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Posts posted by minkus

  1. Better spending 5 years in studying Chinese than spending 5 years in searching for "master" in the West .

    In fact, 95% of the clue/ keys are recorded in books.


    This is a very wise remark.


    Still a hard choise between Chinese and Tibetan language.

  2. Hey Durkhrod,


    You lost your mind ? I give you a yell when i see it somewhere :)



    Isnt this the first question in Tibetan Buddhism to show the inherent nature of mind wich is emptiness ?


    We build up a whole world, a whole reality around us with our thoughts that are actually empty in nature ? Devastating !


    Try to grasp a thought and you loose it. Try to find its origin and you cannot find it.


    If im supposed to pick a place, a real location where the mind resides, my choise would be the heart.


    I would like to hear your thoughts :)


    Regards, M

  3. Chen is old, really old .. if there is anything in the complete system wich is useless in a reallife situation or is for "show" then its been removed a few hundred years ago.


    The Chentaiji we train is not for in a ring, is not a sport and is aimed at killing or incapacitating an enemy in as short time as possible. I dont wonna sound cruel but this is how it is, its not a ringsport where you score points by touching someone's arm.


    Same with our Pakua and Xinyi lessons.


    I find it ok that not alot if any allready real fights of internal MA are shown on video, the less others know the style the more you have an element of suprise hehe.


    Believe what you want orb, im not trying to convince you actually. Yust saying how i know the internal arts to be. Behind every strange or dumb and often slow movement you see in the internal forms there is a devastating (bonebreaking, tendonripping, organshattering) technique hidden :)


    No nonsense martial arts to be honest.


    Our teacher often tells us taiji is for seniors .. after demonstrating how to brake someone's spine in the blink of an eye. Lotsa humor in he's classes :)


    Regards, Mike

    • Like 1

  4. From the "real martial arts" point of view this forum has been pretty bad already, otherwise it's a great forum.


    Also it's sad for me to see posts like yours submitted by people who obviously never been under a real attack in a real life situation. You can call your videos whatever you want but that's not a real attack and therefore not a real defense response. Go get a reality check sir and snap out of the imaginary world of taoist stories and fairy tales


    IMA forum is more like emptyflower or the chenwired forum orso yeh.


    Also the video you commented on this teacher is really good, pure Chen. If you ever see him fighting an attacker in a real life situation it would be really boring. I guess the fight will last for a full 2 seconds before a spine or neck is broken :)

  5. Im happy that there are people here like Freeform that can explain things in a clear way :)


    Cheers !



    Thanx Santiago for clearing that up. Ill email the Dalai Lama to let him know the chakra that was long lost from Tibet was found in David's trousers. I read you need to be atleast level 20 MoPai before you can even hold it so we better start cultivating quickly.


    Cheers !

  6. I have no experience with Master Juan Li's system, still dreamyoga isnt new and an excellent way to keep cultivating where others would stop :)


    Around one third of our life where sleeping, what a waste of cultivationtime. Luckely we have dreamyoga to be able to cultivate the intermediate state of sleep and dreams.


    Some are really good in bed and sleep half of there life, naturally gifted ! They must be true masters of the bardo's lol.


    On the original topic: belief or not .. its not the endgoal but the way to get there that makes it worth while. So yeh, even witouth a belief in reincarnation one can still harvest the many benefits of spiritual practice !


    On a sidenote: im a believer yep B)

  7. I don't know what to say, I dont follow any specific practice. I do Tai Chi Chuan, and mix it with other stances and breathing practices I have learned. No bad effects as of yet.


    Dont have to do anything, youre free to say what you want. (Within the forum rules cough)


    Cool you do taiji, certainly keep it up :) What style you do ?





    Mjjbecker, last thing i heard about David was that he claimed to have reached the mating of the 2 energies (people can claim alot offcourse) and that he invited Wang Liping to Europe wich at the end didnt happen.


    Do you have any news on he's whereabouts lately ? Im suprised Sean Denty doesnt invade all cultivation related forums anymore to respond to or promote anything foundation-practice related.


    I havent read there forum since it went subscription only, did notice there website was still up.


    Im curieus maybe :)



  8. Ok, i understand where you are comming from, thanx for the quick reply.


    I dont know we should take the direction litteraly though. Energy flows everywhere yes. I think its more like if you wonna work systematically its better to start from a fixed point, wether it is upper or lower doesnt matter aslong as you dont switch to much there's less chance practices will interfere.


