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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Diversity in The Great Divide

    ^ Well, suzerainty under China was still a farrrrr cry less oppressive than colonialism under the WIRED empire. In the case of China, it often involved only a periodic, or even one-time, tribute as a "registration/bully fee" for becoming a trading partner. Beyond that, there wasn't much interference in local governance. In short, yes, China extorted some bully fees out of these countries...but it also resulted in some symbiotic trade. And, they didn't also invade, occupy, steal land, and destroy the local populations and their cultures. Hence, once their whole tributary system ended...all of their tributary states were still left intact with little residual impact. And fact is, WIRED people didn't need to colonize the entire world either, did they? I mean, why couldn't they also have just demanded a few bully fees and settled for more trade, as well?
  2. Diversity in The Great Divide

    Lol, oh the ironies on being "misinformed" or "biased" about history, lol... 1) The Qing Dynasty was the last one in China, and a foreign (Manchu) one at that. All of China's seafaring expeditions to Africa, the Middle East, SE Asia, and probably Turtle Island too - had already occurred well before this. For example, Zheng He's great voyages occurred in the previous Ming Dynasty... Therefore, whatever was happening at the time of the final Qing Dynasty was already well after the fact, and irrelevant. 2) Which brings us to your next historical oversight and hilarious irony. What about other groups, "say the Islamist?" Um, I guess you didn't realize that Zheng He was a Chinese Muslim (Hui) from a practicing Muslim family? Um, hope that helps answer your question for an example of how Islamic global exploration was also conducted, then? Now again, keep in mind that these giant Chinese ships commanded absolute respect and fear in all the various foreign locals they encountered. So, ABSOLUTELY - they could have conquered and colonized them...if they had wished. But, they didn't, as they were essentially touring cruise ships, NOT warships hellbent on taking over the planet! And that was just the last great Chinese explorer, too. The earlier ones likely dated back to the (2nd) Shang Dynasty "Bronze Age" around 1300 BC and went all the way into the New World (in what is now the American Southwest and Olmecs in Mexico). Well, sooooo much for the Chinese (or some Muslims) wanting to take over the world (Murican projection)! Again, these Chinese explorers had vastly preceded their WIRED counterparts in time, and also surpassed them in force. However, we're all speaking English today instead of Chinese - because the Chinese peacefully & respectfully CHOSE NOT to colonize all the foreign lands they "discovered." FACT IS, if China had wanted to colonize the world - they could and already would have done so ~3300-600 years ago, LMFAO!!!
  3. Diversity in The Great Divide

    Lol, absolute nonsense. The Chinese had actually already preceded WIRED explorers all around the world...and likely by ~2800 years in the case of Turtle Island, for instance. So, why weren't all these peoples already speaking Chinese, largely exterminated, and under Chinese rule today? Because...these various Chinese explorers were respectful tourists exploring for its own sake and establishing trade routes - not planting flags on distant lands under some self-appointed, colonialist "Doctrine of Discovery." Even though - they by all means easily had the overwhelming power to do so, had they wished! China has always only wanted to preserve its own homeland and control its border regions - but not take over the entire world - like the WIRED empire has.
  4. Diversity in The Great Divide

    Lol, always trying to find exceptions to disprove the rules, because you can't disprove the rules... But of course there is a spectrum here with aborigines on one end, and WIRED colonialists on the other. For example, even burning down some trees to revert land to grassland - is still better than chopping all the trees down and paving everything over with dead concrete. Thus, even your worst-case aboriginal still better than your standard WIRED practice! I rest my case, your Honor! And sure, some of each group may also be closer to their end than others. And a few might even be transposed... But even so, these overall generalities still hold true.
  5. Diversity in The Great Divide

    1) It's all relative. The aborigines lived naturally, harmoniously, and sustainably amongst themselves and others (INCLUDING plants & wildlife!!!) for tens of thousands of years. Thousands of years - yet no landfills and no fences! So, they had a far more holistic, inclusive, and less solely humancentric definition of "virtue." Meanwhile...notice that the Judeo-Christian Ten Commandments says NOTHING about respecting the land and all its other inhabitants (and in fact advocates the opposite, if anything)! And sure, there was some local aboriginal warfare and some later alliances with WIRED colonialists...but overall that all was just a drop in the bucket against the WIRED tsunami of megadeath. Not just of aborigines, but of ALL native plants & wildlife too! Exterminating common habitat (for ALL), the buffalo, clearcutting all the old-growth forests, etc! 2) The OP really needs to just cut & paste the text of that article, because it is hidden behind a paywall. Hence, I was only commenting on some of your tangential comments... 3) Well, I would put aboriginal peoples at the top of the food chain in terms of living the most sustainably and stewarding the Earth most responsibly, too. I mean, those ideals are often engraved into the core principles of their cultures!
  6. Diversity in The Great Divide

