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Posts posted by ddilulo_06

  1. Once you learn 'retention', then you can begin cultivation and transmutation.. then, you can link, entrain, and dramatically expand the energies normally lost during mundane 'lovemaking'.. ultimately, you can use these energies and their potentials in every aspect of Life.. imagine the creative potential when it manifests as a controlled orgasm.. music, art, writing, mowing the yard, cleaning the house, anything 'can' have the power and effect of a full orgasm.. guys, imagine your orgasms lasting 10, 20, or 30 minutes AND, having as many as you choose as often as you choose.. it's all very doable with discipline and 'retention'..


    Be well..

  2. The Hathors on Swine Flu


    We wish to speak with you about a dangerous and treacherous passage that you are

    now entering. We spoke to this in our last communication when we discussed

    Chaotic Nodes.


    From our perspective you are getting closer to the manifestation of such chaos.


    There are several reasons for this, which we wish to explore .But first we wish

    to affirm to you our belief in the sovereignty of human consciousness. We

    believe that you can, as individuals and as a collective, change your destinies,

    even as they unfold before you.


    Therefore this message is not one of doom, but a call to presence and spiritual



    As we view it, the H1N1 Virus, commonly called the "swine flu" has been

    genetically engineered and created. It is not a natural mutation. It is a

    conscious attempt by the hidden forces behind your governments to control and

    manipulate you. It is a social experiment, with dire consequences if they



    The lies, half-truths and manipulations of information concerning this virus are

    very convoluted. But whatever the outcome, it is clear to us that this was

    initiated by human\ consciousness.


    And it is also clear to us that it can only be undone by human consciousness.

    Fear of survival is one of the greatest tactics used to manipulate, and these

    dark forces shall use every means at their disposal to ensure that fear

    increases over the next several months (much less years).


    As spiritual masters, your task is to transcend this collective mind control and

    find your own personal pathway through the chaos that will ensue. There are no

    specific guidelines on how to manage this. It is up to you and your own capacity

    for discernment. From our perspective, it will

    appear as if a rift is torn through the very fabric of your social


    There are those who will side with fear and insist that radical actions be taken

    including, but certainly not limited to, inoculations. Each of you must make

    your own decisions regarding this, for you are the ones living in bodies, and it

    is you who would be most affected.


    But we must say to you, from our perspective, that we view these inoculations to

    be highly suspicious. They are contaminated. They will not protect. They will,

    in fact, damage the health of many, and they contain crude mind control devices,

    formulated from a scientific field in its infancy called "nano technology."


    Again we cannot, and will not, advise you as to what you should or should not do

    in this situation. It is your sovereign choice. We are only reporting to you

    what we see and how we view the situation.


    Your economic problems are not over. Some elements of your economy have been

    stabilized by furtive actions made behind the closed doors of those who hold the

    reins of economic power. But the system is riddled with time bombs and the

    stress of increasing economic distress will add to the chaos.


    There are many other elements that will escalate as you approach what we have

    identified as chaotic nodes. But the main purpose of this communication is to

    present a pathway through the treacherous and dangerous transition that is now

    upon you.


    These are not times for the weak-hearted. These are times that call upon your

    greatest reserves of courage, insight, and intuition.


    Our words are intended for those who sense the truth of the hour. If what we say

    to you seems too far-fetched for your imagination, then there is no reason to

    continue reading.


    Our words are intended for those of you who know that the hour has come, that

    the need for true mastery has arrived, and despite whatever fears may dwell

    within your minds and hearts, you know that courage will rise within you, for

    all life depends upon your choices.


    As the fear increases through collective mind control, it is vital, indeed

    mandatory, that you transcend this; that you bypass the misinformation corridors

    that will be open to you everywhere you turn through the media, through social

    pressure, through possible governmental interactions and



    We have spoken in many previous communications about various means to accomplish

    this. We would refer you to previous messages about "Ecstasy and the Heart," the

    "Holon of Balance" and especially the "Holon of Ascension." See links below for

    these pages.)


    But these are techniques, inner technologies for the mind. They can and will

    assist you to transcend the mind control. But there are simpler methods we now

    wish to discuss. They are aspects of your very nature.


