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Everything posted by liminal_luke

  1. Perspectives on Narcissism

    What other people think of you is none of your business. RuPaul
  2. Healing trauma
  3. Taijiquan/Qigong and Sagehood

    On a more mundane level, I think itĀ“s (nearly) always important to have a balance of moving and sitting practices. The ratio may fluctuate but if there isnĀ“t at least some of both... Liminal
  4. Kunlun Seattle

    While I havenĀ“t developed any amazing abilities, supernatural or otherwise, from my limited Kunlun practice, I still happen to believe itĀ“s a possibility for some. That said, I can see why someone teaching would want to play that possibility down. Superpower talk leads to rebound skepticism, negativity, students with skewed motivations for practice, teacher burnout.
  5. Am I physically capable of spiritual evolution?

    Hi Audiohealing, I donĀ“t think I have the answer youĀ“re looking for but just wanted to say I donĀ“t think youĀ“re a horrible person at all-- or even someone with narcissistic personality disorder for that matter. IĀ“m remembering a story I heard at a Buddhist vipassana retreat once. The story went that the head lama from Thailand came to teach at the US retreat center. He asked the meditators how long they could go before a thought came up and interruppted the silience of their meditation. When people said they could go a relatively long period of time without thinking--say a minute--he knew that they were just beginning students. The more advanced meditators couldnĀ“t go more than a few seconds. It seems counterintuitive but from a certain point of view makes sense. The beginning meditators were so unaware they werenĀ“t even aware that they were unaware. They were thinking all the time without noticing. The more experienced students had delevoped this exquisite attentiveness to their own minds and knew very well when even the most wispy thought arised. I guess IĀ“m wondering if something analogous is happening to you now. Maybe youĀ“re not any more narcissistic or egoistic or whatever than anybody else. Maybe your life is no more false than everybody elseĀ“s. But somehow youĀ“ve got yourself in this place where even wispy little bits of falseness or ego pain you very deeply. YouĀ“re aware, and much of the time awareness hurts. I had a chi nei tsang teacher (taoist abdominal massage) who talked about "the price of awareness." How for people to heal they needed to be guided to put their attention (gently) into the exact spot that held the pain. To breathe into that spot. Well, nobody wants to do that. Everybody wants to go around pretending that spot doesnĀ“t exist. For me growth has mostly been a gradual cumulative process, something that sneaks up on me. But I do believe there are those moments when we step over a threshold. We cross through the doorway and thereĀ“s no going back. Awareness can be like that. Sometimes you canĀ“t make yourself not know something once you really know it. Which is a good thing right? Ultimately probably.. ItĀ“s the way of healing and evolution. But it doesnĀ“t always feel good when itĀ“s happening. Whew. Ok, just some thoughts which might or might not apply to you but I started and wanted to share. Hope you feel better soon. Liminal
  6. Daoist Diet - Meal Suggestions?

    Interesting info about the masa Taomeow. IĀ“m living in Mexico where thereĀ“s a lot of delicious things made with corn, and trying to eat semi-paleo/ primal (a la Mark Sisson). Find it helps me a lot with some health issues as well as weight. At the moment that means IĀ“m not eating any tamales or even the delicious handmade nixtamal tortillas sold down at the market. Will probably experiment with reintroducing those foods at some point though and see if it makes a difference for me. ItĀ“s so easy to get caught up in a certain food ideology rather than really listening to my body. Maybe the taoist diet is the one you come up with yourself--with some guidance perhaps from outside expert opinion--but giving your own digestive system the last word. Liminal
  7. Perspectives on Narcissism

    This is beautiful.
  8. 'Just do it' vs 'imagine'

    I know lots of folks have problems with imagination but itĀ“s always worked for me. Easy to discount in the beginning perhaps as "just imagination." But given enough practice IĀ“ve found that imagination does indeed become reality. Liminal
  9. Western medicine - what doesn't it know about energy?