    Yes, just ONE informal day (where no one actually gets killed) per year in reaction to...~600 years of actual global, aboriginal genocide, colonialist land theft, religious persecution, cruel & unusual punishment, broken treaties, wanton environmental destruction, and the Earth's 6th MASS EXTINCTION - is just such an unwarranted overreaction! Fact is, the entire "legal basis" for all the "rule of law" (backed by rule of force/law of the jungle) in this empire is this "Doctrine of Discovery"...that was justified by some ancient, self-serving, Jewish comic book. But "Jesus" said so (well, sort of) sounds legit, yo! There's some real, outstanding grievances here - that have little to do with modern, WIRED, professional victimhood gripes. Because these much deeper problems lie within the base WIRED culture itself - and most people withIN the forest - can't SEE the FOREST.
  7. Cannabis Legalization Movement

    Well, that's what WIRED culture typically does - wantonly toxify healthy practices for convenience and profits. Because there is just NO BASE RESPECT for Mother Nature in WIRED society - but in fact, the opposite! For example, yoga was a great health practice in India... But once WEIRDos imported it, they just had to add some material accessories like sexy yoga pants and mats, etc. Well, guess what? More than 80 percent of the the micro-plastics found in the ocean are actually micro-fibers from synthetic clothing (like yoga pants) and most plastic yoga mats are toxic to both yogis and the environment. So, look at the massive toxic waste stream this once-healthy practice has now generated after it became "Westernized!" What's wrong with this picture? WIRED eyes will never see this - but she's polluting both her own body and environment with her synthetic yoga attire and plastic mat. Electrically, she's also giving herself a double-whammy... Not only is her plastic clothing STRIPPING ELECTRONS AWAY FROM HER, but she's also then SHIELDING herself from grounding in the wet sand there to replenish them! And then microfibers from her clothing will eventually wash into the ocean behind her. Her mat (like millions of others) was made from petroleum...and will eventually fill up a landfill somewhere. And what the h*ll is a landfill, anyways? Basically just a big heap of trash that mostly doesn't opposed to natural waste in the sustainable past that all simply became compost. Reality is, there shouldn't even be ANY landfills, ANYWHERE! So, this environmental trashing is a HUGE BLINDSPOT going across the board in WIRED culture - even in holistic health practices - much less clandestine pot farms! So now that China is tired of taking all our SH*T and doing our dirty work for us...NOW WHAT? Start living more ecologically with less plastic? Nooppeeee...just MORE LANDFILLS, PLEASE!!!
  8. Black Mark on Solar Plexus

    It just looks like 2 patches to me, not any "S" shape? And why do you suspect it might be from black magic, and not just some standard detoxing rashes (VERY common)?
  9. Kidney jing - once its gone it gone?

    Indeed! And that quote is quoted on a lot of sites, so not exactly sure what types you're referring to? But go ahead and guess away, if you wish..
  10. Kidney jing - once its gone it gone?

    Oh boy, is that your angry, chest-beating father talking there? Quit yer bitching son, and take it like a man! Because while you may have changed your lifestyle, it doesn't sound like YOU've changed much...? Anyhow, you are not obligated to even read my posts, so just feel free to ignore them if you'd prefer.
  11. Spiritual Qigong that develops Chi

    I'd be interested in what you've learned or gained after 12 years of meditation? Also, what position do you normally meditate in? And another "thought" question in general is why even with great instructors, many students still fail to "get" whatever it is the Master has "gotten." There are countless examples of students (of various internal martial arts, qigong, etc) dutifully mimicking their teachers and going through all the same motions, yet never actually attaining their same ability. Billions of followers of Yeshua, yet how many of them could walk on water? Meanwhile, there ARE some students who do "get it," and a rare few who even "get more" than their venerable teachers... So the question becomes, what's the differences here?
  12. Anyone ever read this book? What are some of his more mystical experiences, that might be worth reading about?
  13. Kidney jing - once its gone it gone?

