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Everything posted by liminal_luke

  1. Spiritual Retreats & Intensives

    Orion, I donĀ“t really have an answer to the questions you raised, but wanted to say that I think occasional retreats can be very useful. IĀ“ve been on several vipassana retreats. CanĀ“t say I "enjoyed" them exactly, but I certainly learned a lot about myself.
  2. What do you do when all men doubt you?

    Karl, ItĀ“s just a metaphor to make the point that I think the kind of social comparison Nikolai1 suggested is helpful. That is it. If, in your opinion, the comparison doesnĀ“t stand up to rigorous logical analysis, please consider that it wasnĀ“t meant to.
  3. Does 'the void' have a physical location?

    I hope so. Sometimes I like to imagine infinity trapped in a very tiny space, a small infinity that could fit in my pocket. Maybe the void is there too jiggling around like a loose penny.
  4. What do you do when all men doubt you?

    Kubba, Donuts arenĀ“t good for you. Unless of course weĀ“re talking about a fresh sugar-free kale donut glazed with beet juice and sprinkled with slivered almonds. Those are rare, I grant you, but what Nikolia1 is talking about is the kale donut of social comparisons. A kind of social comparison thatĀ“s actually useful and healthy: the realization that money and fame donĀ“t necessarily bring happiness.
  5. Haiku Chain

    to water the grass seems an impossible chore faucet tight --screw it!
  6. What do you do when all men doubt you?

    As spiritual people, we sometimes make things more complicated than they need to be. ItĀ“s easy to get lost philosophizing about the evils of "ego" and such. All that thinking has itĀ“s place, but when you feel bad usually the solution is much simpler. Here is my list of generally helpful things to do. (1) Clean your living space. Get rid of lots of stuff you havenĀ“t used in the last 3 months. (2) Work up a sweat. Martial arts, jogging, weight lifting, hiking up a big hill. Whatever (3) Call someone you like and have a good conversation. (4) Think: is everybody giving me more or less the same advice? If so, take it. (5) Do something that makes you laugh. (6) Spend time in nature. (7) If you need money, get a job. If you canĀ“t get a job you like, get a job you donĀ“t like and enjoy other parts of your life for now. If you donĀ“t know how, figure out who you can ask for help. (8) Eat nutritious food. DonĀ“t eat junk. ThatĀ“s it. For the moment, donĀ“t worry about ego and detachment and all that jazz. DonĀ“t even worry if you feel angry or resentful or unforgiving. Just take care of yourself and see what happens.
  7. Haiku Chain

    For Taobums ex-mods MoPai threads now optional Enjoy the time off later edit... For Taobums ex-mods MoPai threads now optional Soaring Crane takes flight
  8. Potent Systems

    I believe Master Li and his Sheng Zhen system deserve to be more widely known and talked about here. If you even get a chance to take classes or a workshop with this man -- highly recommended!
  9. Inner smile?

    If you go to and sign up for his newsletter, Michael Winn will give you the link for his book all about the inner smile. Not sure if itĀ“s the one for you Arya, but I donĀ“t think anybody can go wrong with the inner smile. Liminal
  10. Hatred.

    Hi Metal Tao, Interesting handle. Metal is the element thatĀ“s sharp, cutting. Metal is the element associated with the lungs and large intestines, the organs of elimination. Not too be vulgar, but metal is the element that says, in effect, letĀ“s cut the shit. And that seems to be exactly what youĀ“d like to do. Yes, there are things that are abhorrent and awful in this world and weĀ“d do well to get rid of them. Is hate helpful in that end? Perhaps initially in that it helps us to recognize that which we consider hateful. But ultimately holding onto hate hurts us. ItĀ“s possible to forcefully take a stand against terrible things without personally getting caught up in the destructive energy of hate. Tricky, but possible -- and a skill thatĀ“s worth cultivating. Which is not to say that we should deny our feelings of hate. Or feel ashamed of them. Most of us have some hate, and itĀ“s good to be aware. Good to let ourselves know what it is we actually do feel. But once we are aware we can let go. ItĀ“s a balance, allowing oneself to feel without indulging in and feeding feelings that arenĀ“t useful. Liminal
  11. Hi there, I'm honored to be here.

    Hi LittleOne, IĀ“ve also studied with Michael Winn and find his teachings helpful. YouĀ“ll find lots of opinions here pro and con about Healing Tao. Do you do the Primordial Chi Gung form? ItĀ“s something that I learned years ago from Michael and am coming back to now. Hope you enjoy Taobums! Liminal
  12. New Year's cleaning..?

    Well, theoretically the private menĀ“s area would be perfect for discussions of semen "retention" and such but, although thereĀ“s been plenty of such discussion lately, nobody seems to want to use the menĀ“s room. Maybe itĀ“s an expansive yang thing? I think the chief virtue of the menĀ“s area has been to placate a certain kind of mindset that thinks thereĀ“s some sort of reverse discrimination victimization going on if women have a private area and men donĀ“t. Which would be fine and all if it were actually getting any use. If itĀ“s not, I say cut it.
  13. Happy Winter Solstice everyone

    I like NungaliĀ“s image of the Solstice as "still point," and believe this quality of stillness is key to itĀ“s power.
  14. What does it mean to be transgender?

