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Everything posted by Trunk

  1. Cannabis Legalization Movement

    I'm using this thread as a general mj-hemp-politics thread, which I think it's become ... re: the below... WHAAAAAA???? If this is true, Woody Harrelson is doing victory-back-flips all day long, lol. McConnell bill would legalize hemp as agricultural product from article in The Hill today ...
  2. The Human Cost of Talking Trump

    What unwelcome violation could someone do to you, that would make your butt hurt, that would cause you distress and that would be worthy of strong complaint? This whole forum is entirely words.
  3. Gun Control and Shootings

    A sign that there's a cultural shift? Pat Robertson calls for a ban on assault weapons
  4. Gathering Questions: Generic

    This topic is for questions that can potentially be used over & over for different interviewees. Either write new ones or quote from existing threads. For a new interview, feel free to use questions from any prior interview.
  5. Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

    3 fundamental points: 1. There is a sensation of magnetic interaction between the P8's (LaoGong) of the left & right hands. Sustain that. Never put the hands so far apart that you lose that feeling between P8s. 2. Make small circles with the hands in relation to each other. Sifu Matsuo, I think, demos that in the video promo clip. There was deliberately left in that promo clip enough parts that someone could start to do the most basic part of the practice, start to experiment and feel and work with. 3. Alternately expand ~ concentrate the two hands' sphere. Hands can be one above the other (either way) or side by side. Each produces somewhat different effects, all good. Sifu Matsuo goes into more detail and variation on movements in the full KYMQ but that is enough to establish some fundamental familiarity. - Trunk p.s. (edit much, much later) I revised the Qi Sphere: Beginning essay to be more clear about these essential points.
  6. DGS's Dizzying DVD Collection
  7. I Ching and Music

    what a wonderful idea!
  8. Merging and guru yoga

    Wow. I am inspired. Many excellent posts, good communication, refined topic. *whew* thanks, I needed that, lol.
  9. My orientation is the internal path, "can I return to stillness, light, in the deep-center of which-ever-chakra-here?". If I can do that, and to the degree that I can do that, then: 1. it helps refine whatever I've got goin' on 2. It's incentive towards virtue. It *feels* right and balanced to be centered and to connect with the universal ... when I'm expressing poorly it tends to throw me off of that. I value that inner connection and so I re-seat myself into the center.
  10. ~edit~ Oops! Post meant for an entirely different thread, lol!
  11. P.s. And I’m moved to restate: you can look at *any* tradition / method through this prism and it will increase functionality of your understanding, orientation, absorption, on that path. I know that’s a pretty bold statement, so go ahead and knock me around on it if you want, lol. It really goes down to STRUCTURE. We are BUILT a certain way. Function follows form. It’s mechanics. I really invite you to blow your own mind this way re: your own path, and over time you’re likely to continue to see more how it connects to various aspects of the path in general. It’s a real *whew!* kind of stress reliever, lol.
  12. Yup. I felt, or rather: went through the same cognitive process that you're describing. Recognition of those principles, sort of explained a whole bunch of things all at once. Like a rosetta stone, kind of mind blowing especially if you've been chewing at it for a while, lol. It's a *really* useful concise template to look at *any* spiritual path, imo. (And I'm not saying that I came up with it, lol, though I am saying it in a certain way right now... but the classics, the teachers I've studied with, and - I've gotta say - I've been *really* fortunate to 've made friends with some senior brothers and sisters along the way, significant mentoring.) ... The principles are really very simple, very foundational, very few ... and serve to organize, or orient one's self, in which ever of the 10,000 methods you happen to be involved in.
  13. Commonly Closed Chakras

    Primary goal at *each* major chakra: Integrating with the One Medicine. Then, of course: am I living my life functionally? lol Basic internal and external path.
  14. Commonly Closed Chakras

