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Everything posted by Trunk

  1. Kids Practice Thread

    Just to say what I've said before, in any way pushing the idea of retention is very, very dicey. For some small percentage of males it'll work out really well for, for the rest it will result in trouble. The better approach is to include exercises that assist jing to integrate smoothly without making it a direct sexual issue. And, definately, joint rotations is one of the best ways to do this. The common choice for joint rotations is Sonnon's Intu-flow. The J rotations keep the myofascial web supple, through to the joints (so that jing can flow into the marrow). All of that is ideal for resolving stress of growth during puberty and integrating for real deep health. Additional approaches to consider are here. - and here's the airplane ride thing, pulled from the other thread:
  2. Just occured to me that it'd be really cool to have a Natural Living forum at TTBs, to talk about life-style more. Interest anyone? Sean? (should'a made this a poll)
  3. imo (and I bet in the opinion of many here), stillness practice is a major part of practice over all, and the culmination of preparatory work.
  4. IMA vs. MMA

    There's a woman at Tao Garden (I keep forgetting her name) who'd do a special kind of spinning of babies. Holding them by their arms, or arm & leg, and do a fancy sort of "airplane" ride (you know, where you get spun around by one arm and one leg by an adult). The women of the local village would bring their babies to her for her to spin. It was wild to watch, but the babies loved it. To connect it to principle: think of the the joings re: the connective tissue continuum. She said that her husband did it to her children until they were too heavy for him to do it any more.
  5. IMA vs. MMA

    I didn't mention retention because it is so problematic, complicated, and can back-fire pretty badly. Very dicey. I was suggesting joint rotations specifically. During puberty the bones are going through some intense development, and there's often (obviously) a lot of emotional~physical stresses that can get bound up in the fascia etc. Just adding a few simple joint rotations to the exercise repetoire that youngsters generally get can make the whole jing integration of puberty go a lot smoother, avoid stress-warps in the myofascial web that often form during that time, and produce stronger bones. Exposure to a few simple joint rotation exercises is pretty mundane, very safe, and good payoffs - especially during that time. I'm not suggesting that kids be made to do some program, but if they're gonna be taught push-ups etc., they might as well learn to rotate wrists, ankles, hips, shoulders, neck. Then at least they know those, know what they feel like, and can do them if they want to. Just my 2 cents.
  6. While the conventional ideas and sensations of self are gone, something still remains: there is a physical body, and there is a "vajra" body - the layered subtle bodies of an individual functioning in union with the Universal. This last part is tricky, because someone might experience the Unviversal without correspondent subtle body integration. That, if carried on for too long, leads to disfunctionality. The human wiring contains within it the capacity for Universality in a way that both transcends and sustains, strengthens, the individual subtle layers - though operating in supramundane reverse of their conventional course.
  7. IMA vs. MMA

    Agreed on both points. to segue to another cultural entry, one that's non-violent... People really get the most profound development in the body-changing practices when they start prior to puberty. If kids took up something as simple as Sonnon's intu-flow (even as little as 5-10 min/day) as they were entering puberty, they'd become titans in comparison to their peers. And it could be fun: just do the major joints, and look at this groovy stuff I can do with my neck!
  8. Peace Prize to Pioneer of Loans to Poor No Bank Would Touch Always impressive what you can do with very little $ in a poor country.
  9. IMA vs. MMA

    I bowed out of studying shing-yi, cause my illness-stagnation issues were barring progress. My progress was stuck for years, so said, "bye". Though, clearly, the Kenny Gong lineage of shing-yi is the shit. I've done a lot of unwinding since then through other avenues, but now it's hard to go back. Saamchoy, done correctly, is fucked-up (difficult) and does a lot. The MMA guys are undeveloped on deeper layers. The high level IMAs can basically just touch someone, put their hand on their arm or where ever and the external guy loses all bodily power. I stand by my comment: no contest. Refer back to stories of Morihei Ueshiba throwing people around like nothing, even when he was an old man.
  10. IMA vs. MMA

    I've met a few advanced internal martial artists and, imo, there would be no contest between them and an external. (The external wouldn't have a chance.) At least one of the big problems, though, is that it'd bring IMAs to a crowd that is really into kicking ass. And, with advanced level IMA.. that's just silly; you'd end up with a bunch of maimed & dead people. The guy I studied shing-yi with has said, "I don't teach bangers", and I couldn't agree more.
  11. (saying what I said before, in a different way) ime, there is an Underlying Ground of Light, and there are definately meditative practices that unify the individual with the Big Light. I've sat with teachers where the room was definately full of light. So, ime, could be that "enlightenment" actually has something to do with light.
  12. Here, but - omg - he's already so out of control, if we start calling him "Master", LOL.
  13. What it is? This, matured & fluent.
  14. Happy Birthday Ian!

    2nd that, Right-ee-o!
  15. Good suggestion. One tip to that is to relax while holding the breath. If you hold the breath with presure, you won't get what that exercise is about, ime. Gotta relax, then cool healing stuff happens.
  16. Live Chat Now!

    Yo, Chat now suckahs!
  17. Actual Manifestation Of Chi

    .. That nicely strikes along the lines of many conversations we've had, (said many times better than we've ever said).
  18. Actual Manifestation Of Chi

    Function follows structure. Human beings have the requisite structure (though largely latent in most) to unify self and universal.
  19. Actual Manifestation Of Chi

    I'm more interested in the meditative arts, and have sat with several teachers who did group transmissions such that 30-250 people's consciousness were altered during the sit with the teacher. Of those, I consider Mark Griffin to be exceptionally accomplished and of impeccable character. Everyone feels something strong & profound going on sitting with him. When I was studying with him, I wrote something along the lines that, "Hard Light lived up to its name: I didn't know anyone studying with him that wasn't consistently stretched to receive and integrate what was being transmitted". I could write many paragraphs about him and it'd all sound hyperbolic. His is extremely accomplished. (He studied in Siddha and Kagyu lineages.)
  20. John Chang Video

    Thanks for the review of your experience with David. Interesting, honest, well put. This whole thread is really appreciated.
  21. Introduction

    (Oo!, I just have to answer this monicker!) Welcome!