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Posts posted by minkus

  1. Machin Shin, can you please tell who you received the letter from and who asked you to post it ? Or you wanted to post it yourself to clear up a misconception or ?


    Im curieus yes :)


    I ask because onlything the highlighted text brings to me is even more vagueness and mistery.


    Not to mention its quit a punch towards the mentioned Max. Wich Max does the highlighted text targets btw ? Max Christensen from the Kunlun system or any other Max ? Do tell please.


    Regards, Minkus

  2. I have several Chinese friends and acquaintances -- one of them a devout and messianically inclined Christian, another one a yoga-savvy follower of Hinduism, the third one an agnostic, the fourth one -- well, a taoist who rediscovered taoism when a Buddhist sage he went to see in India told him to read the Tao Te Ching... I kid you not!



    How i love this world. So many flavors and colours, smells like a nice potpourri !

  3. The confirmations and morph change with each cultural context. In the spiritual shakers of St. Vincent receive phone numbers - some receive a number that directly dials into God.


    Mostly he's to lazy to pick up and i find voicemail so unpersonal :/

  4. Have you ever seen your sifu crumple an object like you "think" it would happen ?

    And also for those who still are interested in Roman's "pyro" effects - the guy and his team turned out to be a fraud - and the whole video was a setup. They were making good money with little tricks like that and got busted.


    Hey Pacala, can you plz tell me from where you have this information ?


    I believe he is real yes but that believe isnt on firm ground. Havent met em yet so who am i ? Would be a pitty though.


    Still he must of practiced that mantra a bazillion times, even if he is a fraud its really complex what he does with the tones.


    Do you know who or how someone discovered he was fraudulant ?


    Do tell more plz :)


    edit: and the other guy ?




    You know more about him ? The word i could clearly understand was illusionist, is he or does he claim it is a genuine technique he uses with the oobe ?


    Regards, Mike





    Some guy on the forum was saying that this video is fake. So "buyer beware" applies as always. That's why I also said "if you want to believe it". Just thought I should pass that on as well.


    Yust read this edit by goldisheavy about the above video he posted in post 26. Buyer beware sounds appropriate :)

  5. Chen is internal yust as Yang :)


    Yang can be applied martially no probs.


    I can honestly say out of experience that Chenjiagou Chen is a very powerfull and complete system for cultivation. So so deep :)


    Dont know about yang for cultivation out of own experience although im sure yang, wu, chen etc are all efficient for cultivation aslong as the correct principles are applied.


    Regards, keep on training :)

  6. Thank you Stigweard VERY MUCH appreciated!

    Maybe you would be able to expand on these four topics for me. Especially the Fang Jung - sexual cultivation.


    Intresting thread thanx ! Also curieus for what is said on the 4 subjects by Ni Hua Ching as quoted by whitetiger.


    Regards, Mike

  7. I dont know either .. my teacher doesnt get alot of recognition and he's students dont put in alot of effort.


    He explains everything perfectly and you can ask many questions, he's funny and kind ... but still not that much students . The ones he has arent that intrested it seems .. they yust do taiji to relax during the class i think.


    Pitty as my teacher is so advanced in Chen taiji :/ i mean really really really deep .. but the students dont see it LOL ... they dont see the diamond blinking right before there eyes. All they have to do is pick up the beautifull shiney diamond but no.


    I guess most of them dont know because he's so integer .. he never shows off with he's skills, ever.


    He gives he's lessons the traditional way and that means you have to put effort in it, if you dont put effort in .. skip often, dont ever train at home etc .. you will not progress and will not learn and be learned alot of new fancy things.


    Its a pitty, its sad really knowing he's level. I personally seen what he can do, mostly in subtle things .. so doing all in my possibility to follow in he's footsteps :)


    He got 1 extremely dedicated student yeh :D Meeeee

  8. I believe Roman is real yes. Think he can do it at distance also, saw him melt a cup behind a door in another room on a video.


    You need to be strictly vegetarian for a while and refraining from sugar, first saying a mantra for health for a year or longer then starting to practice with the firespirits mantra. (my own opinion is the single glim mantra is diffrent resonances that hit eachother and its an art to get the sounds to melt togheter, roman can do this very well and keeps doing this .. after 1 min i would be exhausted).


    You will need a transference from Roman. Takes a few days to learn the mantra and receive transference. You can learn it with him for hard cash .. 3k or 6k dollar i dunno anymore.


    It needs many repetitions before you can say the mantra correctly and powerfully for long enough to have effect.


    You will need to do revolutions around your own axis daily .. turning circles much like the sufi's.


    Unlike in many neigong schools you dont need to refrain from ejaculation.


    Regards, Mike

  9. Try to put your taijiprinciples in doing the dishes :)


    Agape, when you go from the base of the spine to the head try to make it so that you inhale (slowly, softly) while you do this. On the outhale you can send it back from the head to the belly area and let it circulate further over the ren mai and du mai meridians. Much info on the MCO on this forum and on google :)


    Its one of the essences and base of many practices including internal alchemy and sexual alchemy.


    Cheers !

  10. The enormous amount of energy he channels into the wooden chopstick makes it stronger, like the principle of unbendable arm.


    Push water with great velocity true a hose and it will straight up a bit like the wacky wailing inflatable-arm-flailing tube man.




    The diffrence between the high voltage chopstick and the low voltage table could have something to do with it but who knows that he makes the chopstick completely yin for example and the table completely yang or the other way around. Who knows.


    Also if you think of it then matter isnt solid as we mistakingly perceive it .. its empty. If you see an atom its 95% air as a matter of speech. Maybe he knows or can see something that we dont. We only use a small percentage of our brains and from that small percentage we build up what we see as reality true our senses. On itself that doesnt really sound effective. If you take science in account then you need machinery (microscopes, scanners etc) wich are used to strenghten or magnify our allready misguided senses, how do they ever gonna see whats really happenig ?


    I wouldnt be suprised decades of meditation changed all this somehow in the case of GM Chang.


    Dunno yust guessing to be honest :)