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Posts posted by gendao

  1. C.G. Jung on Christian colonialism a century ago...during the span he drew his Red Book:


    On my next trip to the United States I went with a group of American friends to visit the Indians of New Mexico

    I asked him why he thought the whites were all mad.

    “They say they think with their heads,” he replied.

    “Why of course. What do you think with,” I asked him in surprise.

    “We think here,” he said, indicating his heart.

    I fell into a long meditation. For the first time in my life, as it seemed to me, someone had drawn for me a picture of the real white man. It was as though until now I had seen nothing but sentimental, prettified colour prints. This Indian had struck our vulnerable spot, unveiled a truth to which we are blind. I felt rising within me like a shapeless mist something unknown and yet deeply familiar. And out of this mist, image upon image detached itself: first Roman legions smashing into the cities of Gaul, and the keenly incised features of Julius Caesar, Scipio Africanus, and Pompey. I saw the Roman eagle on the North Sea and on the banks of the White Nile. Then I saw St. Augustine transmitting the Christian creed to the Britons on the tips of Roman lances, and Charlemagne’s most glorious forced conversions of the heathen; then the pillaging and murdering bands of the Crusading armies. With a severe stab I realised the hollowness of that old romanticism about the Crusades. Then followed Columbus, Cortes, and the other conquistadors who with fire, sword, torture and Christianity came down upon even these remote Pueblos dreaming peacefully in the Sun, their Father. I saw, too, the peoples of the Pacific islands decimated by firewater, syphilis, and scarlet fever carried in the clothes the missionaries forced on them.

    It was enough. What we from our point of view call colonisation, missions to the heathen, spread of civilisation, etc., has another face – the face of a bird of prey seeking with cruel intentness for distant quarry – a face worthy of a race of pirates and highwaymen. All the eagles and other predatory creatures that adorn our coats of arms seem to me apt psychological representatives of our true nature.
    If I had hit on something essential, he remained silent or gave an evasive reply, but with all the signs of profound emotion; frequently tears would fill his eyes. Their religious theories are not conceptions to them (which, indeed, would have to be very curious theories to evoke tears from a man), but facts, as important and moving as the corresponding external realities.
    I observed that the Pueblos Indians, reluctant as they were to speak about anything concerning their religion, talked with great readiness and intensity about their relations with the Americans. “Why,” Mountain Lake said, “do the Americans not let us alone? Why do they want to forbid our dances? Why do they make difficulties when we want to take our young people from school in order to lad them in the kiva (site of the rituals, and instruct them in our religion? We do nothing to harm the Americans!” After a prolonged silence, he continued, “The Americans want to stamp out our religion. Why can they not let us alone? What we do, we do not only for ourselves but for the Americans also. Yes, we do it for the whole world. Everyone benefits by it.”


    • Like 1
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  2. On 9/29/2019 at 2:35 AM, rideforever said:

    If Christianity was still the dominant force the loving God with all your might and your neighbour as your self would be dominant.

    Lol, no if Christianity was dominant, then global colonization (the complete deletion, displacement, and replacement of all Old World, aboriginal cultures) would have happened!


    Genesis 1:26 - let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
    God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

    Deuteronomy 12:12 - These are the decrees and laws you must be careful to follow in the land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you to possess - as long as you live in the land.
    Destroy completely all the places on the high mountains, on the hills and under every spreading tree, where the nations you are dispossessing worship their gods.
    Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their Asherah poles in the fire; cut down the idols of their gods and wipe out their names from those places


    Treaties, and the U.S. government’s history of unilaterally breaching them, have had a profound effect on Native people. To be blunt, we were lied to. Treaties were used as a ruse to coax tribes out of defending their territory and to steal Native lands and resources.
    The government also defaulted on payments to the Dakota. It kept more than 80% of the money. Of the payments that were made, the government often gave the money directly to traders who were supposed to supply the Dakota with rations.
    About 400 Dakota were arrested by the U.S. military. Ultimately, 38 Dakota men were hung in the largest mass execution in U.S. history, in Mankato, Minnesota, on December 26, 1862, under the orders of President Abraham Lincoln.
    The governor of Minnesota put a bounty on the scalps of every Dakota man, woman, and child.
    Women and children were slaughtered there. They even killed the Dakota’s dogs and horses.
    The Black Hills are the birthplace of the Lakota. Important ceremonies that bring harmony to the Universe have been held there for millennia.
    Lakota treaty land also includes the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, where I was born and where water protectors camped out for nearly a year to prevent the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline through ancient Oceti Sakowin burial sites and under the freshwater source of millions of people downstream, both Native, and non-Native.


    RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA –– Yet another federally funded “improvement” project threatens to further undermine the sanctity and integrity of a culturally relevant Native American landmark in the Black Hills, or Paha Sapa.
    Pe Sla is the genuine, living heart of the Black Hills for the region’s indigenous peoples. For thousands of years prior to European invasion, the Lakota prayed and paid ritualistic homage to the earth and sky, as well as to everything in between and beyond, unencumbered at Pe Sla.

    Ohhhh, wait...guess it did!  Mission accomplished! <_<


    It still mystifies me today when Christian apologists simply somehow Disneyfy Christianity into a bumper sticker labeled "LOVE"...and leave out all the fear, hatred, destruction, and killing espoused (and carried out on a global scale).... 
    But just remember, it actually sits at the TOP OF THE FLOW CHART here!

    • Thanks 1

  3. ^^  Oh, I thought you were still in China...NVM!

    On 10/13/2019 at 3:31 AM, Walker said:

    There is much that we can and should learn from so-called "aboriginal" peoples, without idealizing them and forgetting that ancient lifestyles were not perfect and certainly do not hold all of the answers to the future. After all it was ancient peoples who:

    • Hunted countless animals to extinction
    • Gave birth to modern people

    This is a very general prescription. Why don't you share with us some of the changes you have made and the experiences/challenges/rewards/outcomes/surprises/etc involved in your process? For instance, what do you do with your poop? 

    Well, there's only a few cases where aborigines directly hunted animals into extinction - and that was generally out on small, remote islands.



    The huge Younger Dryas megafauna extinction 12,900-11,800 years ago was caused by a sudden cold snap. 


    Now, some scientists have speculated that THAT Heinrich Event might have been exacerbated by aboriginal hunters killing off enough megafauna to reduce their digestive methane emissions?


    But, other hypotheses include meteorite or Taurid comet impact, or some combination of causes...


    The Younger Dryas (YD) was a sudden period of rapid cooling inferred from oxygen isotopic ratios (18O/16O) in the Greenland Ice Core (GISP2) beginning 12,834 Âą 20 years ago and lasting approximately 1,300 years . It followed a 5,000 year period of global warming after the last glacial period. It is widely accepted that the YD was caused by the shutdown of the North Atlantic current that circulates warm tropical waters northward. This is proposed to be due to the sudden influx of fresh water from the deglaciation of North America. In the 1990s William Topping discovered that the Gainey Clovis site in Michigan, dating to the onset of the YD, contained copious amounts of iron spherules and particles consistent with an impact event. This evidence has subsequently been extended to scores of additional Clovis age sites where a layer of magnetic particles and microspherules, rich in platinum group elements (PGE), and containing nanodiamonds and other high-temperature carbon materials is found often covered by an organic-rich back mat that forms a demarcation line above which no megafauna fossils exist. Simultaneous evidence of major biomass burning is seen in 152 lakes, sediments, marine and ice cores over a wide geographical area. These data provide direct evidence of a comet or meteorite impact event that is referred to as the Younger Dryas Impact.

    This jury is still out though, and no one knows for sure, yet...


    Extinctions do not need a single cause. They can have many, direct and indirect. Direct causes that reduce populations by destroying many individuals might indeed include over-hunting - or in the case of an impact, a big enough one, removing populations on a regional to continental or even global scale - whilst indirect causes are responses to environmental change leading to stress in population, perhaps due to the poor availability of grazing leading to increased vulnerability to disease or reduced reproductive rates. So in this case, as yet poorly-understood ecological changes were followed, or were then accompanied by, the Clovis hunters; a possible but disputed extraterrestrial impact 12,900 years ago may have been one of the factors leading to a significant climatic cooling yet the megafauna hung on until after the end of the Younger Dryas when conditions once again warmed up. Within a few centuries, the North American megafauna were then gone for good.

