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Posts posted by mewtwo

  1. I am looking to start reading the world religions sacred texts. So far i have read the Tao Te Ching and that is all. The books I wana get are as follows.


    The Bible Christanity

    Koran muslum

    Sutras Buddhism


    Anyone else know of the holy texts for the other major religions of the world?

  2. Hi I am in need of some simple meditation about 5 should do they need to be non religious. What I am trying to do is get a group of people together to meditate who may have never meditated before and I need some meditations for this. I am going to be doing this in a school like setting called job corps thus the reason for the non-religious meditations. Thanks.


    PS here is the link for job corps if anyone is in trested in finding out more about it.


  3. So first thing has anyone heard that steven seagal the actor is a tulku.



    This is a funny mad tv skit about the tv show kung fu.






    Now is where I would like your help. Right now I am trying to do some pyrokinesis and I have yet to actually light stuff on fire. My practice goes as follows.


    I imagine a fire in my stomache and when I breath in the fire gets bigger and when I breath out the fire goes through my body and to my hand after some time I imagine my hand as a hot coal. While doing this I say a mantra that sounds like EEEEEEEEEEE. I have been abile to warm my boddy up to the point where I was sweating, I have only done this for about 5 minutes at a time. So what do you guys think, any suggestions would be much aperciated.





  4. I can find very little on the actual diagnosis of asp. or autism. There must be a fine line between a shy, withdrawn child and a mild case. Lack of social skills and empathy, taking things literally and so on are indicators but many people exhibit those to some degree.


    I am interested in how someone comes to be confirmed as having one of these conditions. In particular I am thinking about how altered consciousness could look like these conditions. For instance extreme introversion could well be a feature of someone living as a hermit or undergoing some levels of cultivation. Literalness could arise when altered conscious from meditative techniques changes how you see everyday situations. As the 'social' world is all about conventions and protocols for behavior then doing away with these could be a stage in spiritual growth. It is possible that people with these conditions are viewing the world from heightened/altered states - that it is not really a disease at all. Perhaps its simply that they somehow become stuck in one place and loose the flexibilty to adapt to what everyone else expects.


    What do you think?







    That is a very interesting idea. I really like that idea.


    As for diagnosis this is more for an IEP Individualized Eduaction Plan there are these series of tests that they give you they are called the W.I.A.T. test.


    I am not sure but I think they give you a test related to the DSM I could be wrong on that one though.

  5. So I was wondering what the concencus on aliens was here, like do you guys think they exist?


    Has this video been posted here before?



    Also what are the eastern religions views on aliens?