    Intresting subject none the less :)



    To Mokona, i dont know about flow but i do know when diffrent kinds of energy (frequency maybe ?) cannot be transmuted quickly enough in the body they can react with eachother creating unpleasant effect, i heard a word called winddisease or energysickness but this can also have other meanings. If you havent encountered this yet, great !


    You mentioned you took several energypractices a day and these didnt gave negative result wich is nice. Still i can guess its possible that if you practice 2 paths with diffrent focus over a longer time that its possible you get negative results as you are influencing your natural energyflow in diffrent ways. Often you dont heal instantly from energyhealing, same way its possible you dont get sick instantly from mixing up practices.


    Im not the one who gonna test it all out though, the body is so precious, its nice of the threadstarter to start with informing himself first.


    Btw, Mokona i dont know the details of youre practice ffcourse so its yust speculation :)


    Regards, Mike

  9. Hiding in plain sight, eh? Got a weak basis there, you know. Living in a glass house throwing stones.


    Yama is the Lord of Death. :rolleyes:


    I bow to lord Yama. He's a protector deity of Tibetan Buddhism, he is wrathfull yes.


    He is the one holding the wheel of life !


    Also yust read somewhere online he stands for all negativity that must be conquered before reaching enlightenment.


    Regards, Mike


  10. Hey Machin Shin, a possibility could be they would be both curieus and proud :)


    Goodnight, m


    Yes, but you missed my point. Verbiage around here has suggested he adopted that name for himself, that was my focus. :)


    Ow yes cudos for elaborating :)

  11. I bow to Lord Yama.


    Yaksa a spiritual state that is the result of quick attainment and following the paths of evil destiny.

    Yaksa are demons and are real people, I had a chance to meet one recently. There was a meth ring that was broken by the police in Albuquerque, and as a result of playing with harmony(liu he ba fa or aikido) I spent a day in the drunk tank. One of the individuals in the drunk tank was a yaksa. He attained power by directly insulting the president of a nation.


    From the Medicine Buddha Sutra,


    " Moreover Manjushri, there are sentient beings who love to quarrel, create schisms and engage in legal disputes. They constantly suffer from hatred and others suffer, creating and increasing all kinds of evil karma with body, speech and mind.

    "They plot against one another without mercy, while invoking the spirits of mountains, forests, trees and tombs.

    "They kill sentient beings and use their flesh and blood to propitiate the Yaksa and Raksasa demons.

    "They may also write down the names and make images of those against whom they harbor grudges, curse them with evil mantras or try to harm or kill them with potions, witchcraft or demons-raised-from-the-dead.

    However, if these victims succeed in hearing the name of the Medicine Buddha, none of these evil practices can harm them."


    A recount of healing

    While in the presence of a teacher revealing to me the mystery of tea, individuals would approach for healings. Some of them the Taoshih could heal while others could not be affected. Such is the power of the Taoist Heavens over mortals.


    Indeed, some lessons of the heart of compassion are difficult.

    Namo Buddha

    Namo Dharma

    Namo Sangha


    Euh ok, Machin Shin the information you bring is intresting, thank you. Still i cant help wonder why you mentioned Max in resemblance to a demonic figure from a certain school ?


    Because of the resemblance in names ? Was curieus where you got this, is your source even correct ? This is the internet he, many people say many things.


    Apology, probably im overacting because so much strange things have been said about Max Christensen on this forum before. Implanting of spiritual parasites, energetic vampirism, etc .. associating these with Max is rediculous.


    Have a good day in any case, Minkus


    An yeh, i bow to Yama and Yamī.

  12. Dont know where people are getting that Max 'uses this name for himself' B)




    In the first paragraph this is mentioned yes.


    Within these traditions, he is known by various names including Lama Ngakpa Dorje (Tibetan), Ching Fung Dao Shr (Chinese Taoist), Sifu Max and others.


    Still im very curieus why the heck people wonna keep call em a demon, spiritual vampire or whatever. And if people wonna call someone that way then im also very curieus wich negative personal encounter someone had with said person that makes them post it on a forum.

  13. Peace,

    I'm known as Maoshan on the Boards, but Also as Sifu Ben Hill Bey, Ba Gua Zhang Instructor.

    Hope to get to know you all as well as Promote Ba Gua.


    Welcome Sifu Ben Hill Bey, an honor having you aboard !