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Posts posted by gendao

  1. It draws chi from other meridians.
    You mean Viagra does?


    BTW, I've also heard that you shouldn't eat/drink anything cold for about 4 hrs after sex. Because your qi has just been activated and the cold kind of stops it in place? Or drink alcohol either, I think. Since I believe that strains your kidneys...which just got strained from sex?


    Anyone else hear these?

  2. I know , I know , I know, I'm trying to form and or modify my own TOE theory of everything.
    ETs actually would mesh very well with ancient "gods" and other heavenly beings referred to in ancient religions.


    From the Tomb of Ptah-Hotep, at Saqqara, Egypt, which dates back to the 5th Dynasty (~2388 - 2356 BC):



  3. It seems that in just about every copy of the translation available, the main focus is on the extraterrestrial beings that are mentioned in the text.
    What's wrong with that? I mean, the whole mythology behind its discovery was attributed to "alien direction" to Buddhist UFO "contactee," Billy Meier in 1963. So, it's no surprise that ETs would be a central focus in the text here.


    However, I'd like to see some more actual authentication of this document first and foremost. How come the "original scrolls" don't even exist today? Did they ever? What happened to them?

  4. call some of them natural, because we couldn't find anyother explanation.

    Competition is based on the idea of needing, greed, ego. Even if it is seen as healthy, it still leaves the thought in the mind that there is an self, others, living beings and a life as a foundation of daily living.

    Uh, it is natural...and healthy. As I said, it is Nature's way to allow adaptation and ensure quality control.


    As is the ego. Your ego is what keeps you alive. The problem is not so much that we have localized egos...but when we limit ourselves to our localized egos...


    As far as natural competition - YOU are the product of repeated competitions. Men competed with each other to drain their nuts in your mom. And then millions of sperm competed against each other to fertilize your mom's egg. The end result of this, repeated over untold generations - is YOU.


    Now, imagine the alternative where competition was eliminated. Every man got to phuck your mom. Every sperm got to fertilize her egg. Each woman would thus give birth to MILLIONS of babies - and a high number of them weak and defective!


    So, you cannot deny the inherent need for and natural existence of COMPETITION here!

  5. Actually, survival of the fittest and social Darwinism is VERY NATURAL and is what allows species to adapt to ever-changing environental conditions. The problem is more that we've tried to resist that and so our species keeps growing larger and weaker with no quality control. End result is the overall health of our species continues to deteriorate and suffering increases with each generation.

  6. The Seven Decreases refer to sexual practices that are really bad for one's physical, mental and spiritual health. I can give you an overview if you're interested. (Tomorrow perhaps, it's pretty late here now.) The Eight Increases are rather arcane sexual techniques that can both correct the damage once it has been done and propel one's cultivation to a whole new level. These, you can't possibly benefit from unless you hook up with a like-minded taoist gal, so I won't go into too many details. In any event, one would have to start with eliminating the Seven Decreases before proceeding to the Eight Increases.
    Sounds interesting.. I would like to hear what these are from curiosity alone. :huh:


    BTW, a Chinese doctor said that Viagra is bad for your health. Don't know why - but I'm guessing that it (like most allopathic meds) is a band-aid that may drain a weakened system even more. Anyone else hear this?

  7. E.g., The Principles Of The Universe, discovered in the 70s on bamboo plates found in a tomb in the Ma Wang Dui Han ruins in Changsha, talks about the "seven decreases and eight increases" which are supposed to be the key to mastering taoist anti-aging strategies, one's jing, and one's destiny, to say nothing of one's sexuality. Sunu Notes also describe these techniques. Bao Pu Zi, written by Ge Hong in the Jin Dynasty, details a similar increase-decrease strategy. So...

    has anyone ever practiced the Seven Decreases and Eight Increases techniques?

    Very interesting, do you have translations for these? What are the Seven Decreases and Eight Increases techniques? I'd like to learn more about this. :huh:

  8. ^ Yes, that is known as "qing gong" (light skill).


    Basically, you have to learn to sever your root to the earth.


    I know one qigong master whose father supposedly could jump up to a 2nd-story.


    And another Taijiquan teacher who claimed hers could jump as high and far as the top of a gymnasium!