    Taomeow, Not to get off-topic, but there was recently a thread here about whether or not IQ matters. Your story about how you researched your family members medical condition yourself and gained clarity about the proper course of action... that story proves to me that, at least some of the time, it does. Liminal
  10. Am I physically capable of spiritual evolution?

    Hi Audiohealing, I canĀ“t say of course whether or not you have narcissistic personality disorder. What I can say, is that most people with that malady arenĀ“t nearly so self-aware as you are. Most people with NPD donĀ“t have near the desire to change and heal. So your willingness to look at yourself and write the post you did is a great sign and bodes well for your healing in the future. Narcissism exists on a continuum. Most everyone is somewhat narcissistic at one time or another. ItĀ“s part of the human condition. And we can all work on ourselves and change. You ask whether you are capable of growth and change and the answer, no matter what diagnosis you give yourself and whether you are accurate or not, is YES. You can change, all the more so if you are willing to look at yourself and work on yourself. And it seems that you are. ThatĀ“s something you can genuinely feel proud of. Part of narcissism is the belief that you are special. You are not special. Well, you are special-- but not in a special way. You are special in the way that all of us are special. Everybody struggles in life. You struggle in your own way, and it may feel like the worst possible nightmare to you, but other people struggle as well in their different ways. Some people suffer with terrible physical problems, disease and disabilities. Others are burdened with mental difficulties of various sorts: depression, anxiety, psychosis. Still others suffer with terrible external conditions--war, poverty, abusive family situations, needing to care for sick relatives, and on and on. These kind of struggles are part of the human condition. If youĀ“re unhappy, youĀ“re in good company. Everybody has been unhappy at one time or another. So take heart. YouĀ“ve come to the right place. There are so many wise people here on taobums doing all kinds of healing practices. You might well get inspired to take up a practice that you feel drawn to, that might help you become the person you want to be. I know itĀ“s happened to me. Even more importantly, you have your own inner wisdom. Deep down you know what will help. And then thereĀ“s life itself which always presents us with opportunities to heal and grow. These opportunities might not feel good when they are happening--indeed they may feel like crisises, like nightmares--but they are steppingstones that can lead you into a better place. Perhaps life is presenting with just such a steppingstone right now. Take care, Liminal
  11. We are ALL inherently evil...

    Yes, almost all people are both kind and mean, loving and cruel, depending on circumstances. And yet IĀ“m firmly of the opinion that weĀ“re inherently good, not evil. HereĀ“s why. What happens when we do the hard soulwork of gathering together all the fragmented traumatized parts of our being and become whole? We become more compassionate. You canĀ“t be well put together on the inside, integrated and harmonious, without also becoming a more loving person. Evil is all about fragmentation. When we become who we really are that person always turns out to be good. If we seem evil itĀ“s only because we have more work to do. Liminal
  12. Perspectives on Narcissism

    I do think itĀ“s possible to change and grow. However, the more narcissistic a person is the less likely they are to acknowledge they have a problem. Liminal
  13. Western medicine - what doesn't it know about energy?

    If a person has an acute emergency such as a heart attack and goes to someone who "waves his hands around" they might die. If a person has a chronic condition and goes to a "trained doctor of medicine" they might die. Liminal
  14. Tips for Opening Meridians in the Shoulders ?

    HereĀ“s a really cool (imho) shoulder opening move from polarity therapy that quite literally gets into that energetically juicy area underneath the shoulder blades. Have the client lie face up. With one hand the therapist reaches under the underarm area and gently lifts the shoulder so that the shoulder blade is accesible. With the other hand reach in and position your figertips so they come right between the lower medial edge of the shoulder blade and the rest of the back. Then let gravity do the work. As the client relaxes your fingers should slip deeper into that space further freeing up the shoulder blades. Slowly reposition your fingers upwards to relax the upper part of the blade. Liminal
  15. Certainly it's possible to pull off being happy without a lot of material comforts, but most people donĀ“t. Some years back I traveled to the high country around Oaxaca and met this woman with as beautiful smile who just seemed so contented. It was an inspiring experience just meeting her, and I will always remember it. She lived in a small room with a dirt floor and had basically nothing by first world standards. Of course she lived on the side of this amazing mountain so that has to count for something. Since then IĀ“ve met many other poor people here in Mexico, and I can tell you that her spiritual glow is the exception and not the rule. Liminal
  16. This may not apply to you Owledge but for me itĀ“s helpful to make a commitment to a practice and then let go, as best I can, of the results. Of course I always feel when something seems to be working or not. ItĀ“s just that I decide to persevere through those times when IĀ“m not aware of progress. Liminal
  17. Chaos magick saved my ass.