    I’ve gone through a progression over time on this chakra thing ... How many are there? What are the mechnics and kinesthetics to open ~ closed? Relating to inner alchemy and functionality in life, all that shit, that I’m still sorting out, lol Anyway, re: how many? At first I couldn’t relate to chakras, especially to “7” ... I found 3: power, love, wisdom - much more immediately relatable. Lately it’s down to 2 (kinds of people, depending on where they are more developed... it’s of course an over-simplification but): “tops” and “bottoms”. I found Tsongkhapa’s Six Yogas of Naropa to be very enlightening about the mechanics of opening a chakra by what to do at the potent points along sushumna (“enter, abide, dissolve”) and that changed the whole game for me. Now pretty much all of my practices foster the center in some way, and I’m much more conscious about how to apply ... methods in general. My take on the mani mantra worked on 5 chakras in a balanced way. Mark Griffin once said something like, “explore every inch of sushumna” and that made an impression on me. And has turned out to be practically *very* useful. Going in a detailed way up sushumna, taking time to stop, enter, abide, dissolve at any points that feel “empty” or “bright” along the way ... working with a kind of pearl meditation in that way.... seems to trigger healthy integration ime. (And many more points than 7, but of quite varying intensity.)
  15. Sexual accusations

    Ah, well! CT posted the video yesterday of Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, a current sitting senator, saying that DJT should resign over allegations of sexual misconduct. Today... DJT's response??? In case the twitter link didn't come through clearly, here is the text of the tweet: Here's commentary on msnbc about it this morning: A couple of choice quotes from the msnbc video: Wow, so: DJT has both endorsed a child molester for the US Senate, and has said (world wide, via twitter) that a sitting senator offered sex to him for campaign contributions, lol! ... and that's just recently! This guy just keeps on giving!!! PO-TUS!, PO-TUS!, PO-TUS!
  16. Sexual accusations

    Re: Roy Moore There is so many accusors, corroborating testimonies from those who knew the accusors at the time, and dozens of interviews of people in town (people who worked or visited the mall, etc etc). Clearly any reasonable (unbiased) assessement at this point is that Roy Moore dated under-aged girls, and at least once there was coercion including a level of brutality. Now R.Moore is adding to his level of assholishness, adding insult to injury, by calling all those people liars, and we all know that he’s lying to cover his ass. It’s been pretty clear since this story broke... there were enough interviews in the beginning. Then it just becomes: watching the circus of how much the public is willing to deny the obvious, and similarly re: the political forces currently in play. I mean, we have a president who is openly campaigning for R.Moore, even recorded a robocall for him. And, of course, the ... how many now? 16? ... accusors of POTUS himself (and an underage rape case that usually doesn’t get mentioned). Dystopia on overdrive.
  17. What are you watching on Youtube?

    This is "Bone Tomahawk", full movie. A 2015 kind of B-movie-western-horror plot, with low production budget that makes it feel almost like a theatre production ... BUT the writing is delicious and the acting is top notch. The whole thing is charming, down home slow paced country comedic.
  18. Sexual accusations

    White House spokes person Flip flops on child molestation ... ... and this is where we've come to, folks.
  19. Sexual accusations

    Wow. Ok. So. re: the video I posted of Beverly Young Nelson, R.Moore's most recent accuser... Obviously too much to ask, but it seems to me that the first appropriate considerations, reactions are: 1. Acknowledgement of sincerity. You'd have to be blind and deaf to not recognize that this woman has been through trauma and is speaking sincerely. 2. Compassion for her. Seems to me that whatever consequences (or lack thereof), whatever surrounding context, whatever your partisan bent, yadda yadda yadda ... to first take a few moments for simple empathy, jeez.
  20. Sexual accusations

    I suggest that you look up the filmed interview of R.Moore's accuser on youtube. Watch that (post it here if you like) and see for yourself whether it looks sincere or not.
  21. Sexual accusations

    1. Lots of sourcing went into the Roy Moore reporting. 2. Under-aged dating is not the only accusation. There was coercion, violence.
  22. Sexual accusations

    I thought this thread was mostly sexual accusations in politics... Seems it kind of loses its focus now but whatever