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Posts posted by mewtwo

  1. Hi all I just felt like telling you how I am doing. I have found a Chan Buddhist monastery in California that I will hopefullly be attending. I practice my tai chi and xingyi quan daily also meditate and have found a Feng Shui that works for me. I am finaly starting to acompilish my goals.


    I have made a promise to yubel to grow up and become an adult from a child. 5 points to anyone who can guess what tv show that came form.


    Now if my monastery idea does not work out hopefully it will, does anyone know of like a place where you live and work in the same place, IE work for 8 hours then go upstairs to your house, have comunal meals together. Stuff like that? thanks for all your guyses help.


    ps the wisest man in the world has more questions than answers. wilson wilson

  2. How do you tell if a feng shui consultant actualy know feng shui or has just read some books and are doing it by the seat of there pants? Take me for example I could say i know feng shui but all i have ever done was read and memorize books on the subject all from the same school but I have never been to a formal class, so in my thinking if I have not been to a formal class I cant say I know feng shui.

  3. Hi it has seemed that i have posted this before but does anyone know of places close to south dakota that teach taoism and other eatstern things, or anywhere in the uinited states? I will need to do it in person no over the internet. I am trying to learn and one of my dreams is to go to china and live in a taoist monastery there. I get sever anxiety attacks and I am goling through one right now. I just dont know what to do I mean I am 18 and am searching for this stuff it just seems like there is nothing around me. I mean I go to my local borders and half the stuff on taoism is just different translations of the tao teh jing, and another one fourth is different i chings. The rest of the books there I have read.



    Any help would be greatlyt appreciated.

  4. Thanks, I have read the sites and did some more reaserch on my own, One more question does one need to do the sexual alchemy cause I am not that into sex I consider myself to be celabide(sp)? Cause from what I have read that is the main type of alchemy correct me if I am wrong. So if I seek self cultivation does one have to do the sexual alchemy? thanks once again.

  5. Hi I was wondering where do you guys learn all this stuff like internal alchemy and stuff like that? Do you take classes? If so does anyone know of any through the internet, cause I live in a small town that barly has anything in it like this stuff, We only have 1 person who teaches chigong and only like 1 person who teaches tai chi and he only does it every now and then.


    Does anyone know how to get in contact with some onsteries in china? As that is one of the few places there are taoist monasateries, I asked about that in my other post but no one seemed to answer. Thanks for al your help.


    PS, sorry if I sound wierd but I am having a hard time right now.

  6. Thanks,


    Plan b does anyone know of any in spanish speaking places?

    Plan c does anyone know of any in japan?

    And finaly plan d does anyone know of any phone numbers to any in china?


    Thanks Any info is appreciated.

  7. I recently bought some yin tang necklaces off of ebay, and they are different colors ie one is pink/purple the other is blue/orange, they have one that is the traditional black/white. But my question about these is do the different colors meen anything or are they just decorative?