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Posts posted by minkus

  1. Hey Astral Anima, i know very well what you are talking about, if you feel the sensation is to strong or gets annoying you should take a minibreak. Dont push it or get to extreme in your fasting or you can unbalance yourself. Feeling the energy tickle or shock at the tongue when you hit the palate is a very good sign :)

  2. Minkus was wrong to level an accusation without facts and without regard to the helpful and interesting character of your posts here.


    Minkus...break down his content if you wish, but your claims seem hard to back up. If you feel templetao is engaged in fraudulently promoting some commerce here you should take it up with the mods.


    Otherwise, you should both stick to talking about REAL TAICHI. I for one thought the thread was going well...for awhile.




    Ah ok, my apology to Orb then for derailing he's thread :|

  3. WOW


    Is Garry teaching this kind of stuff then ?


    Yep and Waysun Liao (Gary's teacher) they both practice temple style taiji and teach about the inner working behind it. The jingcultivation, the circulations, the condense breathing to name a few. There prices are high.

    • Like 1

  4. Templetao i asked for your credentials but i doubt there are any. Maybe templestyle taiji like your master Gary J. Clyman ?


    You are Elijah Wilson also known under about 4 other alts here on this forum. You run scams where you sell DVD's and info regarding neikung. These DVD's are illegal copies of Gary J. Clymans mindlight neikung course. Gary told me he send you the DVD's but your cheque bounced. He is really mad at you, especially for using he's lifestory claiming it as your own and claiming he's neikung system is yours under the name of thundermind neikung. You sell this DVD's illegaly to people on shaolin whanam, taobums, curezone, teahouse 2.0, dragonslist etc. He told me he will eat you alive for pirating he's stuff and copying he's life story telling others its your own.


    Alot of what you write is made up out of thin air, fantasised, read in neikungbooks or blatantly copied from Gary's story. Fair is fair, you do have strong knowledge about neikung by now, pitty you try to scam innocent people with it.


    Now i know you gonna deny all this (like previous 2 times) .. tell me your not Elijah and pretend im a loony.


    I dont care :D I know its you and you know i'm me hehe


    You will abandon Templetao like you abandoned Magia, Magnetic current etc and come back in 2 months under another altcharacter to try to hussle new people for your (Gary's thus) neikungsystem.



    I understand why you wonna make so much mystery out of taiji .. mystery sells $$$


    Still, if you have a qualified master and you practice daily you cannot get any more "spiritual". Taiji is cultivating pure consciousness. A human life isnt enough to cover the depth of taiji.


    Walk the form correctly and it is one giant exercise of neikung. Your circulations will start running and your MCO will open up. Maybe follow a lesson or two and you will be suprised that all info you are trying to sell for hundreds of dollars is allready included in a beginnerslesson of Chentaiji :)

    • Like 2

  5. Taichi leads to being a master of force whether it be physics or internal alchemy.


    I remember when i was 17 Sifu came up to me and asked me to jump up without going down first to just jump up from where I was at(Try it). The secret to this is by relaxing to deepen the space between relaxation to full muscle contraction. When done correctly this can create enough force to send you air bourne.


    Sifu could just jump in the air from his natural standing position with no telegraphed movement beforehand.(it was very hard fighting someone who could do this)


    Now once you were able to jump up with out going down first or telegraphing it you then learned how to land softly. Then you learned how to use the force you got from the ground when you landed to launch your self back in the air very quickly.


    This taught me about wasted motion.


    Now once you could do this you learned how to use this princible to do a springy step to advance on your sparring partner with lighting speed with no telegraphed movement.


    This same theroy was used for fasting hittting and kicking.


    This was the light body technique and it can be used to move faster, jump higher, and hit harder.


    Now with chi you would just relax and circulate your internal power faster and faster while relaxing deeper and deeper until the mooment of contraction and then you would direct your internal power in the way you wanted to move. But the internal was just a push it was not the technique itself it was a booster.


    This was part of the offensive taichi I learned from Sifu.


    Now the spirtual path of taichi was just more than the grand circulation. Which is needed to guide the internal power thru your body.


    The internal power from the spiritual path of taichi is more powerful than the internal power from the martial path.


    When you tap into the orginal life energy and restore the yuan chi that power just by the virtue of connecting to it enahnces you. Jing on the other hand is created by your body and your body's physical status affects your internal power.


    Jing and Yuan chi both cultivate vitality into internal power but jing will never be as powerful as the source power.


    Jing is internal power that comes from the bones.


    Yuan chi is internal power that comes from the dantian. Connecting to this will beam a signal to all organs, nerves, cells, and so on and will charge you up. You cant ever be sick or out of balance once you connect and restore that. from that point on when you do taichi you actually connect to this and it charges you up. The elixer field that is created when you do taichi feeds this power which is intelligent. Your tapping into the inner intelligence of the body and enhancing that power. Thus neikung.


    Jing is an attempt to recover that yuan chi but it will never be as powerful as it for the body is used to create jing. Yuan chi creates snd enhances the body. All the circulations like the mco is just the intrinsic energy pathways that was used in your mothers womb to create your body. Like first your spine was made then your arms, then your head just like in the path of your mco. This is also why your mco flows when you have chi in your ldt. The path of the tao is the path to the origin. When you restore and tap into your yuan chi all these circulations will happen naturally.