    Although, there is some tantalizing archaeological evidence that those who built many of the ancient stone megalithic observatories after the Younger Dryas extinction attributed it to Earth passing through (Taurid's) comet tail.


    Ancient Carvings in Turkey Show a Comet Swarm Hitting Earth Right Around The Time Civilisation Changed Forever
    Researchers have translated famous ancient symbols in a temple in Turkey, and they tell the story of a devastating comet impact more than 13,000 years ago. Cross-checking the event with computer simulations of the Solar System around that time, researchers suggested that the carvings could describe a comet impact that occurred around 10,950 BCE - about the same time a mini ice age started that changed civilisation forever. 
    This mini ice age, known as the Younger Dryas, lasted around 1,000 years, and it's considered a crucial period for humanity because it was around that time agriculture and the first Neolithic civilisations arose - potentially in response to the new colder climates. The period has also been linked to the extinction of the woolly mammoth.
    The team from the University of Edinburgh in the UK say these carvings, found in what's believed to be the world's oldest known temple, Gobekli Tepe in southern Turkey, show further evidence that a comet triggered the Younger Dryas.  "I think this research, along with the recent finding of a widespread platinum anomaly across the North American continent virtually seal the case in favour of [a Younger Dryas comet impact]," lead researcher Martin Sweatman told Sarah Knapton from The Telegraph.
    The translation of the symbols also suggests that Gobekli Tepe wasn't just another temple, as long assumed - it might have also been an ancient observatory. 
    "It appears Gobekli Tepe was, among other things, an observatory for monitoring the night sky," Sweatman told the Press Association. 
    "One of its pillars seems to have served as a memorial to this devastating event – probably the worst day in history since the end of the Ice Age." 
    The Gobekli Tepe is thought to have been built around 9,000 BCE - roughly 6,000 years before Stonehenge - but the symbols on the pillar date the event to around 2,000 years before that. 
    The carvings were found on a pillar known as the Vulture Stone (pictured below) and show different animals in specific positions around the stone.

    The symbols had long puzzled scientists, but Sweatman and his team of engineers discovered that they actually corresponded to astronomical constellations, and showed a swarm of comet fragments hitting the Earth.

    An image of a headless man on the stone is also thought to symbolise human disaster and extensive loss of life following the impact. 

    The carvings show signs of being cared for by the people of Gobekli Tepe for millennia, which indicates that the event they describe might have had long-lasting impacts on civilisation.

    To try to figure out whether that comet strike actually happened or not, the researchers used computer models to match the patterns of the stars detailed on the Vulture Stone to a specific date - and they found evidence that the event in question would have occurred about 10,950 BCE, give or take 250 years.
    The dating of these carvings also matches an ice core taken from Greenland, which pinpoints the Younger Dryas period as beginning around 10,890 BCE.

    Were these ancient megaliths durably built to last millenia as memorial observatories to keep track of the Taurid comet tail and other existential, astronomical threats?


    The Younger Dryas was a pivotal moment in human civilization. Previously, humans were largely nomadic hunters that harvested wild grains without establishing permanent locations. The onset of the global cooling led groups of people to begin cultivating crops to endure a harder climate. This gave rise to farming and livestock breeding that we still employ today.

    Now as far as proper waste management, for example...let's just say that babies' full diapers can be dumped into sheets of newspaper/junk mail ads and folded and rolled up into "pooritos."  These packets can then be left to compost outside in suitable areas away from walkways, crops, or bodies of water.  This helps to contain the odor and pathogens and doesn't attract flies (which would actually help decompose it, but may attract unwanted complaints).   And as the waste paper wrapper slowly biodegrades, its stinky payload filling also does as well with it...  Of course this may also be scaled up for adult poop...but then you're really testing the limits of civil disobedience (unless you have your own land). :huh:  Also, I would only do any of this if you are eating organically and not on any pharmaceutical meds...otherwise you will just be contaminating your locale with them, as well! :(

    But speaking of poop, I also got my local complex to switch to using biodegradable plastic bags to pick up dog poop, rather than the nonbiodegradable ones.  Again, this may seem trivial, but when you consider how the US has 90 million pet dogs that all poop daily...if you individually wrap each dump in plastic - you are quickly filling the planet with billions of plastic time capsules full of dogsh*t that then take eons to break down!  Which is a prime case of how colonialist cultural squeamishness can have VERY SEVERE ecological consequences!


    Anyways, decolonizing lifestyle changes is certainly a great topic that I would love to dive more into! B)


    Also, I would love to hear more about your Daoist abdominal acupressure (道家臟腑點穴) and myofascial release!  Especially the myofascial release is basically just slow strokes allowing the muscle to release itself, no?

  4. 12 hours ago, Walker said:

    I do not think I am special or deserving of plaudits for my choice. I do not want congratulations at all, especially as my decision feels more like a kind of failure than a success. I share this because I wonder who else has faced similar dilemmas or made similar choices (perhaps choices with far weightier consequences--heck there might people who've walked away from Exxon or Monsanto jobs on this forum, never know...), or if anybody is currently facing similar dilemmas. We should talk about them; this is what community is for. While it is absolutely true that the lion's share of the responsibility for many of the problems in this world lies with a small-ish group of people who clutch vast amounts of wealth and influence in their hands, I do not think that absolves us of the responsibility to make small changes. For instance, this mindset one of the primary reasons I have not been a meat eater for ten years, have never owned a motor vehicle, did not turn on my AC once all summer, and try to use electronic devices till they're more or less dead (although, to be certain, I have burned huge amounts of carbon with my jet set ways in that time).

    Well, when the entire culture is at fault...then it falls to each individual to consciously choose not to follow that default.  An aboriginal doesn't have to do this, since their lifestyles are wholly sustainable and healthy to themselves and the environment to begin with.  So everyone in their tribe can simply follow along, and all is well.


    But in the BROKE colonialist matrix...yes, almost everything must be slowly unlearned by WOKE contrarians.  And this goes down to the finest details of your lives, like sitting down to take a sh*t into 3-5 gallons of potable freshwater...vs squatting over a dry, vermicomposting pile on-site.  Choosing one of the other is no different than Rosa Parks simply refusing to get up!  Because every tiny detail then gets multiplied tens of millions of times daily by our huge populations...and bucking the system in even the slightest will be met with resistance even in your own backyard!


    That said, this technological weaning process is a long, slowww one...and quitting cold turkey would be incredibly difficult.  So, what if you took an electric high-speed rail there, instead of plane?  Obviously still lays down a huge footprint, but would at least be fairly better than flying?



  5. On 9/24/2019 at 7:11 AM, rideforever said:

    And as for Christianity ... it is not logical to blame them in an era where they are barely present.  How can they be responsible for this destruction when they aren't here.

    Go back to when they were powerful ... I am not expert but I heard that when Calvin was speaking in a city in Switzerland 80% of the population was in the cathedral.  What kind of a world can you have when 80% of the people are moving in one direction?
    No this one that's for sure.

    And as for all the "values" plumbed into your mind ... all these people explaining away cancer and autism and all that.

    Uhhh...come again??? :huh:



    Remember, Christian colonialism FORCIBLY replaced global aboriginalism.  And here are the degenerative effects of switching those lifestyles on just the human body, much less the whole planetary macrocosm...


    • Sad 1

  6. Great glimpse into modern aboriginal life, health, and ecology in Malaysia.  Look at this Jahai tribal population that lives completely off and in the forest, alongside tigers and elephants.  Very fit, functional physiques with great posture, vision better than 20/20 from hunting, no obvious "aging" (seriously, look at this grandfather of 2 in his 60s with a V-taper, still hunting, and not even a single gray/balding hair and hardly any wrinkles!!!), zero obesity, etc.  In fact, their statures are smaller, which puts far less strain on resources (as well as their own joints).  Their feet and gaits are undeformed by shoes, as they always remain barefoot and constantly grounded...and can easily sit in deep "Third World" squats!  They spent 5 hours in this trip in near-silence in the forest hunting 2 monkeys for the village - which they brought back and shared equally with everyone.  The monkeys were shot quietly with poison darts and not a single part of their bodies were wasted!

