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Posts posted by minkus

  1. Yust in case anyone would wonna try:


    DONT WIRE YOURSELF TO THE ELECTRICITY NET !! You can get electrocuted to death and have lower rebirths for the next 10.000 years.


    Happy weekend :)

  2. Saw a docu of a city in Japan with the most 100+ year olds in the world.


    Besides the nonstressfull enviroment and the very healthy food, a saying goes there: eat till your 80% full.


    This will put your body in somekind of preservation mode. I guess it lowers metabolism, less burning, longer living :)

  3. Hey YouStink,


    I always been a hot tempered person (extreme yang as an acupuncurist would say) big ego included .. easily got in trouble. By doing regular emptiness meditation and following Chen Taiji lessons several times a week i lost most of this temper and developed a more stable and compassionate mind wich keeps relaxed in pressure situations.


    There is no bigger skill i could of asked for.


    I know this isnt the answer you want to hear though. You come here looking for siddhi's but i doubt you will find anyone wanting to testify.


    A person wich would develop one of these, by accident or not, will not tell you about it as they transcended the materialistic mind always looking for more and heavier impulses to satisfy its neverending desire.


    And for simpler effects like of greater health and vitality, what makes you think its really the spiritual at work and not just a more positive outlook and healthier lifestyle???


    The simpler effects you talk about are actually the most powerfull ones. Why would anyone wonna fly or zap people with there eyes when you dont have the time or energy to live a full and healthy life ?


    Kind regards, Mike


    Student of Chen family Taijiquan.

  4. Interesting,in the newspaper he said he's using manetism and gravity.Chang, according to Jim has partial levitation and in a few more years he'll have mastered it altogether.Leedskalin wrote a book detailing his secret but it's all scrambled in parables.


    Yep, anyone can easily find Leedskalnin's books online and are very enjoyable to read :)

  5. If i remember correctly this person is an illusionist and allready detailed how he performed the trick. Its a bend metal bar he is sitting on. He showed this on dutch television. Everytime he does the trick there is atleast 1 piece of clothing or equipment touching the ground, this is where the metal bar is put in the ground where he is sitting on.


    If you like levitation you should check the docu about Edward Leedskalnin's Coral Castle in Florida on youtube or google video. It is said he could lift rocks with he's machine wich produced a sound that inverted polarity of objects.


    Also read about a tibetan music instrument wich is said to have done the same (think somekind of long horn). It needs a lifetime of dedication to be played correctly.


    Edward Leedskalnin said he knew the secret to how the Egyptians build the pyramids. Pitty he died before he ever told anyone he's story :/


    Also i believe it is mentioned somewhere that John Chang is able to levitate but he needs a long time of meditation to gather enough energy for this to happen. Energy that can be better used to heal people.


    I dont know wich of this information is true or not though, people tell alot in books and the internet but if you arent there to witness it, its hard to know the truth :)


    Kind regards, Mike

  6. One time years ago, I was sitting in a movie theater at the end of the aisle, with my arm and hand hanging down relaxed. I began to make really small, barely perceptible spirals with my arm. Within 10 minutes it felt like my entire arm was vibrating with energy. After that, sometimes I would practice this with both arms at the same time while standing. Again these are very small spirals, like less than an inch. In fact, it seems like the smaller you can make them, the stronger the sensation is. Well, I thought this was my personal discovery and never told anyone about it. A few years later when I took Jeff Primack's workshop, I found he was using the spiraling motion too, although not as small spirals. There are probably other forms that use it too...


    In chentaiji this is spiralling energy or reeling silk energy !


    Very powerfull :)


    Good luck.

    • Like 2

  7. Sequence and details of training. I highly doubt that the coin jump is the first thing that is learned. It's probably the culmination of learning other basic movements. That's why I suggest searching youtube for movements that are accessible to you, and a dvd that takes you through step-by-step. Obviously real skills are developed, and bellydancing has a system of training that has been developed over a long, long time. And it's not shrouded in secrecy, mystery, etc, of the spiritual (and internal martial) arts. Just there for anyone to learn.