    This "secret of secrets" is quite simply that you are creator beings (both human

    and divine). This knowledge, as to your nature, has been purposefully hidden

    from you by your religions and some of your philosophies.

    These secrets are, of course, forbidden fruits, for were you to partake of them

    you would gain knowledge of your own divinity, even as you live in materiality.

    You would gain the

    knowledge that you are creating your future in this very moment and in every

    moment of your life: through your thoughts and your feelings, and by what you

    choose to think and feel about yourself and each other.


    The "secret of secrets" frees you from the imprisonment of human limitation. It

    frees you from the constraints of your time, place and circumstance. It does

    this by opening the doorway of your own mind, freeing it from the mental

    imprisonment projected onto you by those forces which would contain and

    manipulate human destiny, for their own selfish ends.


    The "Secret of Secrets" has four aspects.


    One is your ability to attain spiritual insight, or vision, i.e. to see through

    the lies that are being projected onto you. And to see the "right path," even in

    the greatest darkness.


    Two is your ability to feel. This is the core of the secrets. It is your

    greatest treasure, although it is also your greatest quandary. Those who wish to

    control and manipulate you know that freezing, or paralyzing, your ability to

    feel anything but the lower emotional spectrum will serve their end.


    The third aspect is your ability to speak your truth. For many of you the coming

    times will demand that you speak your truth clearly, even when it is

    diametrically opposed to those around you.


    And the fourth aspect is your ability to take action. These four aspects are

    rooted together and are the source of your freedom.


    Within the nature of your heart is your capacity to feel and this is the deepest

    secret of all. For this allows you to change your vibratory field and this is

    the key to transcending collective mind control.


    Although it sounds ridiculously simplistic, the essential truth of these secrets

    is what you call joy, appreciation and gratitude. Discover the things in your

    life, the situations, the people, your own thoughts and feelings, whatever gives

    you a reason for joy, appreciation and gratitude. Cultivate this like a precious

    garden in the midst of poisonous weeds, for then this garden will grow and give

    you sustenance.


    Paradoxically on many levels (not just emotionally and psychologically but

    spiritually and even physically) when the power of joy, appreciation or

    gratitude reaches a certain amplitude or strength, it can literally cause

    manifestations of physical reality. And so even in the darkest moments, if you

    hold the spiritual mastery to transcend fear and cultivate joy, appreciation and

    gratitude, unexpected auspicious moments and situations will present themselves

    to you.


    And, finally, we wish to be clear that these dark times can be your grandest

    hours. You hold within you the Secret of Secrets. Use them. Pass through the

    veil into the new world that awaits you. And may your path to this new dimension

    of being be strewn with auspicious blessings.


    The Hathors

    August 10, 2009







    I do maybe 30 mins - 45 mins a day on average, with about 30 mins standing practice during mornings, then some RP at night.


    I just look back at think "Wow." The practices Max has shared with me have made a HUGE impact in the way I see myself.




    Chad and Taomeow, thank you for your insights.


    Yoda: A birdie just tweeted "BOOGAH BOOGAH BOOGAH!!!" :lol:

  4. It may be more to the point that it is not an intellectual attribute as much as a spiritual awakening that registers in the brain as a conscious awareness of realms beyond mere mind and body stuff...


    Our brains need to be quieted to reach higher realms...-

    Peace- & love to all- Pat


  5. So, are there any methods, that can make one "immune" to the bad kind of love, while at least still retaining the potential for "good" love?

    To be totally honest, I never got why people talk about love as something good. It's an useless distraction at best, and a life-shattering catastrophe at worst (which is, judging from most people's experiences, the norm).

    So, no thanks, I'd rather get rid of that emotion.


    Sounds like you don't remember what love is.


    You are referring to neediness. I agree, that feeling sucks.


    Love is the at the core of your being. If you peel away all the drama and BS you've convinced yourself is real, then you will know love.

  6. :blink: Freeform


    I didn't know you were at the point where you can enjoy misery. I still take it too seriously. I also still take being to serious to seriously. :lol:


    I forgot that we can enjoy our "shitty" emotions as well... that it's a part of the fun as well. :)


    Maybe I should take the vow to see if I can enjoy misery. :lol:


    No offense Ian. :lol:

  7. Love can never be contained in a theory, an explanation, or a why. It isn't definable. We can never figure out love.


    Sure, we can talk about love... but doesn't it feel better to experience it instead?