    Of course, there's only 900 of them left now as they are threatened with extinction by Western encroachment/colonialism after millenia of successful, sustainable, subsistence the San Bushmen (with another trim, late 60s hunter with NO GRAY (or balding) HAIR!)...all to eventually be replaced by...

    • Like 2

  7. 20 hours ago, Walker said:

    Ah, yes, this. I showed these photos to the logistics expert. 


    Her grandmother--still alive--had bound feet. They are very different.


    There is a surfeit of TV shows and movies showing "ancient China" right now. Have you ever seen even ONE that shows women hobbling around or unable even to stand, therefore crawling around? No. It is all fantasy, the Chinese equivalent of "tits and dragons."


    The illegality of facing these slightly-historical abuses in art in China contributes to the inability of the country to face the modern versions of these abuses. The position of women in China remains very low, despite what idealists will say about Mao elevating women's roles. Two examples:


    Some years ago in Beijing, a Beijingese woman was quite taken with me and kept asking me out. I could feel that we had no real affinity, but she was a nice person and eventually we went for coffee and a walk around the Temple of Heaven Park. She was recently back from graduate school in England and at first we were able to find quite a bit of common ground, each having experiences life in very different cultures. 


    Eventually we began discussing her work, at a big white collar company of some sort in the capital. She told me how the young women who didn't possess Beijing residence permits (“戶口," a most coveted and important document that still determines where one can live, where one's kids can go to school, where one can receive medical care, and more) but wished to keep their jobs all faced a simple dilemma: 1, sleep with the management when told to. 2, lose their jobs, and likely their foothold in the Beijing economy. 


    She explained that those from Beijingese families were pressured to sleep with the management, but would not lose their jobs if they refused to, because the managers could not hold losing the ability to work in Beijing over them, and also because the managers worried that the Beijingese women's families might have "connections" (關係) that could strike back at them. 


    It was a very sad scenario, and I found myself feeling disgusted with the men at her work and the scenario in general. I really felt that she must be deeply indignant about the whole thing, and was surprised when she seemed perplexed by my vexation. I asked her, "don't you think all this needs to change? Aren't you revolted? Don't you wish you could stop them? This isn't far off from rape." 


    She looked at me like I was a bit crazy and offered a monotone response: "Well, look, that's just the way it is, and we're all used to it. Nobody's going to change it, nobody can, so why bother worrying about it?"


    I lacked any ability to relate to her sentiments, although I now much better understand them. As I illustrated in the above post, choosing to protest anything in China--even things that are actually illegal--is almost a guaranteed way to ruin one's career and even bring ill effects raining down on one's family members. The plight of feminists who handed out stickers with anti-spousal abuse slogans on them is well documented. They continue to be persecuted half a decade after the event, but in fact they didn't commit a crime. Beating one's wife is illegal in China, after all, and they just wanted to remind more men. But their "crime" was showing too much agency, empowerment, and courage. For this, they have been forced to pay dearly, harassed and chased from city to city, their NGOs shuttered. 


    The other example took place in TCM university. A professor, who regularly reminded us that he was the second-highest ranked CCP cadre in our school, one day inexplicably and pervertedly exposed the pubic hair and upper part of the vulva of a woman in our class. He simply pulled her undies down, rubbed her stomach salaciously, and mumbled about how beautiful the skin on her tummy is. As nonchalant as you please. In front of twenty people. We were fucking gobsmacked. In such a situation, you really don't know how to react.


    After class a number of us remained behind in fury. The victim is a US citizen, but she was born in China and grew up there till she was 14. She knows the society well. She eventually called an end to our impromptu meeting, saying: "Look, I'm furious and I know what I would do if I was in San Fran, but there's nothing I can do here. Who is going to listen to me? Who is here to protect us? He's a high ranking cadre, and it wouldn't even matter if he wasn't. If we want to graduate, there's nothing we can do. So we've just got to forget it."


    We're a loooooooooonnnnnnnggggg way from utopia over here, chums. 

    Of course the feet are different.  My point wasn't that ballet feet are AS BAD as bound feet - but that you can literally see how the practice of foot-binding originated from them by imitation.  The bizarre practice didn't just spring out of thin air somehow...  It was like a bad, ancient Chinese Louis Vuitton "Western luxury" knockoff, lol.  Just like how most of the other things in China you bitterly complain about today (anti-ecological industrialization, chemical plants, factory farming, food tainted with antibiotics, chemicals, meds, etc, Communism, etc)...are actually imports from Western colonialism.

    Prior to WWII for example, Chinese typically squat shat in outhouses...which were periodically emptied by night-soil men to be used as fertilizer for crops.  Which was an entirely organic, closed-loop process.  All of the synthetic herbicides, pesticides, GMO, (modern opium), etc, etc used now came later from the West - just like you.  Who now complains about the same things that the West brought to China! :huh: I mean, you're and your modern Chinese cohorts just have no clue as to WHY??? :lol:


    And the position of women in China is "low" compared to the narcissistic position that Christians elevate all of (Christian) humanity to.  But, it is not arguably "low" compared to the position of men in China - which are largely all used as back-breaking, disposable labor...  Or, would you or your Chinese girlfriend like to trade shoes with one of these guys for a week?  Bust your back hauling tourists up mountains daily for just enough fen to afford a dusty apt, girlfriend not included...  Then, wash, rinse, & repeat as you enjoy your "high" position! :lol:



    In China, humans (MALE & FEMALE) are simply BOTH not elevated to as lofty a position in the food chain, which many Westerners find "barbaric"...but in reality is far more in line with the natural order of things and much more ecological.  Remember, Daoism is Naturecentric (viewing humans as PART of and ideally followers of Nature)...unlike Christianity - which is HUMANcentric (viewing humans as SEPARATE from and SUPERIOR to Nature).


    Which is why more natural, ecological practices still do come easier to Chinese culture...

    Because indigenous (not Westernized) Chinese culture still views the body as a landscape, and the landscape as a body...


    Now, you also say there are not many Chinese "tits and dragons" series showing women hobbling around with bound feet.  Well, nor are there many Chinese series about how the Jews/Anglos killed 100 million Chinese in their Opium Wars, are there?  Or for that matter, has there ever been a SINGLE Hollywood movie about that whole saga, either...  And how many of their old Westerns depicted the "Indians" as the victims of Cowboy colonialist genocide and entire Turtle Island of ecocide?  Point being, it's not just a Chinese cover-up of 1 specific collective trauma (particularly of shame)...but of many of them.  And really, it's not just Chinese culture/media...but many cultures in general.
    So, the Daoist utopia you sought WAS far more prevalent in China...before Christian colonialism moved in around the block...and there went the proverbial neighborhood!  Now, ~600 years and 2 World Wars later...what all do you expect is left?

    Again, there's so many people around the world complaining about the same things, here...yet not realizing what they all actually stem from!  You are all seeing many of the same dots, but lack the cognitive ability/original thinking to connect them all together.

  8. On 8/19/2019 at 4:26 PM, Wu Ming Jen said:

    Bound to be beautiful: The bizarre practice of foot-binding was once a symbol of beauty in China


    Foot-binding – a widespread custom in China which lasted for over 1,000 years – from the 10th to 20th century, is considered by many to be one of the most dangerous fashion trends in history. For centuries, tiny, curved feet were a symbol of beauty in the Chinese culture, and the bizarre tradition of foot-binding was passed from mother to daughter, generation to generation, 


    The fashion trend was soon adopted by upper-class women in the south of China and eventually, it spread to the north of the country. While at the beginning it was considered a symbol of high social status and wealth, eventually it spread to all women, regardless their social position.

