn't :lol: so yeah, read through that thread.

    I set that thread aside. I'll read it now.


    EDIT: Just read through post 8. So Dan Tien = Energy Storage and Chakras are the channels where energy flows in/out and how you respond, to your environment.


    I'll come back to this. Time for a Kunlun session. :wacko:;)

  4. You are lucky to be able to talk to your father about this. I can't. My father knows I'm different. He even told me to stay away from the buddhist monks and don't get talked into anything foolish liking being a monk when I was in asia. He wants me to be successful in business, since that is what he does. I'm not concerned with wealth, just enough to live comfortably. No need for the bmw, or the 3000 sq. ft home.


    I told my sister, but it ended up backfiring on me. I talked to a friend who is a mystic and he says to keep everything to myself. People will not understand.


    With the extra energy I have, some days are a roller coaster and I don't want to talk to anybody.


    I love my family, but energy work at home is difficult.


    I can't talk to my dad about it either. I can practice and he's okay with it, but talking about it? Forget it. He just doesn't understand.


    Don't you just love the constant unsolicited advice from parents. :rolleyes:


    My mom and bro are worse to talk with about this stuff. My face just tightened up a little from the thought...


    If I were to talk with one of you guys for an hour, you would probably understand me better than my family or anyone I know in person. This is one of the sucky things about awakening... your social life is just never the same after you bite the apple. I find it very difficult to find people who understand me; however, I'm getting more comfortable with being a loner these days. It's nice not having the drama. Ok ok... I digress - the Starman thread did add some spice to the forum. I'm still a drama addict. :lol:

  5. Looks like you guys will keep me busy for quite a while with all this stuff... gracias.


    do not confuse the indian system with the chinese system. They do have some weird relationships, but I would not equate dantiens with chakras. Plus, do you know what a chakra is? Because if not it really is of no use to know how a chakra (that you ignore) relates with a dantien (that you ignore too) :)


    So what's the difference?


    I understand chakras as being "wheels of light". They take in and project out universal energy... each drawing in/projecting out energy of a different frequency corresponding with a different level of consciousness. I am guessing the energy is stored in some sort of energetic body or bodies we have. For example, the heart chakra would take in/project love - the frequency of compassion, acceptance, and caring. Solar plexus dealing with making your dent in the world, not being a doormat, standing up for what you believe in, self assertiveness. If a chakra is blocked, they don't get that energy and their whole life is adversely affected - maybe someone with a blocked root chakra is physically unhealthy. Picture Fat Bastard From Austin Powers. His root isn't healthy. :lol:


    In any case...

    Wecome onboard:

    Everything Furthers :)




    I'm so glad I found this place. You guys are awesome! :wub::D

  6. I'm curious to know how many people practice energy work and still live at home with their

    parents and family.


    My dad is generally pretty accepting towards my practices. He's cool to leave me alone for a couple days if I am releasing something and am not in a social mood. He thinks it's weird though. I showed him the Kunlun trailer and he was in disbelief. He says, "Whatever helps you son. It's obviously working, so go for it." Now, he's freaked out because he felt the house shaking and my screaming/laughing during my Kunlun sessions. :lol:


    I find it quite challenging actually. The energy seems to bring

    forward many emotional issues (anger, fear, trauma) towards family.


    Yeah, I know what you mean. I just unintentionally stirred the pot when my dad got home from work. Long story short, usually I'm not as honest about how I feel. I was honest to the point of pissing my dad off. I was clearly coming from ego, so I apologized, but in the end, I'm glad it happened because I became aware of another one of my egoic patterns. So, instead of repressing around my dad I'm more expressive. This can cause all sorts of shit to happen, but I know when to go for a walk or my room to let things cool down.


    I know that we must be extra kind to our family members




    Could their energies be effecting me since I'm more sensitive now also?


    This has been the case with me. Before I even saw or heard my dad... as he was walking up the steps to my front door, I felt my body get angry and unsettled. I had no reason why. After asking my dad a couple questions, I realized I was feeling his energy.


    I recall Mantra68 saying how a lot of people are "oozing shit energy" all the time and that when you are more open, you feel other's crap more easily.


    How many people have had to move out to live by themselves because energy work?


    Not yet. :lol:

  7. Blessings rookie... sorry for your losses.


    I wanted to share this and open a discussion of how you find meaning, purpose and direction in your life and how your practice plays a role in it.


    I look at life like it's a combination of a playground and a classroom.


    It's like a playground in that we all choose to play with different energies - both positive and negative.


    I see life like a classroom since it teaches you about yourself - both the self and Self. This place is a huge opportunity to evolve our consciousness. If you do well in class and progress, you feel good as evidenced by the satisfaction of maturing spiritually and abiding more and more in your Self. If you do poorly in class, you suffer (ignorance of the Self, which gives rise to all pain)


    Direction for me would be to do whatever I feel like (the playground thing) as well as learning about the Self, which is the most noble act anyone can do IMO.


    My practice, Kunlun, tweaks my nervous system... I think. Healthier nervous system = stronger sense of the one. This is like taking the fast-track course for enlightenment in my experience so far. I look back a week and can't believe how fast I'm changing. Kunlun also increases my capacity to let go, which is all you really need to do to play. :)

  8. Hey guys,


    I'm looking for the basics of Taoism. I just sorta jumped into Kunlun without knowing jack about Taoism or Qui Gong or anything.


    What are the beliefs, if any? The Afterlife? Death?


    What is the Tao. I think this is the same as "God" to me... not able to be conceptualized, defined, or put into words at all. It's all that is and simultaneously no-thing. Some guidance here would be cool.


    I'm most interested about the alchemy stuff. Reading Trunk's website, http://alchemicaltaoism.com/, is confusing at times. I have only skimmed through it, but it doesn't look like it's for greens. Water? Fire? Metal? Are these just describing different body energies? What are the body energies? Jing? Chi? Prana? I have no idea. Some reading material - books, websites, videos, or whatever would be greatly appreciated.


    What's a Dantein? Is it the same thing as a Chakra. Max Christensen (the Kunlun Guy ;) ) calls the sacral chakra area the lower dantein. I thought the lowest was Muldahara, or the root chakra???


    The sorcery stuff sounds cool too. Is that taoism?


    What about Kung Fu? Does that have anything to do with Taoism or body energy? My current spiritual goal is to sink more and more into peace in situations that would otherwise disturb or frighten me.


    Thanks a lot guys.

  9. Sounds like there are many ways to go about this. I'm just going to keep doing Kunlun and listen to my body. I'll ejac only if I'm getting pain/irritable etc... not just lust feelings though.


    I'm going to ask Max about this @ the San Francisco seminar.