    I tried to figure out love a while ago. My head hurts just from thinking about those times. :lol:

  8. Isn't this suppression?


    This is like saying "I accept myself as I am... ONLY IF I"M POSITIVE!"


    It's acceptance of the "negative" that exposes it for what is is (illusion) and then it's let go of on its own.


    To me, this sounds like another form of control... we all know what happens when we try to control things. :lol:


    If it seems like fun to you guys in and of itself, then BRAVO! I'm glad you guys are having fun. But on the other hand, if not, I don't think this is going to work.


    I used to only be positive 24/7. I drove myself nuts! What we resist persists. This seems like a huge form of resistance.


    I'll stay tuned on the sidelines routing you guys on. I hope it works for you guys.

  9. I didn't read all the replies here, but here's a few things that really helped me in the beginning.


    It is recommended that you do exactly what your instincts dictate.




    Practice Times


    5 am - 7 am - For health. Yang Qi for healing.


    1 pm - 3 pm - Forbidden time to practice. Too hot.


    7:00 pm - 9:00 pm - Good time for Kunlun. (balancing)


    11 pm - 1 am - Time of spiritual powers. Daoist magick. Good time for Red Phoenix to develop abilities. More cooling time.


    2:00 am - 4:00 am - Connect with living things outside of this world. All the Masters are up at this time. Also, if you are curious about things outside of our normal perception...




    Kunlun is a spontaneous practice- the more you let go, the faster the progress. It could be renamed "The practice of letting go". And the most important parts of it are smiling and relaxation.




    keeping an indirect mind, the one breath circulation, and keeping the mind within the heart is the key laugh.gif




    most important when doing kunlun, PLAY, PLAY, PLAY my friend, we say cut off your head, feel with every part of your being, do some laughter type method before practice, also what helps people who are too in the mind, think about this, when you play with a woman, you know what i mean, you are in that kunlun mind, in the moment, ecstatic, orgasmic,

    use this feeling, generate it, like you had a beautiful woman on your lap, connected together in union, like yam yum posture you see in thankas of tibet, then combine this feeling with deep slow rotating movements of your waist going clockwise, make the room illuminated by candles, bright light distracts you laugh.gif




    its important to relax your mind in the childlike state before practice, the falling down is when the adult mind has had enough of its own personal stimmulation, and basically gets kicked out so that the boy can merge with the higher element in your heart not your mind.




    its quality of what your doing, not quantity




    "Two things Max always stresses:


    1. Smile "Max also said that the difference between enlightenment and not is a smile."

    2. Keep a child-like mind.


    If you enter the practice with this state of mind, and look at it like "playing a game", I really think you'll have a much better experience.


    Of course, we all have inner "demons", emotional blocks that we have to face. The practice will bring this out, as well. Still, even in these moments, trying to smile through it helps a lot. You eventually realize the absurdity of these blocks and will probably end up laughing in bliss. In the end, there is such a great feeling of clarity and peace.


    Hope you find the strength to try again with a fresh state of mind.


    Either way, smile."






    The following are only my opinions, I'm not qualified to instruct.


    I've practice Kunlun in just about every position. After a certain point, the initiating position is no longer needed. Kunlun is a downward flowing letting go. I have always been able to stop it if I wish, which is the beauty of the practice, but with such beautiful ecstatic flows, I don't want to. smile.gif


    Hope this helps a little bit.


    Michael smile.gif




    RP is very much associated with 'manifestation' - so you're meant to do it in a good mood, relaxed, non-forcing. This is also what I heard from other third eye practices. In K1 it matters less, since you're unleashing an internal pre-heaven energy which is pre-good/bad...




    Max has indicated that it is very cool to do KL on day and RP another.




    "you decide when you wake up." (Max)




    I do remember max saying that you don't want to make your practice routine, Like some thing you only do from 2-4 every day. It should be more of a spontaneous thing.




    Know why you are practicing, and remember and reintend that before your practice session. Probably the most important thing. I've heard this from several sources including Max.