    Just an interesting FOOTnote to that, lol:

    On 10/9/2009 at 2:33 PM, gendao said:

    "Tang court women followed Persian and Turkish fashions, wearing dresses with tight-fitting bodices, pleated skirts, and hats with enormous veils. And it was apparently imitation of foreign toe-dancing groups that originally led upper-class Chinese women to bind their feet. At first it was just palace dancers who bound their feet slightly, like ballet dancers, to stand on their toes." - When China Ruled the Seas: The Treasure Fleet of the Dragon Throne, 1405-1433 by Louise Levathe



  9. On 8/29/2019 at 10:33 AM, Earl Grey said:

    I gave cold hard facts and sources cited from Rappler, a credible source with reporters who have multiple awards internationally, and you gave a few articles from a web search that painted a distorted picture because there was no context, even if one of those sources you cited was Rappler, which was only a snippet of the whole situation. No contest there.


    On your end, you go on to cite memes, David Icke and Zecharaiah Sitchin. 


    Let's get this straight: besides invading every topic possible to post about the Annunaki rubbish and colonialism, you have yet to provide your qualifications both from your educational and professional background about why anything you say should be taken seriously, nor have you really shown any experience internationally.


    Now, let's also look at this: you were trying to tell me that you could vouch for Duterte with the level of understanding you have that implies you have better insight into it than me, both a resident in this country and Asian guy, who not only has lived here for a combined total of 10 years, but I also have educational background, professional training, and contacts in government and organizations here and abroad related to the diaspora as well. 


    As for Bolsonaro, at least I agree with you there, because he's inarguably a terrible human being. Sorry, this was inaccurate--he has zero humanity and the world would be better off without him.

    Yes, there does seem to be a mental gap here?
    Ah, there it is...!

    You constantly seek social proof and institutional acceptance...on the surface to validate your beliefs...but deeper down for yourself.


    I seek the truth.  And that often precedes or is prohibited acceptance by such establishment institutions.  Seriously, there is no school or job teaching what I am learning on my own right now!  Would you ask a shaman for his professional credentials & resume? 


    And to simply condemn Bolsonaro as a lone individual is not enough!  My whole point is that he is not simply a repugnant INDIVIDUAL...he is a product of his deep theological CHRISTIAN programming.  Which produces many, many more replicants like himself.  And so simply writing him off as a solitary jerk while overlooking his Christian colonialist crowdsourcing that helped make him what he what allows his ENTIRE DEATH CULTure to continue propagating with no end!


    Decolonialist Mark Lakeman of Communitecture (paraphrased excerpts from 10:48)

    Q: What you use as reference for healthy infrastructure and civic planning that facilitates connectivity and healthy way to interact with people in your daily life?

    A: Here we are living in the USA.  And about 25 years ago in my career, I came back from a series of cultural immersions where I was out ASKING different communities and cultures around the world what they would advise me and the USA WHAT WE COULD DO about OUR condition?
    Cuz obviously there's massive challenges across the spectrum of so-called "crime," we sometimes have these statistics that are 10X more distressing than these other cultures that are related to us.
    And the answer that I got back was to notice when I got home was that we all live in this COLONIAL INFRASTRUCTURE that isn't an expression of participation at all, but really was designed as a DEVELOPMENT mechanism.
    There's almost no public squares in any neighborhood across the entire country...
    To understand that there's this horrific absence that we actually have to travel across the ocean to visit villages where living and working is in close proximity, not zoned like American cities are, where you have to leave the home zone to go to the work zone to pay for the home zone where you barely get to live!

    We need to restore this interactive and latent vitality from our COLONIAL GRID creating a monocultural condition omitting gathering places and stewardship dynamism, cultural rituals, and cyclical/spontaneous celebrations!

    So rather than going around the world "developing" it into more of the global colonialist infrastructure grid...this guy went around and ASKED THEM what the US could do to restore a more holistic lifestyle like THEIRS!  And the answer, of course, was to DECOLONIZE & "reindigenize ourselves!"  And he is now implementing his civic designs back at home to GREAT EFFECTS!

  10. ^ Nice try.  I gave Duterte relative credit for his words and intents, albeit a mixed record in action...


    Which is still comparatively on the whole other end of the spectrum than the “Trump of the tropics” - who vastly surpasses Duterte in both words and deeds!  And he IS widely-known as the Brazilian Trump (not Duterte) - and truly birds of a feather with him.


    President Donald Trump gave Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro his full backing Tuesday as South America struggles to contain wildfires wreaking havoc in the Amazon rainforest and as Bolsonaro rejected a pot of international aid to fight the blazes.
    "He and his country have the full and complete support of the USA!”
    Critics have accused Bolsonaro, a right-wing populist dubbed the “Trump of the tropics,” of facilitating the fires and of taking a lax approach to preventing mass deforestation of the rainforest while also being too slow to respond to the fires.

    Well, of course they're bros following the same left hand, Christian, colonialist path - based upon upon the Bible, Bulls, & BullETs!


    Since his election on October 28, he’s announced a merging of the ministries of agriculture and the environment — the latter of which was supposed regulate the former — into a new “super ministry” to oversee his plan.

    The new ministry will be headed by politicians from the “beef caucus,” a group of lawmakers who have historically opposed indigenous land conservation, supported agricultural expansion, and attempted to relax slave labor laws.

    Bolsonaro should have little trouble pushing his agenda through Congress, as it is currently dominated by a three-wing political alliance known as the Bancadas do Boi, do BĂ­blia e da Bala.

    In English, those are the political representatives of “Beef” (ranching and agribusiness), the “Bible” (religious conservatives) and “Bullet” (the military).

    More than 20 land rights activists have been killed in Brazil so far this year, with most deaths linked to conflicts over logging and agribusiness
    Fifty land rights campaigners were killed in Brazil last year for trying to protect forests from illegal logging and the expansion of cattle ranches and soy plantations, according to Global Witness.
    Bolsonaro has said openly “minorities will have to adapt … or simply disappear”

    And now remember, the BULL has particular ESOTERIC significance to this ET cult...

    17 hours ago, voidisyinyang said:

    So then music is a combination of math but also emotional energy with the voice as sound being the psychic yin qi energy transmitted or yang jing energy. As agriculture developed based on the solar calendar then the Lunar psychic energy based on sound was replaced by an external solar visual dominance as patriarchy, with a plow "raping" and spreading around the world via wagons and chariots. This was the wheat culture - wheat monoculture based on God (meaning Bull just as Brahman means Bull) - plowing the earth. The earth is then "contained" via geometry as a means to contain infinity using a geometric mass ritual sacrifice process.

    Recall the etymological meanings of EL?  Well, EL/Elite/Alpha = Sacred BULL/Bully/Bullion...hence the deeper attachment to cattle ranching and BEEF for Christians!  Every flame-broiled burger they chomp down is a ritual holocaust animal sacrifice!


    EVERY FACET of this world have ALL been deceived by an ancient EL-ite Priestclass of Illuminati Banking families who literally own and run every aspect of this world, and they have since ancient times!
    Besides the pictographic evidence for the meaning of the word אל, the historical record supports the idea that the original meaning of אל is an ox. The Canaanites, whose language is very similar to the Hebrews worship אל (el) a bull god.
    The way to worship Moloch was to offer burnt sacrifices (holocaust) by placing children or animals into the open outstretched hands of the red hot statue of the Moloch (God), which were heated up by a burning fire or pyre underneath.
    The Canaa Phoenicians paid blood ritual sacrifice offerings to EL also known as Moloch, who is the Canaa Phoenician God also known as Kronos in Greek, Saturn in Rome, and Satan in modern christianity, which is who the Illuminati EL-ites STILL WORSHIP AND PAY BLOOD RITUAL SACRIFICE TO THIS VERY DAY! Canaa Phoenicia is now the modern day land of Israel, which is a Zionist Illuminati EL-ite political agenda.

    Point being that CHRISTIAN MIND CONTROL does have a huge influence on human beliefs/behavior!

    • Like 1

  11. 22 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    Bolsonaro is the Brazilian Duterte.

    No, Duterte is fiercely anti-Christian and is too smart to drink its exocolonialist Kool-Aid.  He sees right through their fear-based BS capitalizing on the unknown.


