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Posts posted by Trunk

  1. Yoda,


    I was re-reading Trunk's <A href=>Fab4</A> material and I realized why my standing practice has slacked off a bit--I've been keeping my hands relaxed in wuji and I haven't been opening them slightly.  Much better.


    Way to go. The tendon-changing material really helps get the H~E flow through certain layers of tissues. Glad you hooked onto it.


    Trunk, don't rule out pistols!!  They are a great exercise and a huge ego rush too.  I just worked on airbornes (just kneel like kwanyin is knighting you and eventually don't touch the non-working leg to the ground until the lowest point just a couple reps, 10 seconds a day) for about a year and you'll have it.


    Thanks. I think it'd be a fun thing for me to work on, and i appreciate your tips - as i'm a real newbie to pistols. I did put a reference to them at the bottom of <A href=>squats</A> section, btw, as i think they've gotta be good for people who are ready for them. (But too intense for me to include directly on my site.)





    Updated the <A href=>download version</A> of my site.

    (First time trying html & quotes messin' around - hope it turns out. :bounce: )

  2. ... it feels like almost physically holding on to and just moving the center quite confidently (as if you are certain you can do it) down to the abdomen.


    It's interesting how certain changes occur most effectively when done quickly and with confidence.


    imo, some people have some basic wiring, alchemy, etc., already in place - and so its most appropriate and effective to just do something. And, for that person, working on preliminaries is, like, "what for?". Usually, that person doesn't even know all the parts that've 'always just been there' for them. (This is often a real problem with advanced teachers, btw: they often just don't understand all the pieces that their students are missing.)


    Some other person might have this or that piece missing, which precludes "just doing it" - and so has to work through finding that piece, finding an effective technique for that piece, and doing the work to put that piece in place.