Spirit Ape

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Everything posted by Spirit Ape

  1. Spirit Fighting Martial Arts Los Angeles Classes

    Ok, Ill bite! What do you mean Dynamic Meditation? Ape
  2. Edit

    Thunderson, What seminar did you take with David? Ape
  3. Cordyceps

    Good to have in fish dishes, helps with sexual energy I believe the mountain Yaks eat them and I think are big in Tibet?! Dont quote me on that... Ape
  4. Burning Palm System

    Hello, I have been asked if Max Burning Palm is like mine, i dont know i was told max has 9 standing meds (static) i have 18 meds moving and static that builds upon each other. Just wanted to post this incase you are wondering, who is better I dont care I just know that its an incrediable system if someone is serously after a complete internal iron palm / healing / self realization system. regards Ape
  5. Burning Palm System

    Seth, PM me mate? Ape
  6. calm new age instrumental music to relax

    My good friend and student also makes awesome meditation and training music cds, I may get him to put something up later if he is up to it. Ape Thanks for posting...
  7. Burning Palm System

    Funny you mention that I have a student of Yang Mian, learning this, due to what I know of YM this will definetly blow torch your Steel body and hand training. I also have Iron Body system that I teach on top of the Burning Palm! Hows your Base power? Regards Ape
  8. Live Chat

    How do you get on the Chat room?>
  9. Burning Palm System

    Thanks mate, ill post some more clips later like a trailer if I get better organized! regards Ape
  10. Burning Palm System

    I havent discussed the full system Smile, I dont want to come across like some others Yes there is a no touch method with In my own Burning Palm system but the no touch method leaves a mark but that basically meant that you will die. I have not attain that level yet, will I Im not sure, I can leave a palm print like Max and I can leave someone really hurt and black, I have also used Burning Palm to heal where you lay your palm/s on the person and your energy finds there problems similar to reiki method. The No Touch method I dont want to say its real cause I havent done it, would be amazing to have I know that It was tested on animals and criminals back in the old days. My purpose is to not let my Burning Palm system die I have been given something special and was told it was time to show it. The health and healing is awesome and the art is a complete DaoYin /Nei Gung type art mixed with some hardcore Iron Palm type work, uses nature to draw energy, has mudras, but I want to show that its a complete healthy system not just hurting. cheers Ape The hitting bags is to help you develop your striking skills, in case you go toe to toe, I wouldnt be relying on hoping I can leave a mark on someone even if I had that skill. So this BP has striking of bags and other awsome devices to condition you as a fighter and release force for both healing and hurting.
  11. What you think of Witchcraft?

    I think anything works if your Mind power is strong and your body awarness inner and outer energies and how to connect with nature. That being said yeah I have nothing against them its all alchemey and meditations of some sort. ape
  12. Burning Palm System

    You dont have to give up sex but excess is maybe not so good! Enjoy life bro.... If you are overheating just stop and bring the energy back to the dan tian. Plus this art uses water element which may help that over heating, which ive never had so Im not sure where you getting your information, i know there is a Fire Palm system that brings alot of heat and herbs are used counter it. Ape
  13. Burning Palm System

    Baguakid, Thanks for the questions, its not dangerous at all to your health the only part I could see some damage if you was striking the special bags stupidly and not using Dit Dar Jau (medicine). But the Meds and theory of meditation is very simple and realistic which brings the results. It does require for you to get up around sunrise and use nature to help absorb its energies which for me is my way of lifestyle I love to see the sunrise and feel the 1st energy that comes from night Yin and receiving Sun Yang but there is much more to it. More time the better and more often better but once a day for about 1hr in the beginning would be fantastic results but its very addictive cause of the energy feeling and how you work and understand nature. Who wouldnt want a better teacher then Mother Earth (nature herself)? Hope that was of any help! Ape
  14. Burning Palm System

    Hi Rodgej, Yes, its BFP from GMDW he has been a good friend of mine for a long time now, and has allowed me to teach out his Familys system. I specialize in many things from him and still learning, but the healing meds are seperate as well the Ging meds, thats why there will be a series as they all build upon each other. GMDW has shared with me much information stuff Ive never even knew about which I feel very lucky and honoured to receive. Thanks, I know that what im putting out is extremely rare and is totally effective as well to him a family secret. Ape
  15. Burning Palm System

    It will be a series of Dvds not 18 level or seperate DVDS, as there is striking and meds, healing meds so this Dvd will be the foundation but has many of the keys for the Burning Palm system to rebalance and strengthen the body. This DVD will have 1 Internal form, seated meditation, visualization, special breathing patterns, and the form has 3 layers of development to learn how to release power and use for fighting, makes use of the elemental energies. Plus more! regards Ape
  16. Burning Palm System

    Hi Hup Gerk, Hey brother, thanks for the kind words and you know what I think Smile is working off what LAMA MAX shows as his imprint palm or burning palm skills. Sorry Smile no can do with the Demo, what im teaching on DVD is the fighting skills, health and energy cultivation methods. When I saw what happened to my best friend and student (hup gerk) I was kind of worried cause it wasnt normal and he was in alot of pain. I was told if done with full intent there is no cure, I didnt also realize I could do that much damage with the power of softness. My wife was so angry at me cause HupGerk was staying with me for a few weeks to study it and I kind of beat him up day 1. I dont know if we took a pic of it or not, but I was very worried for the whole night and the stay of my mate after it went black. Imprint palm has nothing to do with Dim Mak or points either but that can be added if need be. Can I do what I did again I dont know, can I strike hard using softness very well, im not interested in hitting people to see if it works I know it works I didnt expect it to cause that much injury from such a basic strike. Hup Gerk is my representitive in Europe and people can reach him to learn this also! Anyway sorry smile you feel im just talking it up, I believe you dont understand my Burning Palm system and maybe thinking its like Max lama guys?! Regards Ape P.S To leave a red palm print on skin (back, arms) is not a true skill and anyone can do that without any type of training.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGmQyefUNug God Damn!!!
  18. Burning Palm System

    Im looking at around september or October for the Book and DVD to be released ill keep this thread alive from time to time to keep you all updated! Spirit Ape
  19. Yin/Yang Questions.

    There is no Yin Yang, there is only One, be still, listen and find your true inner being that is how! Ape
  20. Burning Palm System

    Bindo, Thankyou, Ive done better demo's but anyway cheers for the nice words I may later do some fighting technique etc. Ape
  21. Burning Palm System

    Hi Guys, A couple of people have contacted me via email but for some reason my email wont let me send anything back, please contact me via Private message so I can return any messages or answers to questions. kind regards Ape
  22. I agree Scotty, do your training at the times is best for you depending on a few things, like working with Nature sunrise / sunset, moons, and other elemental forces to help purify and awaken the energy within. But if you cant do full lotus dont get too depressed and feel you wont achieve anything. Lotus isnt always good for you! Something is better then nothing right!!! Ape
  23. Burning Palm System

    Hey, Nope, wont be 100, you will end up with some pocket money that is for sure but looking at maybe 60-70 for the book and DVD as package. regards Ape
  24. Only in the good old U.S of A

    I would go there for the NURSES BABY YEAH!!!! OH BEHAVE....
  25. Burning Palm System

    Agree, what do you consider a good price for a book and dvd package? It maybe put on Lulu my wife is doing the editing and all that stuff im I am not too good on that I just train my Kung Fu. Ape