    If somebody broke into my house and tried to kill me I wouldnĀ“t play nice. IĀ“d do whatever I had to do to protect myself. Might even use force. There arenĀ“t many, but sociopathic killers do exist, and there are laws in place that attempt to FORCE them not to kill. Why? Because other people have a right to live. If somebody tells me that just because of the color of my skin, or my gender, or whatever that I canĀ“t rent an apartment or find employment or get married, IĀ“ll use the law to FORCE them not to discriminate. ItĀ“s the same thing. There are basic rights that should not be taken away from people. And when others try to take away those rights people of decency cry foul. Love isnĀ“t always about passively standing around and letting everybody do what they want no matter what. Sometimes love is tough and mean. Sometimes love carries a gun.
  15. Qigong; eating a bland diet

    I like flavor so IĀ“m hoping itĀ“s not bad for me.
  16. Happy Winter Solstice everyone

    My understanding is that the energy is stronger at all of these transition points. Energetically thereĀ“s more of a pure mixture of fire and water and the neutral chi comes through stronger. I believe that the winter solstice is to the year as midnight is to the day. Stronger energy at midnight as well.
  17. What does it mean to be transgender?

    Perhaps IĀ“m overly educated myself, but I tend to downplay the importance of college degrees. Successfully trading currencies, on the other hand, that takes some logic! (Oops, I posted)
  18. What does it mean to be transgender?

    Great post Redcairo. Your take on the essential oneness of physical/psychological/spiritual viewpoints really puts transgerderism -- and a good deal more -- in a useful context. I spent much of yesterday thinking about and writing in this thread, and today itĀ“s time to move onto other things. Hopefully IĀ“ll have the fortitude to resist responding to further posts. (I guess youĀ“ll all see, huh?) I enjoy my time here but there comes a point when further discussion yields diminishing returns, and I think IĀ“ve reached it. If there are people reading this thread who are dealing personally with these kind of issues around gender, please take heart. Yes, there is a lot of ignorance out there, but I believe the tide is turning. Love will eventually triumph. It has to. Liminal
  19. What does it mean to be transgender?

    Oh my... I think people who arenĀ“t transgender ought not to speculate so much about the motivations or spiritual aptitude of those who are. Ought to perhaps have a little humility. We bums often make very forceful statements, me included, putting forth our viewpoints with great assurance. Yet isnĀ“t one sign of spiritual maturity the willingness to acknowledge how much we donĀ“t know? The universe is unimaginably big, unfathomably mysterious. DreamBliss asked what it means to be crossgender. ThatĀ“s a very profound question, and one that nobody here has come close to answering.
  20. What does it mean to be transgender?

    I guess you lost me Karl. It wasnĀ“t a trick question. In the United States there are "protected classes" and itĀ“s illegal to discriminate in employment against people on that basis. I think thatĀ“s a good thing and asked if you agreed. ItĀ“s not a trick. You seemed to be saying in your earlier posts that you think itĀ“s OK for people to discriminate. Maybe I should take you at your word, but I think that people who willfully discriminate are mean and hateful people. And despite what youĀ“ve written, I donĀ“t believe youĀ“re a mean and hateful person. I still donĀ“t think so actually, though perhaps someone whose taken on a certain ideology and is clinging to it rather ardently. I was hoping youĀ“d say that you wouldnĀ“t discriminate against any of those peoples. That you believe itĀ“s wrong to do so. Perhaps youĀ“re saying that the laws that are in place to protect people from discrimination work imperfectly. No doubt. You can argue that they are clumsy tools, and perhaps you have ideas that would work better. But IĀØm talking about something more basic than that: whether people should be denied opportunities in life because of their gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, and so on. If you think the current civil rights laws are the wrong way to go about protecting these folk thatĀ“s one thing. You might be right. IĀ“m not interested in debating that point. The only thing I want to know is this: do you think itĀ“s alright to hurt people? Because thatĀ“s what it comes right down to. Liminal
  21. What does it mean to be transgender?

    Thanks Sheriff Karl. No, I wasnĀ“t meaning you personally. I mean that nobody has a right to run anybody out of town. Let me see if I understand you. Suppose youĀ“re the owner of a McDonalds franchise... Do you think you should be able to turn down applications from all people who are black, and hire only whites? Do you think you should be able to turn down applications from women, and hire only men? Do you think you should be able to turn down applications from transgender people? I think itĀ“s wrong to systematically exclude these people from possible employment, even if you (hypothetically) donĀ“t personally like them. Do you disagree?
  22. What does it mean to be transgender?

    You bet. People have a right not to be discriminated against in matters of employment, rental applications, and marriage regardless of color, creed, sexual orientation, gender, and so on. And if someone says otherwise they should be forced legally to comply. Whether or not you accept me is up to you. But you canĀ“t deny me the right to work IĀ“m qualified for based solely on any of the above. You canĀ“t run me out of town. You canĀ“t tell me IĀ“m not allowed to marry the man I love.
  23. What does it mean to be transgender?

    Actually no, I donĀ“t. I phrased it that way -- even though itĀ“s not strictly true -- for rhetorical flair. I wasnĀ“t trying to intentionally deceive, just thought people would take it in a less literal spirit. But for the record, I would not force you to change your views even if I could. Sorry about the confusion.
  24. What does it mean to be transgender?

    Oh Karl, I give up. Just one more quick note before IĀ“m done: there are no laws forcing people to accept homosexuality. In some places people are bound to stop discriminating against us in matters of employment, rental rights, even marriage, but nobody has figured out how to legally enforce anything like acceptance. People are equally free to think what they will of transsexuals. If there were such laws IĀ“d gladly use them to get you to accept us, but alas. In fact, itĀ“s now clear that IĀ“m absolutely powerless to get you to change your views by any means whatsoever. Even rational argument comes up short -- this in spite of your obvious intelligence.