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Posts posted by minkus

  1. Ow yep, i see and indeed these things are hard to describe Findley. Probably why they call it mysterious :)


    Alot of these terms are from inner alchemy and try to describe a place or state in someone's mind or etheric body. I dont quit understand what you mean with turning the light but it sounds like an alchemical process transmuting/refining subtle or pure energy.


    Most of us have experienced states or been at certain place's because of there practice but its hard to pin down a name on them and even harder to know if people are talking about the same thing.


    Regards !

  2. Hey Findley, you say we should never intentionally seek bliss wich i understand. To avoid not linking the bliss to nonduality or empty nature. But even without the intention when one lives and eats balanced and genuinly tries to be good towards others, spontanious bliss arises. It looks to me we are blissfull beings allready.


    If a blissfull practice like tummo can help to blast people out of there confusion then this is a nice thing not ?


    You have positive or negative experience with subtle blissfull energy acting on the mysterious pass ?


    Cheers, Mike

  3. -A re-iteration, for some of you.


    Perhaps it is a mistake for me to post at all; there are several posters who are obviously capable of reading my own posts, but if their discussion is swamped by shit-brains, I think I should be generally disappointed.


    Been a bit harsh there for a moment, also not respectfull i realize.



  4. reply with your bullshit one-liners, but, OF COURSE, avoid discussion of the topic presented ! Criticize me, however ignore my words ! You make me sick, you filthy trash !


    Your words about the mysterious pass are vague to put it mildly. It sounds very mysterious like this yep.


    The topic including the title is provoking another system, there has been enough discussion about kunlun without the need to open another thread about it.


    Your discussion and the title of the topic smells like trollbait.


    Any sign of respect is missing so im not suprised people would avoid discussion.


    You could be the most enlightend hsien in the world but it doesnt show in your posts, yet.





    Edit: this whole thing reminds me strongly of star7umper or what was he's name.

  5. Perhaps now that I have opened my heart, I should rest my attention on my mid-brow, like the book says... probably most obvious answer...


    Howcome that 2 days ago you opend up the heart and a day later you post this quote in a thread of a fellow taobum sharing he's experiences in order to help the community ?


    :rolleyes: BAH how do you have so much conscious patience to pull off all that complicated crap?


    Start associating with the stars and all the constellations, too. I bet that will give you a hard-on :rolleyes:


    Are you sure you opend up the heart ? :)


    Apology i couldnt resist. As an advice i would suggest you not to focus to long on the head or the heart, it can give you a headache or palpitations.


    Good luck !

  6. Very nice example about that lady Durkhrod, a lifechanging experience there on the spot.



    I learned from practice, at least. Someone with strong will and real desire will try, no matter what gurus say.


    If you want something hard enough, if you feel the desire in every single pore of your body for every single moment of the day.


    It will happen.


    Urge crawls to where it cannot go :)