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Posts posted by mewtwo

  1. So I find normalcy over-rated, to me the world would be a much better place if we let people be who they are and not force them into a mold. That being said, do you do anything that is "against the norm" on purpose to gauge people reactions?



    Like for instance, I live around about 2 miles away from my parents in town. So they asked me if i would spend the night and be there the next day so i could sign for some furniture when it arrived.

    I did but while the people who were moving in the furniture i was watching my little pony with three pony plushies sitting on the couch watch too. when they were done I asked them if they thought this was weird and they said "We've seen weirder but this is up there"


    Anywho what do you guys do? stories?


    Domo Arigato MR Roboto.


    Hola mewtwo. Sorry, at first I thought you must have meant this thread as less than serious since discussing tao is kind of like discussing what the dimensions of infinity are. After re-reading your post, now I am not so sure. Either way, what is the significance of "The tao is 6 pounds of flax seed in a 5 pound bag"?



    to answer your question, if aslan and mufasa had tea what kind of tea do they each have?

  3. Does taoism have a mantra? don't know, but does it really matter? if all is tao wouldn't moo moo moo be a good mantra?


    Cant seem to find it but there is a story about a man who sees a monk meditating and wishs to be like him but the man is to simple to memorize any matra and such. So the monk askes the man what he knows and the man says he knows cows. So the monk gives the man the mantra moo to say everyday when tending to the cows. After some time the man reaches enlightenment.

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