    Duterte blasts Bible creation story: 'Who is this stupid God?' 
    After ranting about the Catholic Church, the President now has a beef with the concept of 'original sin' in the Genesis creation story

    MANILA, Philippines – After recent tirades against priests and the Church's "hypocrisy," President Rodrigo Duterte cursed God and called God "stupid" for the concept of "original sin" in the Bible's creation story.

    Duterte, on Friday, June 22, began with retelling the story of Adam and Eve and how they ate the fruit from the forbidden tree and thus brought original sin upon humankind.

    "Kinain ni Adam (Adam ate it) then malice was born. Who is this stupid God? Istupido talaga itong putangina kung ganoon (That son of a bitch is stupid if that's the case)," said Duterte during a summit in Davao City.

    "You created something perfect and then you think of an event that would tempt and destroy the quality of your work," he continued.

    The President, a Catholic, said he finds it preposterous that babies should be born with original sin.

    (That was your mother and father's deed, you weren't born yet, but now you have original sin. What kind of religion is that? I can't accept it.)

    Yet after this tirade, Duterte insists he still believes in a greater being. It's religion and institutions he does not trust.

    "I believe there is a universal mind. But [to] what extent is the influence of the – I cannot picture him as a human being…But I really believe, i have this faith and abiding thing about – but don't believe in religion," he said.

    Yet he's still spiritual.


    Which informs his worldview, thus he at least gives lip service and intent to protecting the environment.


    In his third State of the Nation Address, President Rodrigo Duterte declared the protection of the environment as a top priority, calling out the mining industry for damaging the environment.

    “Do not destroy the environment or compromise our resources. Repair what you have mismanaged. Try to change management radically because this time, you will have restrictive policies—a prohibition of open-pit mining is one,” he said.

    “It is destroying my country. It is destroying the environment. It will destroy the world of tomorrow or our children,” he added.

    Some of the heavy environmental impacts of open-pit mining include the contamination of groundwater by chemicals, erosion, formation of sinkholes and loss of biodiversity.
    “The protection of the environment must be top priority. Extracted resources must be used for the benefit of the Filipino people, not just a select few,” Duterte said.

    Which is diametrically opposed to the Christian Captain Chainsaw - deeply infected with the Christian virus!  Who wants to utterly destroy the environment in both words and deeds!

  12. 14 hours ago, Earl Grey said:


    "No to colonial or imperial interference" said the populist leader of an almost all-white male cabinet.

    Lol, he's aware enough to recognize that parasitic colonialists are this planet's resident evil...but then devious enough to deny that he is a Bible-toting posterboy of one straight outta central casting!

    17 hours ago, ralis said:

    The Amazon rainforest is on fire because some moron wanted to grow soybeans in the hopes of future sales to China. :angry:

    No, their aims are much broader than profiting off Trump's tariffs...  Economically, they are driven by greed to totally exploit ALL natural resources for monetary gain - and remove/destroy all obstacles (trees & aborigines) in their way BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY (as they've always done)!




    He later corrected himself, and said he meant “not one millimeter” in this interview with Globo News, August 3, 2018

    “[indigenous reserves] are an obstacle to agri-business. You can’t reduce indigenous land by even a square meter in Brazil”  - Campo Grande News, April 22, 2015
    “There is no indigenous territory where there aren’t minerals. Gold, tin and magnesium are in these lands, especially in the Amazon, the richest area in the world. I’m not getting into this nonsense of defending land for Indians” - Campo Grande News, April 22, 2015
    “The Indians do not speak our language, they do not have money, they do not have culture. They are native peoples. How did they manage to get 13% of the national territory” - Campo Grande News, April 22, 2015
    "This unilateral policy of demarcating indigenous land by the Executive will cease to exist. Any reserve that I can reduce in size, I will do so. It will be a very big fight that we’re going to have with the UN" - Video by Correio do Estado, June 10, 2016
    “It’s a shame that the Brazilian cavalry hasn’t been as efficient as the Americans, who exterminated the Indians.” Correio Braziliense newspaper, April 12, 1998
    “In 2019 we’re going to rip up Raposa Serra do Sol [Indigenous Territory in Roraima, northern Brazil]. We’re going to give all the ranchers guns” - In Congress, posted on January 21, 2016
    “We are going to integrate them into society. Just like the army which did a great job of this, incorporating the Indians into the armed forces.” - Globo News, August 3, 2018


    Leaked documents show that Jair Bolsonaro's government intends to use the Brazilian president's hate speech to isolate minorities living in the Amazon region. The PowerPoint slides, which democraciaAbierta has seen, also reveal plans to implement predatory projects that could have a devastating environmental impact.
    The Bolsonaro government has as one of its priorities to strategically occupy the Amazon region to prevent the implementation of multilateral conservation projects for the rainforest, specifically the so-called “Triple A” project.
    "Development projects must be implemented on the Amazon basin to integrate it into the rest of the national territory in order to fight off international pressure for the implementation of the so-called 'Triple A' project. To do this, it is necessary to build the Trombetas River hydroelectric plant, the Óbidos bridge over the Amazon River, and the implementation of the BR-163 highway to the border with Suriname,"

    The presentation, which was leaked to democraciaAbierta, argues that a strong government presence in the Amazon region is important to prevent any conservation projects from taking roots.

    And ideologically, Christians have been deep-programmed to do all this global native ecocide/genocide...which is why it's no coincidence that the Brazilian Trump is also such a zealous Bible-thumper...


    Brazil’s Christian Fascist Bolsonaro Is Burning Down The Amazon For Jesus And Profits
    Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro is overseeing the destruction of the Amazon rainforest and the genocide of indigenous peoples.
    The new Brazilian leader called himself “Captain Chainsaw” and mocked environmentalists who feared his pro-clearance policies could decimate the Amazon.
    Brazil’s Christian Fascist President Jair Bolsonaro is overseeing a campaign of calculated genocide and environmental destruction.  Indeed, Bolsonaro is a dangerous Christian fascist who has promised to remake Brazil into a Christian theocracy.
    Brazil before everything, and God above all.
    God above everything. There is no such thing as this secular state. The state is Christian and the minority will have to change, if they can. The minorities will have to adapt to the position of the majority.
    a big part of Bolsonaro’s dream of a Christian theocracy entails the eradication of non-Christians, in particular, the indigenous peoples of Brazil currently making the Amazon rainforest their home. 
    Bolsonaro was inaugurated on New Year’s day 2019, and immediately began to set into motion his deplorable plans to remake Brazil into a Christian theocracy. In his acceptance speech, Bolsonaro promised to govern according to the Bible… 
    And at the top of his list was the extermination of uncontacted tribes, and the persecution of indigenous groups. 
    The Guardian notes that Bolsonaro “has expressed open disdain for the indigenous peoples of Brazil, and it is no exaggeration to say that some of the world
    His (Bolsonaro’s) far-right administration has empowered ranchers, loggers and farmers to clear land for their own benefit, destroying huge swathes of the rainforest in the process.

    Now, how and why exactly does the Christian virus create followers like this?  The answer lies in its creation myth in Genesis...hint, hint. ;)

    Which on a deeper level, has kept them tirelessly working for ~600 years to supplant uncontrollable Nature with controllable technology to install the planetary control board "Matrix" for their Annunaki overlords.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    Are you even able to read and comprehend that you're making false comparisons of the capitalistic businesses such as mining firms versus development organizations being the same thing, which is what was just explained thoroughly how they are not the same thing?

    Uh, that post was about Brazil's Christian colonialist President...not development organizations. 

    And I also asked you some specific questions, of which you all your overzealous defense of development organizations.
    But, development organizations are not my focus - they're yours.

  14. On 8/23/2019 at 9:27 PM, Earl Grey said:

    Sometimes I wonder if it's worth showing pictures of the places we worked in and how they are a lot different than how Westerners define "rural", because Barstow, California is a lot different than living in the middle of Eastern Indonesia or Cambodia. 


    The definition of "poverty" in development is better explained at this link:

    Yes, I would love to see some pictures!  How is the ecology, environment, and native flora/fauna biodiversity in these undeveloped "Global South" regions?  Especially compared to developed global colonies?


    Meanwhile, another Christian colonialist is burning down the Amazonian rainforest for more development.



