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Everything posted by minkus

  1. Burning palm experiment

    I guess it highly depends on what you wonna heal ... or harm
  2. Taoism Steppings

    Extremely nice, thank you for all your effort Mak Tin Si ! Btw, where to start the step in the picture ? From down to up ? Reading closely ! Thanx. For fun i stepped the big dipper many times although i highly doubt its an official step hehe. Yust following the markings of the stars of the big dipper. Stepping the cooking pot. Kind regards, Mike
  3. Sarah Palin of The Tao

    I feel the same marble, Lou and Dow are pretty simple and still so great ! You can talk endlessly about Dow .. you can even try calculate it and try to represent it in a figure whole your life. But as LOU said .. you can talk all you want about Dow .. its still not really Dow you talking about. Dow is so simple yes. There is nothing more natural. I had the same in the beginning on all these fora .. many complex therminology dangling around your head. But after a while you start to understand where they are talking about .. then you say: ow its only that ? been there before yeh, nice ! Enjoy, i like your healthy approach very much Lou and Dow are a keeper hehe.
  4. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    I dont know alot about Starjumper7 or he's practice. I did went to a seminar with Max Christensen and Chris (Mantra) so can tell you about it. Had a great time during the seminar (Max, Chris and Damian are very kind and open to any questions you may have) and most important that it where valuable practices and with real energy ! You can find the method of advertising maybe commercial but the practices on itself are far from commercial. During the sessions after a simple request i received energywork from Max who kindly told me to let go whereafter i felt refined and strong surges of blissfull energy go through my upper and middle dantien. So refreshing and enjoyable but most of all a true blessing. Same as with the energywork Chris (Mantra) did during the transmission .. i could clearly feel the strong radiant energy fill up my inner core. Thank you ! I can only encourage to follow a seminar and to see for yourself, i did and i dont regret .. it was great and my energysystem is still thankfull I dont idolize Max (or anyone else in the world) but respect him alot for what he teaches and can do. I was skeptic at first ... people fear or hesitate with what they dont know. Still i incorporated the kunlun system in my daily routines now. Why ? Because it works ! For the people claiming Max attaches demons to people i doubt they ever saw a demon because otherwise they wouldnt say such bullshit. Probably an inner demon that got expelled instead of attached yeah .. For the people claiming Max cannot do burning palm i can only suggest to get a treatment by him. During the seminar he was demonstrating buring palm, scorpion palm, eagle palm etc etc and at the end we could all go to him to get a small smack on the arm. I did this but it was very busy that moment around Max, i put my arm out and he smacked me gently. Now because of the many people around and the many smacks i put my arm out but noticed he only had about 10 cm distance to smack .. also the angle was a bit off. In any normal case he would not be able to smack me decently but darn .. the impact was there and the energy was there. I wouldnt like to be on the receiving end when he is mad and has more distance and a correct angle I typed this because im so tired of all the (made up out of thin air) crap that is being said about Max and the kunlun system. You must be a man with great patience Chris, i wouldnt be able to keep up with the daily ignorance you have to face. Its obvious that all negativity around the kunlun system comes from people who only know kunlun from the website and this forum. I think 99 % of the people that attended a seminar where very glad they did. Regards, Mike
  5. Amazing Chinese Master

    R.I.P to this great master.
  6. Taiji ~ Death Touch or Healing Hand?

    My teacher told me you need softness to produce power, withouth deep softness you will not reach true power. Practical example in learning fajing you need to be able to relax completely to be able to guide and explode power. Relax completely .. explode, relax completely .. explode etc. When seizing an incomming attack .. a leg or arm for example, you need to be relaxed, focussed and sensitive. My teachers always says: you gotta stroke your enemy gently .. you like him or her, its a friend .. to show the sensitivity needed to seize the opponent. In our school where we practice Chen style there is no distinction between taiji for health and martial use .. we yust practice Chen and this can be of both, everything we learn can be used to hurt or to help. Thats why emphasis on good ethics in Chen is important. A very nice read regarding this subject is: https://www.epsb.net/~jchen/chen_fake.htm
  7. Spontaneous qigong

    lol sorry
  8. Spontaneous qigong

    Yust orderd the course, very curious
  9. Fu healings

    Thanx alot, really intresting read here ! Plz do tell more hehe.
  10. The Tao of Tai Chi

    The video is nice yeh
  11. Spontaneous qigong

    Hey Ya Mu, thanx for the info. This system sounds really intresting. Aswell the skills as the qi emitting to scare animals ! I also read about lunggompa runners in Tibet who become in a trance state by there practice and run immense distance really fast with big leaps while focussing on a star. It was said its not a good idea to stop such a runner, they dont even notice you are there (Magic and mystery in Tibet by Alexandra D. Neel). Its an honor becomming one and takes years of meditation and spiritual practice under a master. Regards, Mike
  12. Spontaneous qigong

    Thanx alot Craig, looks very intresting. I know zi fa gong, free chiflow, its very powerfull certainly over time and great for cleaning up the energetic system and healing yourself. I think i gonna give the course a try. Regards, Mike
  13. Bruce Lee

    I read a quote from Bruce Lee somewhere that always sticked with me "Im not afraid of the man who knows 1000 techniques. Im afraid of the man who knows 1 technique and trained it a 1000 times." Regards
  14. Spontaneous qigong

    Hey craig, can you tell a bit more about the contents, is it several excercises or 1 mainposture or ? Whats Shuichuan Divination ? is the system powerfull, what are the results with you ? Kind regards, a curious Mike
  15. The Prince and The Magician

    Oooh nice story Thankx Pranaman.
  16. Magus of Java

    Thank you for this valuable information. Regards !
  17. Goodevening ladies and gentleman

    Welcome Thijs, always nice to have some new people here. Vriendelijke groeten !
  18. Taoist Chain

    The grand ultimate supreme, no extremedies. We use Tai Chi to deflect off our enemy ! FrT2GBJMM-U
  19. So what have I missed?

    You missed the pictures of these very nice relics http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?showtopic=7245
  20. Ayuhasca?

    nice article thanx
  21. Ayuhasca?

    Carefull with the vine of spirits, besides that its very strong its also hard to brew in small quantity. Besides the 2 main ingredients theres about a dozen of extra plants you can add to change the effect. Having someone around with experience is preferable. Cheers !