    Note - these ladies were in their 60s which tells you what era their fathers were back in. These abilities are far rarer today.



    As far as the "yogic hops," I saw a flyer for yogic "levitation" back in college and was really disappointed to see it was really just people bouncing on a mattress. :rolleyes:

  9. Interestingly, athletes wear similar training shoes for the same ultimate effect of overloading the order to increase quickness and vertical leap.


    So, might better hops be one hidden benefit of high heels? :lol:


  10. when the ego feels the need to act. If we just let god or the universe bring it to us we would not 'sin' or cause anyone else harm.
    But as you reawaken the ego-universe bond...the distinction between "you" and the universe disappears...


    And you transcend this whole paradigm of what "you" want vs what the universe wants.


    The way I see it, LOA is like lucid-dreaming. It is taking more conscious control of your life as you would your dreams. And since all is illusory-like in nature anyways...what does it matter?

  11. I was talking with some people in China last night and it made me realize how the West has misinterpreted or reduced "femininity" simply to weakness and "masculinity" to strength.


    - When casually chatting with Westerners (particularly amongst males), the conversation inevitably turns into some level of crude, cynical, profanity-laced flame war.


    - In the Chinese chat (particularly when led by a female), the mood was far more positive, encouraging and appreciative of the beauty of life. I know that sounds "corny," but it's a very different feel that is even reflected in all the majestic names used in CMA or Taoism like "cloud hands," etc.


    What I instinctively feel here is that the West is burning itself out on the "negative" side of unbridled Yang. I mean, how much more Yang can you get than a "flame war?"


    Meanwhile, the East is a bit more balanced with feminine Yin energy. But Yin energy here does not mean "weakness" - but an artistic appreciation and emotional zest for life. As in stopping to smell the roses and enjoying the beauty of a flower, etc... As they say, music soothes the savage beast.


    The paradigm shift here is that Yang isn't strong and Yin isn't weak (as commonly thought in the feminist West). Strong or weak can only be used to describe the degree of each. Each can be strong or weak in their own right. And they are actually strongest when both combined together. Taoism recognized this fact and so emphasized the utility of Yin as a useful vessel for Yang - and how together they are most powerful. And thus, fusing Yang & Yin energy is essentially the basis for Lei Shan Dao and other neikung power.


    The problem with the feminist West is that it IDs and behaves in mostly the "negative" sides of Yang (crude antagonism) and Yin (irrational emotional impulse). Because there is a fundamental misunderstanding of masculinity and especially femininity here that is really behind all our gender confusion and dysfunction.


    Sorry for the ramble...


  12. John Chang can do it - I believe he said he uses yin qi and it's not that big a deal. I think he can go up about 2' but not really move around, though.


    Feng Zhiqiang also said he witnessed Hu Yao Zhen do it while meditating.



    I'm sure there's many more examples...


    That one phrase could refer to a lot of things, though - so I wouldn't just assume it meant levitation.

  13. Simply learning things is fairly useless.


    Learning HOW to DO things is not.


    It's the difference between a lot of academic mental masturbation typically found in Western Taoists vs Chinese Taoists doing actual internal alchemy practices.

  14. Here's a cool statue of Lao-Tzu going on eBay for $100 right now:


    Supposedly, it's 7" tall and 1200g of silver from 1800-1849 in China...


    But, there are a LOT of fakes, knock-off's and reproductions of Chinese antiques. So, how would you be able to tell if something like this is authentic or not & appraise its value? China has such a long history and modern "craftsman" are quite adept at making decent fakes - so I think this can be a tricky market where "caveat emptor." You've got to really know your stuff.


    I mean, this piece here is advertised as "OLD CHINESE SILVER HAPPY BUDDHA WITH DRAGON STATUE"


    And yet is going for only $10? Although the price of silver alone right now is $13.50/oz and the metal tone here looks more like aluminum than silver.


    Does anyone else here collect Taoist/Chinese antiques/paraphernalia? Any experts in da house here? B)

  15. From what I've been told, herbs can be effective IF they are picked at the right time and prepared properly. There is a whole art and science to it - not just swallowing them ground up into pills.


