Spirit Ape

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Everything posted by Spirit Ape

  1. Who is trained in Micro Cosmic Orbit?

    Trunk, Nice site and thanks for the link, what do you think twindling does for you, I did it and felt heat coming through my hands and like hot air going around them wrapping it up in cotton (way kool). Ape
  2. Who is trained in Micro Cosmic Orbit?

    Thanks for the replies! I was also taught that once the Dan Tian is full the orbit will move by itself and no need for imagining or intent to move it, i was told that you shouldnt use any intent for it just let it run naturally or it will happen naturally once the Dan Tian is full. Comments? Ape
  3. Who is trained in Micro Cosmic Orbit?

    Thanks, Im not after a teacher just information and seeing what people have got from it. Do you know of any good books on the subject? Ape

    Is the 5 centres a standing or seated med or both?
  5. HIV immunity and Kunlun Nei Gung

    You can always get a Fu like Uncle Mak!!!
  6. the seven precious metals

  7. Where can you get a full copy of the Yin Xian Fa and Ling Bao Bi Fa in english or chinese? Ape
  8. Golden Flower Meditation help!

    Best meditation is stillness "Emptiness" or Void all will manifest from that no need for the hype of Golden Flower! PLus, if you quieten down enough and be silent and still you will find your ownself no need for guru or teacher on this important path! Just need to understand a few things before you do it, how to breath is most important....
  9. HIV immunity and Kunlun Nei Gung

    I work in emergency department and let me say Kunlun will not cure H.I.V if it cant even cure obesity or weight issues how the f@ck will it cure AIDS? Half the Kunlun people i have seen on this forum are over weight and been doing it for 1 yr how come it hasnt helped in a basic weightloss or even mental issues? Grrrr
  10. Magnetic Qi Kung

    Thanks, did you use the ThunderBalls? Ape
  11. Magnetic Qi Kung

    I see TV adds regarding healing magnets for beds and car seat covers to help with arthrtis and circulation I dont know if it works but interested in seeing if anyone has used this guys program. Ape
  12. salt baths

    Salt Water is good for many things, best to sun bath in the sea, as long as the water is clean, its part of my everyday training for my systems Iron Body skills! all the best Ape
  13. Magnetic Qi Kung

    Anyone recently tried the Magnetic Qi Kung course or use magnets in there training that ddnt see this thread already? What side of the magnet would be most powerful the positive to the Lao Gong or the negative? Ape
  14. mo pai n kunlun

    The thing is you dont have to know any Qi Kung to recieve the energy it works wthout thought!
  15. mo pai n kunlun

    We as humans recieve energy from universe (heavens) coming downwards and upwards (earth) at all times but for some reason Kunlun is a mysterious downward path?! GRRRR
  16. mo pai n kunlun

    5elemental, Sorry you are completely wrong about MO PAI and stop trying to mix your crap with what YOU believe is correct! Ape
  17. Superstition or B.S

    Mantra's. prayers, do you believe it really works? Ape LOL similar???
  18. Superstition or B.S

    The reason I put these up cause many people on this forum seem to believe in daoist mantras and prayers and do buddhist chants etc hoping to get possibly something back from it. There is many christians also here!
  19. Why Are Western Daoists so Gullible?

    Hi, You talking to me? Ape
  20. Leaving, Soon As I Came

    Only one bunch of people here circle jerk and thats the Kunlun bunch! The rest is pretty cool....
  21. Why Are Western Daoists so Gullible?

    Cause the westerner wants to think they are chinese wearing the robes and B.S all image!!!
  22. XXXXXXX school of Daoism

    Okayyyyyyy!!!!!! I bow to no one but my own self, we are all gods!!!
  23. XXXXXXX school of Daoism

    No its not humble and im sorry it hurts your feelings but I will call a spade a spade bro, and YES im very much real! Im sure MAX is a nice guy and all, BUT.....
  24. Doing Kunlun with intent - contradiction?

    Maybe its this type of thing MAX thinks? Hahhaha Maybe its this type of thing MAX thinks? Hahhaha
  25. XXXXXXX school of Daoism

    Jennys art is good and real she has level 1,2,3 spontaneous, point the way, and waterfall but she also has a second half that I was told she hasnt taught out. That was sometime ago maybe she has taught that other part out? But Max himself is not real IMHO, just a scam artist with some knowledge on certain things! Ape