    Brazil’s Christian Fascist Bolsonaro Is Burning Down The Amazon For Jesus And Profits
    Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro is overseeing the destruction of the Amazon rainforest and the genocide of indigenous peoples.
    Environmental organizations and researchers say the wildfires blazing in the Brazilian rainforest were set by cattle ranchers and loggers who want to clear and utilize the land, emboldened by the country’s pro-business president.
    The new Brazilian leader called himself “Captain Chainsaw” and mocked environmentalists who feared his pro-clearance policies could decimate the Amazon.

    Brazil’s Christian Fascist President Jair Bolsonaro is overseeing a campaign of calculated genocide and environmental destruction.Indeed, Bolsonaro is a dangerous Christian fascist who has promised to remake Brazil into a Christian theocracy.
    God above everything. There is no such thing as this secular state. The state is Christian and the minority will have to change, if they can. The minorities will have to adapt to the position of the majority.
    a big part of Bolsonaro’s dream of a Christian theocracy entails the eradication of non-Christians, in particular, the indigenous peoples of Brazil currently making the Amazon rainforest their home.
    Bolsonaro was inaugurated on New Year’s day 2019, and immediately began to set into motion his deplorable plans to remake Brazil into a Christian theocracy. In his acceptance speech, Bolsonaro promised to govern according to the Bible…And at the top of his list was the extermination of uncontacted tribes, and the persecution of indigenous groups.

    The Guardian notes that Bolsonaro “has expressed open disdain for the indigenous peoples of Brazil, and it is no exaggeration to say that some of the world’s most unique and diverse tribes are facing annihilation.”
    Bolsonaro himself has declared:

        It’s a shame that the Brazilian cavalry wasn’t as efficient as the Americans, who exterminated the Indians.

    Yep, ~600 years of Christian colonialism is STILL ALIVE & WELL!!!!  R.I.P. EARTH!

  15. 16 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

    Here's a good place to start: and if you actually have anything of value to offer to people who could use it. 

    People, people, people!   Lol, more humancentric, Christian colonialist, global development?  Yea, because that's really what this planet needs more of right now in the midst of its 6th mass extinction - sacrificing the last remnants of the natural world to satiate more colonialist-engineered "human desires" for 7.5 BILLION of us!

    Wanna do some real good?  There's tons of organizations you can join...and/or just DIY whatever you can on your own.
    Center For Biological Diversity
    WildEarth Guardians
    Western Watersheds Project


    Judge blocks killing of wolf pack’s last surviving member in NE Washington

    A judge on Friday temporarily blocked the killing of the sole surviving member of the Old Profanity Territory wolf pack.

    The ruling by King County Superior Court Judge John McHale comes after the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has already killed four of the five wolves in the pack, following repeated cattle attacks and killings.

    The lawsuit was filed in King County Superior Court by two Seattle residents and supported by the Center for a Humane Economy, a newly formed animal welfare group based in Washington, D.C.
    The lethal removal order followed repeated wolf attacks on cattle owned by a single producer grazing on Colville National Forest land.
    The most recent lawsuit against Fish and Wildlife is similar to one the Center for Biological Diversity and other groups filed last year. That suit challenged the killing of Old Profanity Territory pack members in 2018.

    And even for us humans:

    13 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

    people who we once marveled at how they could live well, and they said they wanted modern plumbing, electricity, roads that lead them to a hospital with medicine that is available when needed, and Internet.
    My experience with rural in the Global South is that they didn't have clean water or had to take 2 buses and a boat for 14 hours just to get to a provincial hospital, which is a problem when diseases run rampant and many people tough it out just to avoid the long trip to town.


    Shahar thinks the spike explosion is down to modern technology, particularly our recent obsession with smartphones and tablets. As we hunch over them, we crane our necks and hold our heads forward. This is problematic
    And from the discovery of a curious spiky growth on the back of many people’s skulls to the realisation that our jaws are getting smaller, to the enigmatic finding that German youths currently have narrower elbows than ever before, it’s clear that modern life is having an impact on our bones.
    She found that the children’s skeletons were becoming more and more fragile every year.
    The team found a strong link between how robust the children’s skeletons were and the amount of walking they were doing.
    The children’s shrinking skeletons look like a straightforward adaptation to modern life, since it doesn’t make sense to grow bone that you don’t need.
    it’s not enough to simply hit the gym a couple of times a week without also walking long distances. “Because our evolution tells us that we can walk for almost 30km (19 miles) per day.”


    • Thanks 1

  16. On 8/8/2019 at 3:11 PM, ralis said:

    New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch which is a right wing news organization. The article is based once again on reefer madness with no scientific basis. 

    And now...survey says!


    Suspected Dayton shooter had cocaine, alcohol and anti-anxiety drugs in system, coroner says
    The alleged shooter who killed nine in Dayton, Ohio, was found to have cocaine, alcohol and anti-anxiety drugs in his system, according to the Montgomery County Coroner. 
    A pipe device containing cocaine was also found in the pocket of Connor Betts, the coroner, Dr. Kent E. Harshbarger, announced on Thursday.

    So, is Trumpuppet Miranda Devine now going to write articles blaming these shootings on coke madness, alcohol madness, or psych med madness...instead of "reefer madness" - which he had none of? 

    • Thanks 1

  17. 2 hours ago, Walker said:

    Lol, this has to be in my Top 3 crock of shit intellectually lazy PRC brainwashing machine excuses for Chinese excess (also a favorite to be trotted out by my Indian friends, too). Oh lorrrrd, wrong on so many levels.

    I think you are getting lost in the weeds of your own confirmation bias.


    There ABSOLUTELY is a lifespan of a culture...and it's often a measure of its sustainability and long-term philosophy.  For example, most aboriginal cultures have lived the same lifestyles for tens or hundreds of thousands of years, basically unchanged and intact.

    China falls short of such aboriginal cultures, clocking in at just a few thousand years.  But, it has endured that long because it does still have some long-term ecospiritual/health traditions that seek to address the roots of issues, not just symptoms.


    Whereas Western governments tend to last only a few hundred years...


    “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.” - Alexander Fraser Tytler

    Although the real reason for this is that they typically function as parasites living beyond their means.  So, they will often experience a rapid growth spurt initially when they first infect and suck the natural resources dry from some new land...but will eventually starve themselves as those resources run out, all their quick fixes (in health, society, ecology, etc) keep snowballing the unresolved root problems generationally, and their financial debt does too from compounding borrowing from bankstas to fund their perpetual warfare.
    OTOH, just 2160 years to go at this problem, amigo!  MAGA, bros! :lol:

  18. 20 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

    Whether ‘tis the bombastic fundamentalist shouting at the top of his lungs in places of public gathering, or the adamant missionary standing outside the door to your home, the homeless tramp endeavoring to join you at your table at the restaurant and offering you the unverified story of how he was the richest man in Providence and how he can make you your fortune too, or the bombastic drunkard bellowing in your ears in the tavern, or the nettlesome salesman following you to the ends of the earth, they all share but one thing in common: they are the gregarious castaways and cutouts of society who have room for one more to join their swelling ranks. That individual is the tenacious testicle termite we all know affectionately as Gendao.

    Lol, this lovely Tourette's spiel coming from a self-described "third-culture kid" with no "home" (by definition)...jfc, projection much?


    I don't know what all "self-work" you've actually done on yourself, but your paper-thin skin, complete lack of self-awareness, and psych 101 coping mechanisms indicate that it's definitely NOT WORKING. :lol:

  19. 23 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

    What I talk about is inescapable is the connecting of the world. Globalization is to me a form of connecting that feels more like a compression of the world--but you're talking about the current form, I'm talking about a way of uniting the world, and perhaps the name or form wouldn't be globalization under a capitalist model. I'd love to see that.

    Lol, the only sustainable, natural lifestyle is not a globalized busyness (still colonialist mindset)...but a non-profit, subsistence living off the land - where you only take what you need, when you need it, locally.  This not only ensures absolute freshness and living spontaneously in the present moment/organic/seasonal FLOW of Nature, but also keeps native ecosystems intact, eliminates transportation costs, and maintains the 1-on-1 living/ecospiritual connection between predator/prey in the food web.