    BINGO, hitting some pay dirt here with some cold read questions... So, you've not only already been completely abandoned (not necessarily intentionally) by your parents, but been left to pay ALL their outstanding debts (financial, parental, etc) in their absence as well. You've got to both foot their bills and care for yourself and siblings(?). As in your Freudian slip here, you desperately seek nurturing and WORTH, which may have been absent even at birth? Hence, you manifest this intense struggle for such qualities today that you've lacked, perhaps even as a "neglected(?)" baby. Now, this type of struggle is DEEP, and likely extends back in their own ancestral lineages too, as well as your own past lives too. Remember, the kidneys have a lot to do with ancestral inheritance (or lack thereof). And clearly, yours are extremely lacking...hence the need to burn yourself out trying to replenish them. But, this cannot be fixed by mere coping strategies. Ultimately, you MUST find the inherent WORTH you are seeking - which will then end your workaholic struggles to earn your "worth" externally through achievements - and completely drain your kidneys in the process. In short, you must release your underlying beliefs manifesting your circumstances that are forcing you to be a workaholic. Once that's done, then you will no longer be working yourself to death, and you will be able to slowly recharge your kidneys. All the Chinese medicine can help this whole process, but a primary part of that is on the psychological level that programs your life. Ignore that aspect, and the rest is like throwing pennies down a well...
  14. Kidney jing - once its gone it gone?

    You sound like a massive workaholic...why? Do you feel worthless-by-default, if you are not "proving your worth" somehow? Are you constantly afraid of being abandoned in some way, if you are worthless? If your parents died tomorrow, how would you feel? I'm guessing you're in your 20s or early 30s, btw? Well, a lot of kidney depletion may not show Western medical symptoms until your 40s. Although you may start showing classic TCM symptoms a lot earlier...if you know what to look for. These herbs are awfully cheap - how reputable is this site? Just curious, because these prices are so dang good?
  15. What happened to the Matriarchal Cultures

    OK, so after personally observing how women are causing 95% of completely degenerate social problems in your complex, how most of us all have deep-seated mother issues (including Taomeow's mom who apparently "kicked her out" before AGE 1 in favor of a CAREER???), watching a reality survivalist show about women loafing around on a beach until they got sent some male slaves, etc...why do you still subscribe to the diehard notion that women are "more nurturing?" Maybe it "still" is or isn't true only relative to men...but I think that whole notion really needs to be reexamined in light of modern evidence now. Because one can only be as good a parent as they are a person. So, what kind of mother/homemaker is a boyfriend-beating woman who skips on rent after drug-fueled orgies going to be? What kind of generation of kids are these women going to "raise?" Now clearly, women are biologically-designed for childbearing and raising - and should play a primary role, at the very least. But I think dads should also play a very involved parenting role too, far more than the "traditional" arrangement where he just went off to work everyday to bring home money. Because I think that "tradition" really only started after modern industrialization and has already long been on the wane, now. Whereas previously, I think dads were home a lot more on the homestead, or their hut in the village, etc. So, he was still there and available a lot more than some guy working 50 hrs/week at a job somewhere else. This is especially important if he has sons, who are typically far more rambunctious and physical for a woman to be able handle. A stereotypical boy like this is going to NEED a dad he can roughhouse, get dirty, and be gross with. Because just like men aren't built to breastfeed, women aren't built to manhandle tiger cubs. Point being, I think it's a lot to expect for any woman to be a great mom, much less to do it mostly on her own (definitely as a single mom, but also including "working husband widows"). That arrangement is going to be overstressed and weak points will inevitably become exposed and fail. Which is exactly what we've seen, even in the "traditional" housewife families...(although those are of course still INFINITELY better than modern single mother households). Well, most white collar, corporate jobs try to minimize headcounts to reduce overhead, and want all employees to work AT LEAST full-time, if not OVERTIME, now. Basically, only entry-level jobs at small businesses prefer to hire part-time employees, so they don't have to provide employer health insurance. And this actually applies slightly even more to men than women, who get no maternity/paternity leave ever. I mean, I admit it sucks for ALL employees who want a better work-life balance...but I understand why they do it, and it does apply to both men & women.
  16. What happened to the Matriarchal Cultures