    Whaaa! I love a good escape from black magic cult story. Perhaps you should change your name to unwritten_abilities. (PS. IĀ“m just kidding around so donĀ“t take serious. Congratulations on your success.) Liminal
  18. I.Q. -- is it important?

    My partnerĀ“s cousin had some interesting insight into weddings here in Zacatecas, Mexico. She says that if you have a big, fancy cake everybody will think youĀ“re stuck up. TheyĀ“ll say who do they think they are to have such a big cake? If you donĀ“t have a cake guests will complain asking "whereĀ“s the cake?" I think people often feel the same way about IQ. Liminal
  19. Incense

    Steve, Funny you mention those high-end Tibetan incenses and the olfactory rescue service. The Tibetan Medical College one was exactly what I was thinking about getting on the strength of the ORS recommendation. Sure itĀ“s expensive compared to some other incense but still a bargain compared to the top-shelf Japanese stuff. Also, while I love natural fragrances of all kinds, my sense of smell isnĀ“t really the best. I got some Hinoki cedar incense once (Baiedo I think) that I really liked when I could actually smell it. I had to be right on top of the stick fanning the smoke into my nose. My understanding is that the Tibetan incenses are less subtle? Liminal
  20. Self hacks/Health hacks

    IĀ“d say living in a natural environment with access to good seasonal food and clean air--thatĀ“s the best. For people that donĀ“t have that supplements and such, while clearly second best, can help bridge the gap. They are a tool that can support the body. And whatever supports the body supports the spirit. ThatĀ“s what I think anyway. Liminal
  21. Incense

    Ah yes, Nag Champa. HavenĀ“t burned any in years. These days I mostly go with the American Fred Soll incense, cedar and sage, that kind of thing. Thanks for the suggestion Soaring Crane. Liminal
  22. Tea/Tisane

    Anyone try Spring Dragon Longevity Tea from Dragon Herbs? ItĀ“s basically gynostemma with other herbs (schizandra, goji berry, etc) infused in. Thinking of getting some. Liminal
  23. Evidence of higher spiritual knowledge in Western poets

    This Is It by James Broughton This is It and I am It and You are It and so is That and He is It and She is It and It is It and That is That O it is This and it is Thus and it is Them and it is Us and it is Now and Here It is and Here We are so This is It
  24. Is It Bad To Make A Woman Cry

    In general, I donĀ“t think setting out to make someone -- male or female -- cry is a good idea. Even if it seems to help the relationship or make for better sex. There are easier, more harmonious ways, to do those things. That said, no relationship is unending bliss and we can grow from conflict. Sometimes there will be tears and thatĀ“s ok. Liminal
  25. What would you tell your 20 year old self?

    Oh to ask this question! I'd like to ask the bums over 70 or so what they'd advise their 48 year old selves. Darn it though, but somehow that inquiry doesn't have the same ring of rightness to it as your OP. Then again, perhaps it's just my ageism (or the late middle age blues) that makes me think my desire for life-advice less valid. Much of the advice I'd give my 20 year old self would serve me just as well today. Trouble is, I'm not so sure I'm any more willing to take it now than I was then. Well, maybe a little more willing. I dunno. What advice would you give your 10 year old self? Your 15 year old self? Maybe you've gained more wisdom in the last five or ten years than you think. And how much of that advice would still apply? Liminal