    And this is literally how aborigines mostly all lived before the advent of Christian colonialism...

    • Like 1

  20. 8 hours ago, Taomeow said:

    Ah, folk etymology.  How often you make those of my professors of comparative linguistics who are still living come close to dying of laughter, and those who are already deceased to roll in their graves.  


    Ever wondered why they are even called "elections?" Well, both "elites" and "elections" originate from the same Latin word eligere -- to choose.  Oops... 


    I guess electricity that powers your computer was also produced by the Jewish god.  No wait, the electric god was Zeus... 

    That Z though... an undeniable code for Zionism, so this so called Greek god was really just another one of those!.. 

    Ah, and where did eligere come from?  If you don't know, then you've proven nothing, dear.


    the common EL-ite ELder royal pharaonic bloodline color parapsychology of PURP-EL and GOLD, which are the royal colors of the ancient Canaa Phoenicians who were known as the the "PURPLE PEOPLE" because that is the meaning of the word Phoenicia, whose chief deity was EL, (the supreme bull god of the Bible from ancient Byblos) who was the Greek TITAN Kronos, who became the Roman god SATURN.


    In northwest Semitic use, El was both a generic word for any god and the special name or title of a particular god who was distinguished from other gods as being "the god".  El is listed at the head of many pantheons.
    In some inscriptions, the name ’Ēl qōne ’arṣ meaning "ʼĒl creator of Earth" appears
    For the Canaanites and the ancient Levantine region as a whole, Ēl or Il was the supreme god, the father of mankind and all creatures. He also fathered many gods, most importantly Hadad, Yam, and Mot, each sharing similar attributes to the Greco-Roman gods: Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades respectively.
    Ēl is called again and again Tôru ‘Ēl ("Bull Ēl" or "the bull god"). He is bātnyu binwāti ("Creator of creatures"), ’abū banī ’ili ("father of the gods"), and ‘abū ‘adami ("father of man"). He is qāniyunu ‘ôlam ("creator eternal"), the epithet ‘ôlam appearing in Hebrew form in the Hebrew name of God ’ēl ‘ôlam "God Eternal" in Genesis 21.33.
    "El" (Father of Heaven / Saturn) and his major son: "Hadad" (Father of Earth / Jupiter), are symbolized both by the bull, and both wear bull horns on their headdresses.
    El is a generic word for god that could be used for any god, including Hadad, Moloch, or Yahweh.
    Before El's revelation with the name of Yahweh, it is said in Genesis 14:18–20 that Abraham accepted the blessing of El
    It seems almost certain that the God of the Jews evolved gradually from the Canaanite El, who was in all likelihood the "God of Abraham"...

    And electricity was from a Phoenician word, elēkrŏn, meaning 'shining light.'  Whether that may or may not have derived from El, is also unstated.

  21. On 8/15/2019 at 4:11 AM, Walker said:

    I have noticed the above type of mistake is extremely prevalent in China, which has a mainstream culture where even acknowledging trauma is generally pretty taboo. I think this is in large part because so often trauma is inflicted upon the victim by people who have the official upper hand in Confucian hierarchy: parents over children, husbands over wives, brothers over sisters, elder siblings over younger siblings, bosses and teachers over students and subordinates, and, of course, the government over just about everybody. Naturally, this pecking order crap is not uniquely Chinese or Confucian (it's basically just the patriarchal pattern, codified with "Chinese characteristics"), but it's magnified by the politics there--not just communist politics, but the classical imperial politics as well, which the CCP has in many ways embraced. I bring this up not to try and cause a digression into the problematic features of abusive power dynamics Chinese society, but because these dynamics seem to directly affect a lot of the culture that surrounds neigong, qigong, meditation, martial arts, and other forms of self-cultivation coming out of China. Not only is it my experience that it is as rare as a unicorn's horn to hear Chinese teachers bring up the trauma stored in the body, but on those occasions when students invariably have experiences where these bodily memories begin to surface due to the natural healing activity of shen and qi, far more often than not the students are more or less told to shut up, stop being dramatic, stop thinking too much, forget the past, try harder to only focus the paternal virtues of their violent father or what have you ("it is not easy to be a parent, all children should always be grateful of all parents, try hard to understand how much pressure he was under" is what I've heard victims of child abuse be told plenty of times, and usually they don't ask again after shut-downs like that), and so forth. In other words, one of the major lacuna haunting the Chinese cultivation systems in this day and age is precisely what you have brought to our attention here. 


    To be honest, in my not scanty interactions with Daoism, Chinese martial arts, Chinese Buddhism, and qigong, I can only think of one teacher who a deep appreciation for these things and a willingness to address them head on and guide his students through the associated processes that may need to unfold. Perhaps not incidentally, although both of his parents are Chinese immigrants and he grew up deep in old NYC Chinatown speaking dialects from the old country and interacting mostly with Chinese immigrants, the fact is he was born in the west and received and American education. Both of his Daoist masters (one an immigrant to the US, one who he followed when he spent years in China) were Chinese, but his students are all Americans and Europeans. The cultural interactions at work (I don't know about Europe, but the glory days of stoic Americans who live in denial of their emotions are certainly on the wane, so this teacher is more or less stuck with a few dozen Americans who definitely wouldn't accept being asked to be good little Confucians and stifle their emotional shit!) may have conspired to make this particular teacher uncharacteristically open to facing trauma head on. Oh, and for his part, he strongly dislikes Confucianism haha!


    The other teacher I have met with a masterful comprehension of trauma's way of being stored in the body is the myofascial release teacher John Barnes. For what it's worth, the first time I took classes with Barnes I was shocked by how much it sounded like this guy was an old Daoist sage. He uses little to no vocabulary directly related to Asian traditions, but his meaning clearly comes from the same source of inspiration ("channel 3"=wuwei, "channel 5"=youwei). He's now in his mid 80s but amazingly is still teaching. There are some courses in what he calls "myofascial unwinding" which are open to the public (i.e., they're meant for people to learn to unwind on their own, not to teach manual therapists how to help patients do so) and I can say on the basis of extensive personal experience that a class with Barnes is worth every penny, both for the wisdom that he shares and going through the experience of unwinding under his and his students' guidance. 


    As trauma works its way out of the mind and body the process can be truly chaotic and appear, for all intents and purposes, absolutely fucking batshit crazy haha! Anybody here who's attended a John Barnes MFR training course or gone through some serious zifagong knows what I'm talking about. I think that is another part of the reason there's no much of this work being done in Chinese traditions these days (though there is some, especially with teachers of "spontaneous qigong," as you simply cannot keep this can of worms shut forever if you start putting students into the spontaneous movement state!). Confucian "don't bring up the parent or political party that systematically abused you" mores aside, there is also an enormous pressure in China right now not to look too weird and crazy, especially if you're doing anything that could be labelled as Falun Gong-like or religious cult-like, simply to avoid getting in trouble or getting ostracized. Lord knows how many demerits you'd get in the social credit system for having a full-blown trauma unwinding in your local park!! 


    That said, everything I have seen of the truly illuminated teachers in the Chinese traditions leads me to believe that the aversion to addressing this facet of the human experience was not always pervasive as it is now, and that there was a time when Daoists on the whole would have understood and each personally worked through these challenges, as at the end of the day receiving trauma is simply par for the course in human life, so we've all got to let it unwind at some point if we choose to seek the Dao in earnest. In short, may all of those who need this work find a way into it and, having emerged refreshed and renewed at the other end, be capable of guiding a few other fellow humans (and, as John Barnes would quickly remind, animals, too!). I would not be surprised if this is one area in which Daoism's flow beyond the borders of China adds new energy to the tradition--energy which will hopefully flow back into China, a land with noooooo shortage of people walking around with massive, life-stifling burdens in their subtle bodies. 

    Well I think there's some other reasons for cultural differences you may perceive...