    Yeh a bit like taiji step by step, my girlfriend knows a good friend and she bellydances. I asked her if she wanted to learn me some basics hehe, hopefully soon :) *pops in the oriental music*

  8. Steve Grey A.K.A. Star Jumper and his cohorts created that fake article.

    Steve has been threatening to post that for a very along time now.


    These people are not what they claim to be


    Steve has done this to other spiritual figures in the past


    His/their Agenda is non Taoist


    Steve deleted all his original post from a year ago of his First Attacks to cover his ass and distance him self from others who might connect His very bad behavior with His supposed teacher Fook Yueng


    Back then he went so far as to kill all links between His Old website and his new one to prevent being found out. Some of us already dug deep and started making phone calls and emails to confirm the validity of his associations -they were fake

    Some of us saved his posts


    there are long time members of this forum who are totally aligned

    with them and feigning neutrality


    There will be new on line names popping up that are involved


    Steve and Co. will now play their same card as always


    Be aware of aware of the energy behind their responses -makes you feel joy?


    And notice that they only respond to sections of this post that they can misconstrue


    I see him very capable of this as i read some of he's posts on he's own forum where he states he's true intent wich is pure slander. In he's own words: "let's stir up some things". I cannot understand why he does this, i really cant ... does he get a kick out of this i dont know.


    I do know that i saw a movie that he posted on the emptyflower forum where he demonstrates he's chen taiji .. think it was laoija. If he's spiritual attainment is on the same level as he's laoija ... darn .


    In 1 word, horrible. Pitty he deleted the account and the movie. In he's place i would do the same out of embarassment. The comments by the EF community on the video didnt lie.


    Its this kind of people that bring alot of confusion towards new people aspiring to venture on the spiritual path wich is sad.


    Edited further.

  9. ZZ is used to integrate/interpenetrate/connect the entire body and/or mind. You may hear a lot about whole body movement, this is practically essential for any internal martial art. I would recommend standing meditation for at least an hour a day for 3 years before training any internal martial art. But even standing meditation requires a qualified teacher. I had someone ask me for adjustments who had been practicing for over a year with no teacher, he had pretty much wasted a year as far as internal martial arts are concerned. Maybe he saw some mental aspects that come along with sheer discipline from his practice, but little more. There was good reason that they taught aspiring students only ZZ for 3 years before teaching anything else. Even master yao (yiquan) would have me stand 3-5 hours a day. Im lazy, but also its ok to tone it down quite a bit the more integrated the body/mind/intention is, i practice ZZ a little over a hour a day now. I have been practicing ZZ for 6 years. Only recently has my current teacher really started to show me much of anything else. But looks like you are on a good path finding interest in ZZ. Its definitely worth the time, i can say that now. Will internal always be that elusive place on the other side of the river? There is no substitute for hard work. You get what you put in. No magic, no shortcuts.


    Great post ! You get what you put in yes.


    Like planting a little seed and giving it water every day it grows and grows slowly till one day it becomes a big oak :)


    As mentioned above you need a teacher for ZZ really, its impossible to correct yourself 100% and chances are big that witouth someone correcting the stance you will generate more problems then the advantages ZZ gives. Small deviation in the beginning will lead to big deviation at the end.


    Good luck !

  10. Compassion? Benevolence? Power? Mellowness? Just ending their breath cycles or something like that? :P


    Often a funny little man with a long (sometimes white) beard and talking gibberish in weird scentences wich often seem unlogically composed. The immortal laughs alot and drinks tea from mountainspring water. When you ask him what he knows about immortality or internal alchemy he will smile quickly and deny he knows anything although when you do one step closer it feels like he's dantien's energy is pushing you back 2 feet.


    When you ask him: Who are you ? He will be slightly confused as he doesnt know who the heck you are talking to.


    When asked how to meditate to become immortal he will answer something in the line of: what is there to meditate upon ? or: You are immortal you yust need to recognise it and stop being reborn the whole time.


    When you ask if he has internal power he will say he hasnt got any as he told before but when he needs a fire to warm a tea he yust looks at the wood and it starts to burn pfff.


    The immortal sleeps often and doesnt apologize when he burps.


    Female immortals are about the same, sometimes worse .. and minus the beard.


    You are free to use this definition anytime :)