    Now that you understand.


    Can you see why just running your mco and having jing is lesser when compared to the spiritual alchemy of taichi?


    May i know wich style of taijiquan you learned from your teacher ? If youre ok with it, maybe your teachers name ? May i know from wich system you learned the powerfull spiritual side of taiji ?

  6. Real taichi?


    Well the way this thread is going id have to say this is mainly focused on fighting and fa jing.


    In that respect if your using taichi as it is taught to main public and going out and trying to fight with it then your going to be in for a big surprise.


    My first taichi teacher actually use to do under ground fighting in his youth. He learned taichi via his grand father at the age of 4. He taught me that taichi is a complete system. To be a real taichi master is to master the fast, the slow, the hard, the soft, the in, the out and so on. To master yin and yang movements and everything in between. To learn the flow and application of force.


    All movement is taichi, taichi just teaches you the best way to move.


    In taichi you learn how to fight from the center without moving, then moving left to right, in a straight line, in a circle and theres even drunken taichi.


    Taichi also has hard forms as well.


    Taichiquan is a complete system if you decide to give your life to a particular system.


    My former sifu would kick my but using taichi and im not just talking about push hands im talking about fighting.


    The internal styles are also known as the subtle styles as well. Even when facing off with an internal practitioner from across the room. Their movement is so sublte that it is hard to judge their distance or anticipate their attacks. This was another lesson i learned.


    Contact reflex is yang non contact reflex is yin real taichi teaches you how to do both.


    Now in real taichi there are 2 paths the martial path and the spiritual path.


    On the martial path you learn things like internal power, fa jing, and so on.


    On the spiritual path you learn the internal alchemy and work on restoring your connection with the tao. The spiritual path is much more powerful than the martial path because it holds a higher internal attainment.


    In Chen taijiquan there are no 2 paths, the only "more powerfull" path is the one where you yourself train longer and harder. Taijiquan is a complete system, the martial and spiritual support eachother like yin and yang. If you have no TE/moral you can have trouble keeping your freshly cultivated martial spirit in balance (same as with xingyi). Insight in bodymechanics and sensitivity developed in training will be very usefull in healing.


    The alchemy/neikung are included in the form and teaching. This is explained in the Chen Family Cannon move by move, its simple and profound. If you practice taiji correctly you WILL develop a strong connection with the tao.

  7. Well I was mostly impressed by the way he was throwing around a guy that looked considerably bigger then himself.


    Usually I don't like just the form or even "push hands" it just seems useless for combat purposes. (However I do understand its health purpose)


    Forms, sequences out of the form and standing (zz) are yust a way of strenght and coordination training. A way to learn how to use whole body power starting from the dantien. Forms are a way to get used to the reeling silk principle wich provides springiness and power. Pushhands is to develop sensitivity to an opponent. Combat is practiced in freestyle pushhands wich can be kinda rough, yust like regular sparring. Video's of fights or sparringsessions are scarse pitty. Here you can see fragments of what Chen taijiquan does.









    This is called Fast Tai Ji at the intermediate level.


    This is called Lao Jia Er lu, the second road or cannonfist of Chen taijiquan, like any other Chen form it can be practised slow (with clear intention to really grasp the movement) aswell as fast. Within the form itself there is also alternation between slow and fast movements. The person in the video is a Chen family member from Chenjiagou. Hope you mean the hight of he's stance when you say intermediate :)


    Here is the uniqueness of the Chen style, please notice that his body wiggles a little. You can tell by the movements of his shirt.


    Still dont quite understand, you cannot really classify Chen taijiquan on a few external features you noticed in a video, much happens within the body.


    The uniqueness of Chen taijiquan is that the force originates from the dantian area wich you coordinate with the rest of the body using the principle of reeling silk (Chan Si Jing). In Chen taijiquan you have alternation between fast and slow movement with sudden explosive bursts of energy (fajin).


    Chan Si Jing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnePBBnt1kc


    Chen Yu the person in the quoted video is yust like Chen Zhiqian very oriented towards use in combat, applications and chinna :)


  8. Silk reeling powah :D


    The Chen's have the goods !


    Edit: Ow i allready answered above question witouth even reading it, nice lol.


    Chen is the root, all other taiji (yang, wu, sun, ..) comes directly or indirectly from Chenjiagou taijiquan :)

  9. Kostas arrogance during this interview is simply amazing. I think john made the right decision ousting these individuals. Even jim mcmillan had many years to come forward and help the people searching mopai on the forums. But he did not. He only come forward when his connection was cut off and was kicked out. If Jim truly wanted to spread mopai he would have done it years before.


    I thought during the past 10 years in hiding Kostas would have come down to earth. Looks like he has only gotten worse. His fake and suprised reaction to sean denty proves that he still visits these forums all the time. The entire interview was complete crap & just a publicity stunt.


    People dont care about stupid pamachon or how fabulous the greek culture is. The only reason people visit is to hear him talk about mopai and john chang.


    Pamachon :lol:


    Are you Sean Denty ? :)