
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by mewtwo

  1. So I am going in for a kidney biopsy nothing serious at all the docs just want to find out why there is extra protein in my urine. but i thought this would be a good time to write a death poem thingy. Here i go Asante sana! Squash banana! We we nugu, Mi mi apana! LOL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do you think when rainbow dash dies she will perform the jalus from tibetan buddhism? i mean she is rainbow colored. Not trying to offened anyone just spreading the crazy wisdom around, after all i am a diaper wearing lion.
  2. my zen/tao death poem thing?

    everything went ok did not need any sedatives or such.
  3. my zen/tao death poem thing?

    Anypony else?
  4. solipsism?

    what is taoism and buddhism and your oppinion on solipsism?
  5. solipsism?

    anypony else wana comment on what taoism and buddhism think of solipsism?
  6. I am posting this in response to having the ponies thread moved. I understood the tao bums as to have a we dont care what you post as long as you dont post mean things against people. Has this changed? thoughts? Cause from where i come from ponies or lion king or a good zen talk achieve the same result. I am hopefully posting this thread in a centered manner. Thanks
  7. autistic hug machine?

    So anyone on here try one or know someone that has? I am curious as to how this is similar to meditation and such? Have i asked this before i feel like i have?
  8. autistic hug machine?

    what form of autism? have you tried teaching him something like tai chi? I find that helps me with stimulus overloads.
  9. ...

    bumpity bumpity bump?
  10. ...

    please explain this thing you call death? To understand that we all die is to conquer death. edit had to include harry potter.
  11. So how do you defeat you enemies of craving pride jealousy sloth greed ignorance?
  12. lol i have an aunt that believes harry potter is devil worship, but what ponies has taught me is that i should love and tolerate her so that she can be the best person she can be.
  13. Latest MLP Episode

    fine fine i will remove the retracters from your eyes. Cant wait till season four of the show.
  14. Latest MLP Episode

    in the episode a dog and pony show you can see sun tzu in action. One of the ponies keeps her wits about her and knows the enemy and herself. She outsmarts her would be thieves and captors. In the intro for the first episode you see a yin yang.
  15. Latest MLP Episode

    That is the song this day aria. one of the best songs in my oppinion. But my little pony friendship is magic is a tv show about a pony that learns about friendship. it has a large following of adult males of 20 to 50 in age range.
  16. Latest MLP Episode

    ok i am fine with whatever you guys do. but to me this is crazy wisdom, in explaing the tao and such.
  17. Latest MLP Episode

    watch the first two episodes and compare them to Joseph Campbell hero journey. And remember it is written for 5 year old girls.
  18. Latest MLP Episode

    MLP is so tao, lol. Plus with something this epic has to be posted on the show that is.
  19. Latest MLP Episode

    who says its not part of the tao? I see alot of tao in it.
  20. ok then how do you do battle with them? do you even need to do battle with them?
  21. there is no god, all truth is in non-dual. see past form that this world is illusion, what does it matter what happens when we die. if it is an all subjecting imprisoning god as in the christian traditions. That is fine. or a glob of oneness as in others. that too is fine. this world is perfect as is, all this "religious" stuff gets in the way just abide in non-dual and understand that all is just all. Thoughts?
  22. So what are your theories on how they do magic? What do twilight sparkle and the other unicorns do? chi? microcosmic orbit? yoga? needles? Lets really define a practice for them.
  23. zen master

    found this surfing deviant art
  24. there is no god but thats ok.

    Experience what is this? Believe what is this? I know that these things exist and they are Me. here is an example of a divinely inspired piece of work. Edit cause steins gate has chosen.