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Posts posted by minkus

  1. http://www.azteccalendar.com/god/Quetzalcoatl.html


    Im using a nice gimmick for a while now, maybe fun to mention it here.


    In google you can make your own personal page www.google.com/ig (igoogle) when you have a gmail account or have a googleacount. Change the uppperbar to your liking (i chose the sea that changed according the hour :P)


    On this page http://www.azteccalendar.com/downloads.html there are 2 downloads wich you can add to google (underneath is the little google bar).


    These will show you the mayan and aztec calendar on your homepage day by day for free. You can click on them to reveal more info about that day and the deity in charge of the day.


    Also optional is choosing yourself a lunar calendar http://lunarium.co.uk/gadgets.php and or http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=ht...moon/gadget.xml .


    Popped in my mind when i saw talk about Quetzalcoatl :)


    On a sidenote: one definition of Quetzalcoatl is that of a serpent bird .. if you yust put Quetzalcoatl in google images you will see many drawings of him, some having strange resemblance with the chinese dragon o.O Maybe im yust imagining this lol, im certainly no authority.


    edit: Mz did hear mentioning of reptilians and crystal skulls before both having an outer space link :mellow:


    Kind regards

  2. There is already a working of the 3rd Earth, a real entity, mixing into this one we are on now, a merging of a higher realm of consciousness.


    I actually dont understand o.O Can you say a bit more about this phenomenon you are talking about ? What do you mean with working of the 3th earth ? and the result of this working is this same entity merging our realm with a higher realm or is the real entity the higher realm ?


    Can you put it more detailed ? im a curious person :)

  3. Thanx for the open and very detailed description of what happend Cameron, sounds indeed pretty intense experiences O.O reminds me of effects certain consciousaltering substances can have on the brain. You lost your perception of time and space and your ability to understand people. Seems the practice and the transmission you received where quite effective. Are you from nature a sensitive person (energywise) Cameron ?


    About the red phoenix .. If the energy keeps going on and on inside you after this fairly basic practice, if most masters sifu max knows practice it, if sifu max he's own website is called "Rising red phoenix" and if Mantra68 (Chris from the book and a very close student of sifu max) himself says that whole armies have died for this practice. Then its logical some people are slightly curious about what it is :P


    If its indeed such a powerfull method then i understand its certainly not wise discussing it openly on a forum though.


    One thing we are finding is that people are opening WAY faster than ever before. We didn't expect that. I guess it is just time for these practices.


    We are reaching the aquariusage, humandkind is growing to a higher (common?) consciounce and cosmic energy patterns are getting stronger and stronger as we speak .. the search for meaning and spirituality in humankind never been so big in our "modern" days of hitech and mass consuming .. obviously as 2012 is very close !


    Or that is what reallife friends are trying to explain to me for 6 months now. They changed abruptly i must say, in 1 random week they (a group of 3 people, by coincidence all have the aquarius sign lol) became the most spiritual, concerned and reality seeking people i know.


    This i find a really good thing dont get me wrong was it not that the last couple of months every conversation i hear goes about the same issues mentioned above AARGH. This on itself could be a sign of what they say is correct, dunno lol although it is weird indeed.


    The outcomming of people like your sifu and others and the possibility more and more spiritual masters are going to step out of the shadow (as mentioned in a discussion on the foundation forum) is a good sign allready that tide is turning, im very happy for that and that we can witness the joy of this liberation if i can name it that way.


    Sorry couldnt resist mentioning this, cu later and enjoy practising all.


    Small edit: yust read the post about the visions of serpents and chinese men, sounds impressive yes.

  4. Goodday people !


    Im following this conversation about the kunlun practice and sifu max for a while now, several debates going on on several fora. Very intresting ! the exercises on themselves are powerfull, i was pleasantly suprised, i can compare my experiences with the one affenbrot wrote down some posts back. Also enjoyed the reactions good and less good :) on this forum and the clear comprehensive explenation mantra68 provided on both kinds of view.


    As i live in Europe i didnt have the chance to meet sifu max or mantra on a public meeting. I did understand there where videotapes available but unfortunatly from dubious source.


    I heard several people talking here about a 5 element posture and a practice called red phoenix, the posture's ok but what does this red phoenix practice means ? is it a form of meditation or also a standing or sitting form ? maybe a more complex system ?


    Dont get me wrong im not asking for a manual, yust some info on what red phoenix is or means.


    For example i can say the kunlun exercises as prescribed in the book (and there effect) surely awoke curiousity.


    Kind regards !


    edit: to Cameron, i understand some events or realisations been a kind of shock or had serieus impact on you .. seems like some powerfull experiences you had in the last week. I can surely understand if things move to fast its better to take a small step back or "put em in neutral". I find it brave you post these things here and to me what you say is like a signal to approach things on a gentle and natural way. I find this intresting as it is something remarkable we can all possibly encounter learning more or meeting this practice and energy. I wish you luck !