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Posts posted by mewtwo

  1. 3 times, and one is hilarious; My first one.


    I was on probation, only on the job for maybe 8 months. I was temporarily assigned to Hollywood Detectives for a short time on the probationary 'wheel'. At that time, in 1969, women were still wearing uniforms of skirts and heels. (Well, shirts too!)

    There were about 4 of us detectives trying to serve a felony warrant for robbery. All the guys drew their guns as we approached the house. I drew mine too, only it was in my purse and had a holster on it. Instead of taking it out of the holster, instead I just held the gun with the gun still holstered and pointed at the house. I guess I was too scared, too new - and I was afraid to unholster the damn gun!


    The men in my company cracked up and were relentless on me for weeks. They made up a story about how the suspect was shot with a 38 caliber holster, etc, etc. (which he wasn't, he wasn't even home).



    Another time my partner and I were arresting a rapist who was hiding in his underwear behind the clothes in his closet; all I could see was his white underwear, so that's where I pointed the gun to make the arrest.


    The third time was, again at Hollywood Division, my female partner and I were looking for a suspect who was believed to be living in the old Houdini Estates in the Hollywood Hills. The current owner of the estate saw us way in the distance coming up his driveway, and for some reason he thought it was a fine idea to unleash his two dobermans to run us down. We stood our ground and drew down on the doggies - they were so well trained that they nipped at our legs, but didn't bite. We didn't have to shoot, but it was close. It put a run in my nylons, that's how close his teeth got.



    CT - Not in a million years would I have suspected that you have such a background!! What an incredible journey you and I have both taken to wind up in this place....



    your a woman? i thought women didnt come on the internet? lol seriously though I always thought you were a guy. Im oblivious to alot of things lol




    Thats the thing I see videos on youtube of guys like saying i carry 3 knives with me at all times for self defence. and Im thinking to myself why carry something you are probably never going to use?

  2. I carried for 15 years as well, never had to use it. Pulled it out a few times is all.


    I don't know about the security guard situation we're talking about here, but my experiences with security guards in California (while i was a member of LAPD) is that most of these folks, with few exceptions, are qualified to get into a big chingazo involving a gun. There's more involved than just knowing how to pull the trigger. One who has been trained in military or police work knows that there's an entire attitude that needs to accompany the carrying of a firearm, if one is in a position of authority.


    One must be able to assess a situation immediately. One must have gone through training involving hostages, different situations involving other innocent civilians being in the immediate area - over and over - one must really know the law and know when firing the weapon is appropriate.


    The security guards, as the OP said, are more often than not merely there to observe and report.


    If one is in the position of being armed, though, and in a position of authority, then firing the weapon is always the last resort, when all else has been expended (theoretically!) This would seem to me to not be against the Dao - the shooting is done with reluctance, in a sense. Reluctance because the last thing in the world he wants to do is take another's life, no matter how heinous the crime. But to protect himself and other innocent bystanders, certainly it would be justified and understood.


    Where I live in Ohio, every other backwoods person around is carrying a firearm. It just makes one feel great knowing that your very life is contingent on the mental health of the toothless fellow dressed in camo standing behind you in line....



    Mind if I ask what happened when you pulled your gun out? can you share the stories?

  3. If someone's going to be a security guard they'll have to have a thick skin, be good at reading situtations and people and always expect the unexpected. Read stuff by peope who have been there and done that and have lived to tell the tale (Peyton Quinn, Rory Miller, Marc 'Animal' McYoung, Geoff Thompson etc.).


    Also they'll have to be prepared for a variety of situations. There's that maxim that goes something like - people don't rise to the ocassion but sink to the level of their training.



    Are you a security guard?

  4. If one is employed as a security guard for a store, basically all they do is observe and report. your not even allowed to touch anyone, all you can do is ask them to leave and such. If the situation arises where the security guard is in danger he is told to get away and call the police. But for a dollar more per hour pay he can become licensed to carry a gun or baton. He is still told to get away if at all possible and only use the weapons if there is no alternative. hypothetically speaking this store is in a safe neighborhood the people leave there cars unlocked when shopping and such.


    Would you carry a weapon? Would carrying a weapon be keeping the peaceful warrior mentality? how would you keep the peaceful warrior mentality when a fellow security guard might be talking about the new gun he bought and his knife collection?


    "Kung fu is not meant to create war but make peace" jackie chan as Mr han in karate kid 2010

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  5. So depending on what mood I am in I have a different name. If I am in need of an alias i use the name Jaime. If I am in a I love computers and am talking with computer people I go by "the internaut". If i am in a kung fu throw out computer and tech mood my name is "observer sage brush" I also use this name if I am conversing with bronies and the like.


    I have had real world people call me these names, the only drawback was i had a relative call me internaut and they could not remember it. Also the title isn't well known. It was very funny my relative couldn't remember internaut so i was like call me princess and he was like no, I then was like lol it would be really weird if a dude who is 50 called a dude who is 25 princess to people.


    Do you guys have any names?

  6. So me and my friends were talking and they don't think I am a mature and responsible adult. They did not say it in a condescending way but more of a your you way. I at first wanted to be mature then I thought why, I am happy the way I am. So would people say that your not mature and responsible? not in a bill or chore way but more in the way you act?



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  7. would it be possible to get a philosophy subsection where all that would be discussed is philosophy and the like. Any type of philosophy from weather pinkie pie is a Taoist master to weather one has free will? I want a section where that stuff can be discussed without all the talk of chi and prana and the like. thanks

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