    Like firstly, I would say that Chinese don't have as much interpersonal trauma from intentional mistreatment, compared to Americans...on AVERAGE.  I mean, seriously, once you start asking about the family or personal lives of Americans...holy sh*t the batshit INSANE DRAMA!!! :o We're talking about dads who have never even met their own kid, a father raping his daughter, other incestuous molestation, moms who just suddenly ran off and abandoned theirs for life, moms who hit their own toddlers while laughing about it, a druggy, narcissistic mom pushing their pregnant daughter down stairs, a single mom with a child from roofied rape, etc, etc.  I mean, the amount of just totally inconsiderate, egocentric abuse on average here is just staggering...leading to a population chugging psych meds just to try to cope with all their resulting personality disorders and traumatic baggage.

    Secondly, Chinese are not big on talk therapy.  But they do go in far deeper and more aggressively with their somatic mindbodywork.  Hence, Asian bodywork is renowned for its lack of modesty and very painful, cathartic releases...vs the softer, Western spa treatment style.  And that colonialist therapists (Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, John Barnes, etc) are also now finding to be more efficient/effective than just talking/pills (although still not a total cure-all).


    Thirdly, I've found that what actually seems to work IRL tends to differ slightly from most watered-down, public traditions.  Like the motions and concept are basically the same...but there is usually still a slight difference/missing piece in principle or application that makes it vastly more effective.  And this is what separates the paint-by-numbers sheeple from the truly creative artists keeping such degenerating legacies alive.

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  22. On 8/14/2019 at 12:26 AM, Earl Grey said:

    On the other hand, trying to connect it with all sorts of reasons outside of what's been studied while scapegoating everything from video games to history and then tying them to alien colonization conspiracies aren't helping resolve the main issue. The main issue is why these continue to happen and how people still seem to think that they are effective as a message, for they are are form of domestic terrorism as an op-ed in the NYT said. The same op-ed claimed that if the gunmen are treated the same way as ISIS fighters are, then perhaps there might be different prevention measures and results. 

    Lol, it's really hard to germinate seeds in dead hardpan...but here's another one:


    Ever wonder why tinfoil hatters believe there is a planetary agenda implemented by "elites?"  Why are they even called "elites?"  And why is the Jewish God also named El, and his sons, Elohim?


    To the ancient Mesopotamians, their supreme god was known as Anu (Sumerian: AN Cuneiform: 𒀭 ).  His children were called Anunna. The Akkadians added -ki (meaning “Earth”, or “under”). As with many preceding cultures, the first letter in a culture’s alphabet often represented their supreme god, as seen with the letter aleph (Canaanite: 𐤀, Hebrew: אֱ), or alpha (Greek as in Alpha and Omega). The “offspring of Anu” (Mesopotamian) eventually translated to “Children of El (𐤀𐩴)” in Canaanite culture. The Israelites also adopted El, as God, to become Elohim אֱלֹהִים “sons of God” (ie. Gen 6:4).

    And why is our planet called Earth?  Oh, I guess it's just a coinkydink that El's son was named Ea (also Enki) - and lorded over this planet's surface...!  Yep, none of this was taught in your colonialist reeducation must be irrelevant and no point in ever questioning them, yourself!  It's all just a dream, go back to sleep! :lol:

    And well, when angry, right wing White males do it...they are given every individual excuse in the book of mental illness, video games, alienation, etc...except their actual driving ideology (even if clearly stated in a manifesto).  As has been evident in this entire thread of denial and apologism.
    Whereas if Muslims do it...then they are immediately branded terrorists and "Islam is a disease that we need to vaccinate against," lol!

  23. On 8/13/2019 at 3:57 PM, flowing hands said:


    some time past I had said to Dawei I was getting fed up with the general tone of the site. My thread about climate change is still going on, I think on its 39th page and it was hijacked by the right wingers/Trumpsters who denied that it even existed. In the end I pulled out of the thread.

    Yea, it's a tiny minority fighting against the colonialist majority who just doesn't give a f*** about Nature!

    For example, another day...yet more Christian colonialists busy rubber-stamping the destruction of vestigial native lands...
    Aborigines vs Colonialist "Developers" (Destroyers) (Mayor Linda Langerhans, City Manager Kent Myers, & Council Members Charlie Kiehne, Gary Neffendorf, & Bobby Watson) - Round #2349723492343242342342342334!

    On 8/13/2019 at 7:12 PM, sean said:

    Ciao, grandpa internet tough guy. Good luck with your inert memes, completely full diaper and everyone laughing at you whenever you leave a room.



    I liked this for Sean's comedic gongfu, lol...not the fact that Chang was leaving (I embrace all dialogue).

  24. 7 minutes ago, steve said:

    They may not be christian but they fly the banner, twist the message, and use it as a rallying cry quite effectively.

    Religion is used and abused like this continuously, as is every other excuse to manipulate each other for power.

    Yes, they are running the US as evidenced by our denial of climate change, increasing intolerance to LGBTQ issues, racism, increasing wealth inequality, unaffordable health care, insane prescription prices, endless military engagement, crimes against humanity on our southern border, the list goes on... we are in big trouble.

    This is precisely why some of us are so reactive to the insidious and offensive right wing narrative recently excised from this forum.


    Story of Jesus Christ was 'fabricated to pacify the poor', claims controversial Biblical scholar
    Christianity was a sophisticated government propaganda exercise used to pacify the subjects of a the Roman Empire, claims scholar

    A controversial American biblical scholar is set to make his first appearance in London next week to present a discovery that he claims proves the story of Jesus Christ was invented as a system of mind control to enslave the poor.

    Joseph Atwill, who is the author of a book entitled 'Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus', asserts that Christianity did not begin as a religion, but was actually a sophisticated government propaganda exercise used to pacify the subjects of the Roman Empire.

    At the 'Covert Messiah' conference, to be held at the Conway Hall in Holborn a week on Saturday, Mr Atwill will present his theory that the New Testament was written by first-century Roman aristocrats and that they entirely fabricated the story of Jesus Christ.

    Outlining his ideas in a blog posting on his website Mr Atwill writes: "Christianity may be considered a religion, but it was actually developed and used as a system of mind control to produce slaves that believed God decreed their slavery."
    Mr Atwill says that acts of insurrection by Jewish sects, who were awaiting the arrival of a so-called 'warrior Messiah' in Palestine, were a perpetual problem for the Roman Empire and that after the Empire had exhausted all traditional means of dealing with the problem they resorted to psychological warfare. 
    "They surmised that the way to stop the spread of zealous Jewish missionary activity was to create a competing belief system," Atwill told

    "That's when the 'peaceful' Messiah story was invented.

    "Instead of inspiring warfare, this Messiah urged turn-the-other-cheek pacifism and encouraged Jews to 'give onto Caesar' and pay their taxes to Rome."

    Mr Atwill continues: "Although Christianity can be a comfort to some, it can also be very damaging and repressive, an insidious form of mind control that has led to blind acceptance of serfdom, poverty, and war throughout history.

    To this day, especially in the United States, it is used to create support for war in the Middle East."

    Elsewhere, Mr Atwill also writes: “In fact he [Jesus] may be the only fictional character in literature whose entire life story can be traced to other sources. Once those sources are all laid bare, there’s simply nothing left.”

    Atwill says he made his discovery when while studying the New Testament alongside the 'War of the Jews' by Josephus - the only surviving first-person historical account of first-century Judea.

    Mr Atwill claims that he began to notice a sequence of parallels between the two texts.

    "What seems to have eluded many scholars is that the sequence of events and locations of Jesus ministry are more or less the same as the sequence of events and locations of the military campaign of [Emperor] Titus Flavius as described by Josephus," Atwill claims.

    "This is clear evidence of a deliberately constructed pattern", he continues.

    "The biography of Jesus is actually constructed, tip to stern, on prior stories, but especially on the biography of a Roman Caesar."

    Richard Dawkins, the English evolutionary biologist and author, well known for his anti-religion views, yesterday tweeted a link to the press release advertising the event in London.

    However, he later tweeted: "RT doesn't imply endorsement. I'm not qualified to judge Atwill's thesis. Just thought it might be worth a look."

    Mr Atwill's theory is simply one of a number of what are known as Bible conspiracy theories.

    These theories commonly include the suggestion that secret societies, mystery schools and other religions used the fictional story of Christ to unify the Roman Empire under one state religion.


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