    Well, mine wasn't. And it would also help if it all these were also hyperlinked, so you could see where the original posts were taken from in context.
  17. What happened to the Matriarchal Cultures

    Well, and that whole Talk Trump thread was started out of the blue from one of my posts split off from another, making it seem like I really wanted to talk about Trump, when I don't, lol. I'm really not that interested in that topic, just like you aren't in this one. I think if and when these posts are split off into their own threads, they need to be prefaced with a link specifying from where and how they were created by the mods from other threads. Otherwise, it gives the false impression that someone is a lot more vested in some topic, than they really are...
  18. What happened to the Matriarchal Cultures

    Wow, would love to hear more stories about that! Here's another recent example of this. A girl essentially got widely championed for ceremoniously dumping her frat boyfriend, who had "called her disgusting," publicly on social media. Ohhh yea, you go girrrl!!! What a f'n jerk!! Umm wait, OK...what "behavior?" Let's dig a little deeper here... From her ex's response: Ahhhh...and there it is. He wasn't criticizing HER, but her BEHAVIOR (key difference). And a fair complaint, no? I mean, you KNOW it's BADDDD...when a FRAT BOI is complaining about what a drunken fish his girlfriend is!!! So, couldn't she have taken his valid criticism CONSTRUCTIVELY (and not so personally) and thought, "Hmm, maybe I have a drinking problem? Maybe I'm destroying my liver and drowning my problems in alcoholism? Maybe I should work on that, for my own sake, if no one else's???" Orrrr...HELL NAW, I can do no wrong! So, I'll just blame it all on DA MAN instead and SHOW HIM who's BOSS!!!!! How dare he stop enabling my habit! Cue soundtrack, ladies!!! And it's not just her...feminism as a whole does just have a tendency to scapegoat men for ALL wrongs, while giving women an irrevocable free pass. While the ACTUAL full role of the scapegoat in sum total ONLY becomes revealed if he is REMOVED from the picture. Just like when "oppressive Whites" were all scapegoated and eventually left Detroit... Of course, I'm not saying men or Whites are without blame in any of these cases, either. But, (racial, feminist, etc) scapegoating is an unfair distribution of blame and shadow projection - that can interestingly even sometimes lead to "reactionary" crime, mass shootings, etc...
  19. What happened to the Matriarchal Cultures

    Here's an interesting little social experiment from 2014:
  20. Start a new thread then, as I'd be interested to hear to! And so what exactly was your experience of it opening?
  21. LMFAO! As usual, you can't make a concise, coherent rebuttal instead resort to posting long, rambling videos AGAIN - with ZERO personal commentary of your own (which you lack). All at full, nauseating levels of colonialist, apologist, revisionist propaganda >>> 1000000! I can't even address all the ridiculous spins and omissions flooding forth in the first video, much less have time to watch the second. Gimme a f'n break... Back to reality here, now: ...Just 1 tiny snippet of what was conveniently whitewashed and omitted from your video. You also miss the larger picture which I've already framed before - where wildlife, and then aboriginal "whole brain/heart" peoples SUSTAINABLY living in harmony with Nature (DAOISM) were decimated/displaced/replaced by waves of increasingly "left-brained" and heartless colonialists all around the world. Most extremely violently by such WIRED peoples, but some also (often) less forcefully by others too... And now, the new colonialists are the transhumanists and we are all their new aboriginals (slated for obsolescence)...
  22. Yi Jin Jing

    YiJinJing + XiSuiJing basically = Paida Lajin Wugong (martial arts) foundation steps: 1. Baduanjin = stretch sinews out until they "break" (similar to "lajin") 2. YiYinJing = retracting/absorbing movements to transform sinews These 2 steps shall rebuild your sinews. 3. XiSuiJing = "paida" (slap hit) 4. Combining all these 3 practices together = zhuangfa (zhan zhuang) Using all 3 forces cultivated by them shall then naturally open the microcosmic & macrocosmic orbits in this stance, which then becomes applicable for combat. 5. Dazuo = sitting meditation after zhan zhuang to cultivate yuanqi down in the dantian, etc. Problem is, most Westerners try to start at 4, or even 5, lol... And after years of getting nowhere...they may have yet to realize that they had completely skipped 3 whole fundamental steps to begin with!!!