    But, if you can draw that energy directly from the universe or wherever, that is of course a higher level of ability...and probably purer as it is more direct.


    Either way, I still personally believe we should also watch what we ingest. We do live in a different world today with a lot more manmade toxins. And not just through food, but through dental fillings, food/drink containers, water in our showers, etc. I believe these environmental pollutants can still be damaging even if you do qigong - especially smoking.

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  16. Wuji is not hermaphroditic, it is essentially yin, the "true yin" of the classics. That it gives birth to yang is part of the way true yin works. This crucial step is often overlooked by the seekers of the true yang. Tao-in-stillness, aka wuji, unlike "father in heaven" of all Indo-European religions, appears to be a girl. "Mother of all things," according to Laozi, not "father of all things" and not "hermaphrodite of all things."
    Wuji is not Yin, it precedes the Yin and Yang duality.


    0 is not positive or negative. Wuji has no "gender," either.


    Feminists just try to substitute "mother" for "father" everywhere like a revisionist Mad Lib. It's not transcending the whole paradigm and is pretty annoying.

  17. Being of this Chan tradition myself, not only would I disagree with the goal of "thought stopping", but would advise against it. The great master Hsu Yun said this resulting vacant void was a trap, akin to "soaking stones in water" and advised the practitioner to rouse him/herself against it and keep pursuing the question "who am I?" or "who is it who meditates?" or who is it who thinks?"
    All manifest phenomena that we think about is part of the "illusion." They are fingers pointing at the moon - or even away from the moon. Making us forget our true selves - who we are without thought?


    Forget about thinking.

    And remember who you are.


    "Over-thinking, over-analyzing separates the body from the mind." - Tool

  18. She took out one of the metal fillings I had from more than 10 years. I guess the realization of how those things might be harmful changed quite a lot, because she put on a cute oxygen mask while she was working. I also got a picture of her with the mask.



    Funny that, eh? My last tooth cleaner said she was saving up to get all her mercury amalgams replaced. I asked her what the consensus was on mercury amalgams and she said mixed.


    But to me her planned actions spoke louder than words...


    Of course the dental community isn't ever going to admit they're toxic.


    It's just crazy how Western allopathic medicine seems to think nothing about putting such toxic chemicals in our body to begin with! You'd think something like mercury would never even have been considered in the first place!


    Anyhow, I'm curious as to why you think brushing was bad? Seems like that may be part of your problem? I brush twice a day and haven't had a cavity in over 10 years now (knock on wood).

  19. I have a kombucha and I ferment about 4 liters of tea per week. The resulting beverage is very tasteful, really close to the cyder. Medical research has demonstrated that kombucha tea has a molecule which helps liver to detoxify itself and blood. And, of course, the more clear liver, the more energy you'll have.


    Added to it, I use a water type called: diamond water. I got it from a friend, after reading it had a higher vibrating level. Don't know if it's true, but water came to me after summoning it for some weeks (I did know of its existence, but I was unable to obtain it).


    One question: what the heck is kimchi?

    Wow, what the heck is "diamond water" and how is it obtained?


    Kimchi is Korean fermented cabbage and veggies. It is similar to and may have had the same suspected Mongol origin as German sauerkraut.

    A relative of the Asian delicacy kimchi and other fermented vegetables, sauerkraut is believed to have its origins in the north of China among the Mongols and been introduced to the West by invading Asian tribes.

  20. Glenn Morris had a vispasanna type exercise he called Dr. Death's Bad Ass Mind Quieter(something like that, from his old Pathnotes.. book). You count your breaths 1 through 10, repeat. If a thought occurs restart at 1. Very difficult, getting to 10 for a single cycle is a significant achievement. Its a nice practice showing the obvious and sneaky levels of thought.


    At night I'll just count my breaths 1-10. As my thoughts quiet I'll just shift to awarness of breath, that gets my mind very quiet.

    I don't like that method because again, counting is still thinking in your head...when you're trying to shift from thinking to awareness. Which is in fact eventually what you end up doing here.

  21. This is a tangent but where can we get Kombucha? I'd kinda like to try that.


    Has anyone else tried it? Do they feel it helps any?